— with Muzaffar Makkawi and 48 others.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Foundation for the Islâmic Awakening
Shaykh Muhammad Nâsir ud-Dîn al-Albânî [1]
[Q]: What are the foundations that will enable the Islaamic world to arise again anew?
[A]: That which I believe, is what has been reported in the authentic hadeeth - which is a clear answer to this question, and to those questions similar to it which are asked in our present time - and that is the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam's saying: "When you deal in 'eenah (a transaction involving usury), take hold of the tails of cows, become content with agriculture and abandon jihaad in the path of Allaah, then Allaah will permit your humiliation and He will not remove it from you, until you return to your Religion."2 Thus the foundation is to return to Islaam.
This very fact has been pointed out by Imaam Maalik (d.179H), rahimahullaah, in a statement transmitted from him, which is worthy of being written in gold ink: and that is his saying: "Whosoever introduces into Islaam an innovation, and holds it to be something good, has indeed alleged that Muharnrnad sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam has betrayed his message. Read the saying of Allaah - the Most Blessed - the Most High:
"This day I have perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you and I have chosen for you Islaam as your religion." [Soorah al-Maa'idah 5:3].
So that which was not part of the religion at that time, cannot be part of the religion today. And the last part of this Ummah cannot be rectified, except by that which rectified its first part."3
The last sentence is the essential part with regards to the answer to this question, since he said: "And the last part of this Ummah cannot be rectified, except by that which rectified its first part." So, just as the affair of the Arabs in jaahillyyah (pre-Islaamic ignorance) was not rectified, except by the advent of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam via Divine Revelation - which brought them happiness in this world and will bring them salvation in the Hereafter - then likewise, re-establishing a happy and successful Islaamic life cannot be based upon anything other than returning to the Qur'aan and the Sunnah (the Prophetic guidance).
However, this matter is in need of some clarification, due to the presence of a multitude of Islaamic groups and parties in our midst today, each of them claiming to have set out the correct manhaj (methodology) which will bring about the Islaamic society and the rule of Islaam.
We know from the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of Allaah's Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam that the path to be taken in order to realise this objective (of bringing about the Islaamic society and the rule of Islaam) is a single path, and that is the one which Allaah - the Mighty and Majestic - mentions in His saying:
"Indeed this is My Straight Path, so follow it, and do not follow other paths that will separate you from His Path." [Soorah al-An'aam 6:152].
And Allaah's Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam explained this to his Companions, since: One day he drew a straight line for them on the ground and then drew many short lines on both sides of it. He then recited the previous aayah (verse) whilst he was moving his noble finger over the straight line, and he said: "This is Allaah 's Path." He then pointed to the other lines and said: "These are other paths, and at the head of each one their is a devil calling towards it."4
Our Lord - the Mighty and Majestic - emphasised in another aayah this very same point which was mentioned in the previous aayah; along with the explanation of Allaah's Messenger sallullaahu 'alayhi wa sallam in the hadeeth. Allaah - the Most High - said:
"And whosoever opposes the Messenger, even after the guidance has been clearly conveyed to him, and follows a path other than that of the Believers, we shall leave him in the path he has chosen and land him in Hell, what an evil destination." [Soorah an-Nisaa 4:115].
This aayah (verse) contains a great wisdom, since He - the Most Perfect - placed the path of the Believers in conjunction with that which the Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam brought. And the fine point of this wisdom was also indicated by the Allaah's Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam in the hadeeth of al-lftiraaq (the
authentic narration concerning the splitting-up of this Ummah into seventy-three sects), when he was asked about the Saved-Sect, so he replied: "It is that which I and my Companions are upon today."5
So what is the wisdom in Allaah - the Mighty and Majestic - mentioning the path of the Believers in the previous aayah' And what is the underlying point of Allaah's Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam mentioning his Companions straight after mentioning himself, in the previous hadeeth?
The answer to this is: that these noble Companions are the very people who received the two Revelations (the Qur'aan and the Sunnah) from Allaah's Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, who explained it to them directly - without an intermediary - and this is contrary to all those who came after them. And there is no doubt that the affair is as Allaah's Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said: "Indeed, the one present sees that which the absent one does not."6 This is why the eemaan (faith) of the Companions was greater than those who came after them, and this is what has been clearly indicated by the Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam in the authentic hadeeth: "The best of mankind is my generation, then those who follow them, then those who follow them."7 Therefore, it is not possible for any Muslim to independently understand the Book and the Sunnah. Rather one must seek aid in understanding them by returning to the understanding of the noble Companions, who took their understanding from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam; via his statements, his actions and his tacit approvals.
Thus, along with calling to the Book and the Sunnah, it is absolutely essential to attach to this the understanding and the practice of the Salafus-Saalih (the Pious Predecessors: the first three generations of Muslims whose excellence has been testified to in the above hadeeth); acting upon the preceding verses and hadeeth, which order clinging to the path of the Believers, which has been explained to be the path upon which the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, his Companions and those who followed them in beliefs and actions, were upon.
And here, a very important question arises, which many of the Islaamic groups and parties neglect; and that is: How does one obtain knowledge of the understanding and the practical application of the Sunnah that the Companions adhered to?
The answer to this is: that there is no way in obtaining this knowledge, except by returning to 'ilmul-hadeeth (the knowledge of hadeeth); 'ilm mustalahul-hadeeth (the science of hadeeth) and the science of al-jarh wat-ta'deel (the science of verifying the condition of the narrators) - applying its principles and its terms such that the Scholars are able to distinguish that which is authentic from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, from that which is not.
So in ending the answer to the question, we say in the the dearest possible manner, to those who desire to bring back to Islaam its honour, strength, supremacy and rule, that you must actualise two matters:
Firstly: to bring back to the minds of the Muslims the knowledge of the Sharee'ah (Laws) of Islaam; purified from all the innovations that have entered into it, which was not part of it on the day when Allaah - the Most Blessed, the Most High - revealed His saying:
"This day I have perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you and I have chosen for you Islaam as your religion." [Soorah al-Maa'idah 5:3].
Accomplishing this matter requires a huge and tremendous effort on the part of the Muslim Scholars in all parts of the world.
Secondly: It is a must that this purified knowledge is coupled with constant and steadfast action.
Thus, the day the Muslims return to understanding their religion as the Companions of Allaah's Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam understood it; and then act upon this purified Islaam in the correct manner, in all aspects of life, then that will be the day that the Muslims will rejoice at the help of Allaah and His victory. So this is what I am able to write in this short time. I ask Allaah that He grants us and all the Muslims the correct understanding of Islaam - in light of the Book, the authentic Sunnah (guidance) of His Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam and that which the Salafus-Saalih (Pious Predecessors) were upon - and that He grants us the ability to act in accordance with it. Indeed Allaah is the One who hears and responds.
1. Taken from al-Asaalah magazine (11/84-87).
2. Saheeh: Related by Abu Daawood (no.3462) and al-Bayhaqee in as-Sunanul-Kubraa (5/316), from 'Abdullaah ibn 'Umar radiallaahu 'anhu. It was authenticated by Ibn Taymiyyah in Majmoo'ul-Fataawaa (29/30).
3. Related by al-Qaadee 'Iyaadh in ash-Shifaa (2/676).
4. Hasan: Related by Ahmad (1/435) and an-Nasaa'ee (7/49), from Ibn Mas'ood radiallaahu 'anhu. It was authenticated by al-Albaanee in Dhilaalul-Jannah fee Takhreejis-Sunnah (no.16).
5. Hasan: Related by at-Tirmidhee (no.2796) and al-Haakim (1/128), from 'Abdullaah ibn 'Amr ibn al-'Aas radiallaahu 'anhu. It was authenticated by al-Haafidh al-'lraaqee in Takhreejul-lhyaa (3/199).
6. Saheeh: Related by lbn Sa'd in at-Tabaqaat (2/176),from 'Alee radiallaahu 'anhu. It was authenticated by al-ALbaanee in Saheehul-Jaami' (no.1641).
7. Related by al-Bukhaaee (5/199) and Muslim (7/184), from Ibn Mas'ood radiallaahu 'anhu.
Shaykh Muhammad Nâsir ud-Dîn al-Albânî [1]
[Q]: What are the foundations that will enable the Islaamic world to arise again anew?
[A]: That which I believe, is what has been reported in the authentic hadeeth - which is a clear answer to this question, and to those questions similar to it which are asked in our present time - and that is the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam's saying: "When you deal in 'eenah (a transaction involving usury), take hold of the tails of cows, become content with agriculture and abandon jihaad in the path of Allaah, then Allaah will permit your humiliation and He will not remove it from you, until you return to your Religion."2 Thus the foundation is to return to Islaam.
This very fact has been pointed out by Imaam Maalik (d.179H), rahimahullaah, in a statement transmitted from him, which is worthy of being written in gold ink: and that is his saying: "Whosoever introduces into Islaam an innovation, and holds it to be something good, has indeed alleged that Muharnrnad sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam has betrayed his message. Read the saying of Allaah - the Most Blessed - the Most High:
"This day I have perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you and I have chosen for you Islaam as your religion." [Soorah al-Maa'idah 5:3].
So that which was not part of the religion at that time, cannot be part of the religion today. And the last part of this Ummah cannot be rectified, except by that which rectified its first part."3
The last sentence is the essential part with regards to the answer to this question, since he said: "And the last part of this Ummah cannot be rectified, except by that which rectified its first part." So, just as the affair of the Arabs in jaahillyyah (pre-Islaamic ignorance) was not rectified, except by the advent of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam via Divine Revelation - which brought them happiness in this world and will bring them salvation in the Hereafter - then likewise, re-establishing a happy and successful Islaamic life cannot be based upon anything other than returning to the Qur'aan and the Sunnah (the Prophetic guidance).
However, this matter is in need of some clarification, due to the presence of a multitude of Islaamic groups and parties in our midst today, each of them claiming to have set out the correct manhaj (methodology) which will bring about the Islaamic society and the rule of Islaam.
We know from the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of Allaah's Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam that the path to be taken in order to realise this objective (of bringing about the Islaamic society and the rule of Islaam) is a single path, and that is the one which Allaah - the Mighty and Majestic - mentions in His saying:
"Indeed this is My Straight Path, so follow it, and do not follow other paths that will separate you from His Path." [Soorah al-An'aam 6:152].
And Allaah's Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam explained this to his Companions, since: One day he drew a straight line for them on the ground and then drew many short lines on both sides of it. He then recited the previous aayah (verse) whilst he was moving his noble finger over the straight line, and he said: "This is Allaah 's Path." He then pointed to the other lines and said: "These are other paths, and at the head of each one their is a devil calling towards it."4
Our Lord - the Mighty and Majestic - emphasised in another aayah this very same point which was mentioned in the previous aayah; along with the explanation of Allaah's Messenger sallullaahu 'alayhi wa sallam in the hadeeth. Allaah - the Most High - said:
"And whosoever opposes the Messenger, even after the guidance has been clearly conveyed to him, and follows a path other than that of the Believers, we shall leave him in the path he has chosen and land him in Hell, what an evil destination." [Soorah an-Nisaa 4:115].
This aayah (verse) contains a great wisdom, since He - the Most Perfect - placed the path of the Believers in conjunction with that which the Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam brought. And the fine point of this wisdom was also indicated by the Allaah's Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam in the hadeeth of al-lftiraaq (the
authentic narration concerning the splitting-up of this Ummah into seventy-three sects), when he was asked about the Saved-Sect, so he replied: "It is that which I and my Companions are upon today."5
So what is the wisdom in Allaah - the Mighty and Majestic - mentioning the path of the Believers in the previous aayah' And what is the underlying point of Allaah's Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam mentioning his Companions straight after mentioning himself, in the previous hadeeth?
The answer to this is: that these noble Companions are the very people who received the two Revelations (the Qur'aan and the Sunnah) from Allaah's Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, who explained it to them directly - without an intermediary - and this is contrary to all those who came after them. And there is no doubt that the affair is as Allaah's Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said: "Indeed, the one present sees that which the absent one does not."6 This is why the eemaan (faith) of the Companions was greater than those who came after them, and this is what has been clearly indicated by the Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam in the authentic hadeeth: "The best of mankind is my generation, then those who follow them, then those who follow them."7 Therefore, it is not possible for any Muslim to independently understand the Book and the Sunnah. Rather one must seek aid in understanding them by returning to the understanding of the noble Companions, who took their understanding from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam; via his statements, his actions and his tacit approvals.
Thus, along with calling to the Book and the Sunnah, it is absolutely essential to attach to this the understanding and the practice of the Salafus-Saalih (the Pious Predecessors: the first three generations of Muslims whose excellence has been testified to in the above hadeeth); acting upon the preceding verses and hadeeth, which order clinging to the path of the Believers, which has been explained to be the path upon which the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, his Companions and those who followed them in beliefs and actions, were upon.
And here, a very important question arises, which many of the Islaamic groups and parties neglect; and that is: How does one obtain knowledge of the understanding and the practical application of the Sunnah that the Companions adhered to?
The answer to this is: that there is no way in obtaining this knowledge, except by returning to 'ilmul-hadeeth (the knowledge of hadeeth); 'ilm mustalahul-hadeeth (the science of hadeeth) and the science of al-jarh wat-ta'deel (the science of verifying the condition of the narrators) - applying its principles and its terms such that the Scholars are able to distinguish that which is authentic from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, from that which is not.
So in ending the answer to the question, we say in the the dearest possible manner, to those who desire to bring back to Islaam its honour, strength, supremacy and rule, that you must actualise two matters:
Firstly: to bring back to the minds of the Muslims the knowledge of the Sharee'ah (Laws) of Islaam; purified from all the innovations that have entered into it, which was not part of it on the day when Allaah - the Most Blessed, the Most High - revealed His saying:
"This day I have perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you and I have chosen for you Islaam as your religion." [Soorah al-Maa'idah 5:3].
Accomplishing this matter requires a huge and tremendous effort on the part of the Muslim Scholars in all parts of the world.
Secondly: It is a must that this purified knowledge is coupled with constant and steadfast action.
Thus, the day the Muslims return to understanding their religion as the Companions of Allaah's Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam understood it; and then act upon this purified Islaam in the correct manner, in all aspects of life, then that will be the day that the Muslims will rejoice at the help of Allaah and His victory. So this is what I am able to write in this short time. I ask Allaah that He grants us and all the Muslims the correct understanding of Islaam - in light of the Book, the authentic Sunnah (guidance) of His Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam and that which the Salafus-Saalih (Pious Predecessors) were upon - and that He grants us the ability to act in accordance with it. Indeed Allaah is the One who hears and responds.
1. Taken from al-Asaalah magazine (11/84-87).
2. Saheeh: Related by Abu Daawood (no.3462) and al-Bayhaqee in as-Sunanul-Kubraa (5/316), from 'Abdullaah ibn 'Umar radiallaahu 'anhu. It was authenticated by Ibn Taymiyyah in Majmoo'ul-Fataawaa (29/30).
3. Related by al-Qaadee 'Iyaadh in ash-Shifaa (2/676).
4. Hasan: Related by Ahmad (1/435) and an-Nasaa'ee (7/49), from Ibn Mas'ood radiallaahu 'anhu. It was authenticated by al-Albaanee in Dhilaalul-Jannah fee Takhreejis-Sunnah (no.16).
5. Hasan: Related by at-Tirmidhee (no.2796) and al-Haakim (1/128), from 'Abdullaah ibn 'Amr ibn al-'Aas radiallaahu 'anhu. It was authenticated by al-Haafidh al-'lraaqee in Takhreejul-lhyaa (3/199).
6. Saheeh: Related by lbn Sa'd in at-Tabaqaat (2/176),from 'Alee radiallaahu 'anhu. It was authenticated by al-ALbaanee in Saheehul-Jaami' (no.1641).
7. Related by al-Bukhaaee (5/199) and Muslim (7/184), from Ibn Mas'ood radiallaahu 'anhu.
The Shahaadah and Its Importance
Shaykh Saleh al-Fouzan
Summarized from a treatise done by Dr. Saleh Al-Fouzan
Adopted from HUDAA Magazine, published by Masjid Al-Istiqaamah
- Definitely there could be no greater and more important a statement than 'Laa ilaaha illa Allah' (there is no deity worthy of worship but Allah).
- It is the statement of declaration of belief in the Tawheed of Allah which is the dividing line between Imaan and kufr - It was the call of all of the previous Messengers and Prophets.
- Allah (T) Himself attested to the importance of this statement in the Quraan:
He (T) said: "...and know that Laa ilaaha ill Allah (that there is no deity worthy of worship but Allah)..." [47:19, 20:8, 3:18, 59:22-3]
As long as this statement is an obligation for an unbeliever to declare in order for him to become a Muslim, and also, since a person who pronounces it faithfully his property and life are safeguarded in this world, it becomes an obligation upon any Muslim who wants to understand the Deen of Islaam to realize its meaning, merits, principles, conditions and its place in life.
- Remembering Allah (Dhikr Allah) is one of the most important commandments of Allah. This He Himself commanded in many verses of the Quraan, especially after the performance of important religious obligations:
"...Then when you leave Arafat, remember Allah (by glorfying and praising Him) at the Mash`ar il-Haraam. And remember Allah (by invokingAllah for all good) as He has guided you..." [2:198]
"Then when you have accomplished your 'Manasik' (all the rights of Hajj); remember Allah as you remember your father with a strong remembrance..." [2:200]
He (T) also said:
"...and establish prayers for My remembrance." [20:14]
The best way to remember Allah is described to us in the Hadeeth of the Messenger (S), he said:
"...and the best (supplication) I and the other prophets who were sent who were sent before me proclaimed was: There is no deity worthy of worship but Allah, He is Alone and has no partner. To Him belongs the Ownership (of everything), and to Him belongs all Praise, and He has total power over all things." [Laa ilaaha ill Allah, wah.dahu laa shareeka lahu, lahul mulku wa lahul h.amdu wa huwa `alaa kulli shay'in Qadeer.] At-Tirmidhi
The Messenger of Allah (S) also said: "The best remembrance of Allah is to say 'laa ilaaha ill Allah' (there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah)."
All of the above points highlight the importance of this 'kalima' which we will try to explain in some more detail so that a clearer understanding of it can be achieved.
- It is pronounced daily by him in:
(a) The call to prayer.
(b) At the beginning of their prayers
(c) During Tashahud.
(d) During times of 'Dhikr', which is before and after prayers, in the
late evening and also in the early mornings.
(e) With this 'Kalima' did Allah send all His Messengers.
(f) About it and its obligations will people be questioned
(g) To establish it when the swords of Muslims are drawn for Jihaad.
(h) The first question in the grave will be about this 'Kalima'.
(i) It is the key to Al-Jannah.
(j) It is what the Muslims are commanded to invite to as is estbalished in the Hadeeth of Muadh when he was sent to Yemen to call the people to Islaam. The Messenger of Allah (S) said: "You are going to encounter with a people of the Book, so let the first thing you call them to is the proclamation of 'laa ilaaha ill Allah' (there is no deity worthy of worship but Allah)..." [Bukhari]
Abu Sa`eed al-Khudri said, that the Messenger of Allah (S) said:
"Moses (AS) said: O Lord! Teach me something that I can remember You with and I can supplicate You with. He (T) said: Say 'Laa ilaaha ill Allah', O Musaa. He (Musaa) said: All of your servants say this. He (T) said: If the seven Heavens and those who dwell in them other than Me and the seven Earths are put into one pan (of the scale) and 'Laa ilaaha ill Allaah' is put into the other; 'Laa ilaaha ill Allah' would be heavier." [Ibn Hibbaan and Haakim]
The Messenger of Allah (S) said:
"The best Dhikr (remembrance) is 'Laa ilaaha ill Allah' (There is no deity worthy of worship but Allah)..."
The Messenger of Allah (S) said:
"A person from my Ummah will be summoned in the presence of all creatures on the Day of Judgement. Ninety-nine records (of his deeds) would be unfolded, each extending as far as the range of the vision can stretch, then he would be asked: 'Do you deny any of these deeds?' He will reply: 'No, My Lord.' He will be asked: 'Do you have any excuse or any good deed?' The man who will be scared will say: 'No' It will be said to him: 'Yes you have some good deeds. No iniquity will befall you.'
A card wll then be shown to him, on it will be written: 'Laa ilaaha ill Allah, Muhammad Rasool Allah.' He will say: 'O Allah! What cards and records are these.' It will be said to him: 'No injustice shall befall you.' The (ninety-nine) records will then be placed in one pan of the scale and the card on the other. The card will then outweigh the records." [At-Tirmidhi and Al-Haakim]
All of These Merits of the 'Kalimah' Are Summarized by Ibn Rajab As Follows:
- Al-Jannah is its reward.
- Uttering it before death will cause one to be admitted to the Jannah.
- It is a refuge from the Fire of Hell.
- It is a cause for a Muslim to be forgiven.
- It is the best of good deeds.
- It wipes out sins.
- It traverses all bariers in order to be accepted by Allah, the Almighty
- It is a statement whose pronouncer will be accepted by Allah.
- It is the best proclamation ever uttered by the Prophets.
- It is the best celebration of His praises.
- It is the best of deeds and it multiplies into many good deeds.
- It is a protection against Satan.
- It is a safety from the darkness and the punishment of the graves and from the Day of Resurrection.
- The eight doors of Paradise will be accessible to its pronuncer.
- People who pronounce it will certain come out of the Fire of Hell, even after they have been cast into it for falling short of observing its obligations.
The Effects of Laa ilahah ilallaah
This kalimah (word) Laa ilaha ilallaah (that none has the right to be worshipped except Allaah), if it said with truthfulness and sincerity from the heart, and acted upon in that which it necessitates - outwardly and inwardly - then its effect will indeed be praiseworthy upon both the individual and the society.
From the most important of its effects are:-
1) Uniting the word of the Muslims: This will result in strengthening the Muslims and assisting them in defeating their enemies - as long as they continue to follow and practise the same single religion, and as long as they adhere to the same single 'aqeedah (belief). Allaah - the Most High - said:
"And hold fast to the rope of Allaah and do not be divided." [3:103]
" It is He Who has strengthened you with His help and with the Believers, and moreover, He has put love and affection between their hearts. If you were to spend all that is in the earth, then never could you have united their hearts, but Allaah has united them. Indeed He is the all-Mighty, the all-Wise." [8:62-63]
And differing in matters of 'aqeedah (beliefs) is the cause for splitting, disunity and hostility, as Allaah - the Most High - said:
" Indeed those who split-up their religion and become sects, you have no part with them in the least." [6:159]
" But people have cut-off their affair of unity between them and have become sects, each party rejoicing in that which is with itself. " [23:53]
So people cannot truly be united except upon the correct concept of eemaan (faith) and the correct 'aqeedah of Tawheed, which are both direct implications of Laa ilaha ilallaah. One need only consider the conditions of the Arabs before and after Islaam.
2) Prevalence of safety and peace in a unified society, which believes in and abides by Laa ilaha ilallaah. Since the individuals in such a society will take care in doing only that which Allaah has made halaal (lawful) and abandoning that which Allaah has made haraam (unlawful) - acting in accordance with what the 'aqeedah necessitates upon them. So this will prevent people from enmity, oppression and injustice, whilst directing them towards co-operation, love and deep brotherhood for the sake of Allaah, acting upon His - the Most High's saying - :
" Indeed the Believers are but brothers." [49:10]
This is clearly reflected in the life of the Arabs before and after believing in Laa ilaha ilallaah. Before Islaam, they lived in hostility and insecurity, constantly fighting and killing each other. However, when they embraced Islaam all this changed, and the same people lived with each other in peace and an atmosphere of love and brotherhood prevailed, as Allaah - the Most High - said:
"Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah, and those who are with him are strong and mighty against the unbelievers and merciful and kind amongst each other." [48:29]
" And remember the favour of Allaah upon you; for you were enemies and He joined your hearts in love, so that by His grace you became brothers " [3:103]
3) Achievement of happiness, attainment of the khilaafah (succesion of power and authority) in the earth, maintaining purity of the religion and being steadfast?ness against the onslaught of false beliefs and foreign ideologies. Allaah said:
" Allaah has promised to those among you who truly have eemaan (true faith and belief) and act in obedience to Allaah and His Messennger, that he will grant them rulership upon the earth, just as He granted it to those before them, and that He will establish their Religion for them and grant them the authority to practice their religion which He chose and ordered them with. And He will certainly change their situation to one of security, after their fear. Providing that they worship and obey Me, not associating anything else in worship with Me. Then, whoever rejects this favour by disobedience to their Lord - then they are the rebellious transgressors." [24:55]
So Allaah - the Most Perfect - has made achievement of these lofty goals conditional upon worshipping and obeying Him not associating any partners with Him. And this is the true meaning of Laa ilaha ilallaah.
Shaykh Saleh al-Fouzan
Summarized from a treatise done by Dr. Saleh Al-Fouzan
Adopted from HUDAA Magazine, published by Masjid Al-Istiqaamah
- Definitely there could be no greater and more important a statement than 'Laa ilaaha illa Allah' (there is no deity worthy of worship but Allah).
- It is the statement of declaration of belief in the Tawheed of Allah which is the dividing line between Imaan and kufr - It was the call of all of the previous Messengers and Prophets.
- Allah (T) Himself attested to the importance of this statement in the Quraan:
He (T) said: "...and know that Laa ilaaha ill Allah (that there is no deity worthy of worship but Allah)..." [47:19, 20:8, 3:18, 59:22-3]
As long as this statement is an obligation for an unbeliever to declare in order for him to become a Muslim, and also, since a person who pronounces it faithfully his property and life are safeguarded in this world, it becomes an obligation upon any Muslim who wants to understand the Deen of Islaam to realize its meaning, merits, principles, conditions and its place in life.
- Remembering Allah (Dhikr Allah) is one of the most important commandments of Allah. This He Himself commanded in many verses of the Quraan, especially after the performance of important religious obligations:
"...Then when you leave Arafat, remember Allah (by glorfying and praising Him) at the Mash`ar il-Haraam. And remember Allah (by invokingAllah for all good) as He has guided you..." [2:198]
"Then when you have accomplished your 'Manasik' (all the rights of Hajj); remember Allah as you remember your father with a strong remembrance..." [2:200]
He (T) also said:
"...and establish prayers for My remembrance." [20:14]
The best way to remember Allah is described to us in the Hadeeth of the Messenger (S), he said:
"...and the best (supplication) I and the other prophets who were sent who were sent before me proclaimed was: There is no deity worthy of worship but Allah, He is Alone and has no partner. To Him belongs the Ownership (of everything), and to Him belongs all Praise, and He has total power over all things." [Laa ilaaha ill Allah, wah.dahu laa shareeka lahu, lahul mulku wa lahul h.amdu wa huwa `alaa kulli shay'in Qadeer.] At-Tirmidhi
The Messenger of Allah (S) also said: "The best remembrance of Allah is to say 'laa ilaaha ill Allah' (there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah)."
All of the above points highlight the importance of this 'kalima' which we will try to explain in some more detail so that a clearer understanding of it can be achieved.
- It is pronounced daily by him in:
(a) The call to prayer.
(b) At the beginning of their prayers
(c) During Tashahud.
(d) During times of 'Dhikr', which is before and after prayers, in the
late evening and also in the early mornings.
(e) With this 'Kalima' did Allah send all His Messengers.
(f) About it and its obligations will people be questioned
(g) To establish it when the swords of Muslims are drawn for Jihaad.
(h) The first question in the grave will be about this 'Kalima'.
(i) It is the key to Al-Jannah.
(j) It is what the Muslims are commanded to invite to as is estbalished in the Hadeeth of Muadh when he was sent to Yemen to call the people to Islaam. The Messenger of Allah (S) said: "You are going to encounter with a people of the Book, so let the first thing you call them to is the proclamation of 'laa ilaaha ill Allah' (there is no deity worthy of worship but Allah)..." [Bukhari]
Abu Sa`eed al-Khudri said, that the Messenger of Allah (S) said:
"Moses (AS) said: O Lord! Teach me something that I can remember You with and I can supplicate You with. He (T) said: Say 'Laa ilaaha ill Allah', O Musaa. He (Musaa) said: All of your servants say this. He (T) said: If the seven Heavens and those who dwell in them other than Me and the seven Earths are put into one pan (of the scale) and 'Laa ilaaha ill Allaah' is put into the other; 'Laa ilaaha ill Allah' would be heavier." [Ibn Hibbaan and Haakim]
The Messenger of Allah (S) said:
"The best Dhikr (remembrance) is 'Laa ilaaha ill Allah' (There is no deity worthy of worship but Allah)..."
The Messenger of Allah (S) said:
"A person from my Ummah will be summoned in the presence of all creatures on the Day of Judgement. Ninety-nine records (of his deeds) would be unfolded, each extending as far as the range of the vision can stretch, then he would be asked: 'Do you deny any of these deeds?' He will reply: 'No, My Lord.' He will be asked: 'Do you have any excuse or any good deed?' The man who will be scared will say: 'No' It will be said to him: 'Yes you have some good deeds. No iniquity will befall you.'
A card wll then be shown to him, on it will be written: 'Laa ilaaha ill Allah, Muhammad Rasool Allah.' He will say: 'O Allah! What cards and records are these.' It will be said to him: 'No injustice shall befall you.' The (ninety-nine) records will then be placed in one pan of the scale and the card on the other. The card will then outweigh the records." [At-Tirmidhi and Al-Haakim]
All of These Merits of the 'Kalimah' Are Summarized by Ibn Rajab As Follows:
- Al-Jannah is its reward.
- Uttering it before death will cause one to be admitted to the Jannah.
- It is a refuge from the Fire of Hell.
- It is a cause for a Muslim to be forgiven.
- It is the best of good deeds.
- It wipes out sins.
- It traverses all bariers in order to be accepted by Allah, the Almighty
- It is a statement whose pronouncer will be accepted by Allah.
- It is the best proclamation ever uttered by the Prophets.
- It is the best celebration of His praises.
- It is the best of deeds and it multiplies into many good deeds.
- It is a protection against Satan.
- It is a safety from the darkness and the punishment of the graves and from the Day of Resurrection.
- The eight doors of Paradise will be accessible to its pronuncer.
- People who pronounce it will certain come out of the Fire of Hell, even after they have been cast into it for falling short of observing its obligations.
The Effects of Laa ilahah ilallaah
This kalimah (word) Laa ilaha ilallaah (that none has the right to be worshipped except Allaah), if it said with truthfulness and sincerity from the heart, and acted upon in that which it necessitates - outwardly and inwardly - then its effect will indeed be praiseworthy upon both the individual and the society.
From the most important of its effects are:-
1) Uniting the word of the Muslims: This will result in strengthening the Muslims and assisting them in defeating their enemies - as long as they continue to follow and practise the same single religion, and as long as they adhere to the same single 'aqeedah (belief). Allaah - the Most High - said:
"And hold fast to the rope of Allaah and do not be divided." [3:103]
" It is He Who has strengthened you with His help and with the Believers, and moreover, He has put love and affection between their hearts. If you were to spend all that is in the earth, then never could you have united their hearts, but Allaah has united them. Indeed He is the all-Mighty, the all-Wise." [8:62-63]
And differing in matters of 'aqeedah (beliefs) is the cause for splitting, disunity and hostility, as Allaah - the Most High - said:
" Indeed those who split-up their religion and become sects, you have no part with them in the least." [6:159]
" But people have cut-off their affair of unity between them and have become sects, each party rejoicing in that which is with itself. " [23:53]
So people cannot truly be united except upon the correct concept of eemaan (faith) and the correct 'aqeedah of Tawheed, which are both direct implications of Laa ilaha ilallaah. One need only consider the conditions of the Arabs before and after Islaam.
2) Prevalence of safety and peace in a unified society, which believes in and abides by Laa ilaha ilallaah. Since the individuals in such a society will take care in doing only that which Allaah has made halaal (lawful) and abandoning that which Allaah has made haraam (unlawful) - acting in accordance with what the 'aqeedah necessitates upon them. So this will prevent people from enmity, oppression and injustice, whilst directing them towards co-operation, love and deep brotherhood for the sake of Allaah, acting upon His - the Most High's saying - :
" Indeed the Believers are but brothers." [49:10]
This is clearly reflected in the life of the Arabs before and after believing in Laa ilaha ilallaah. Before Islaam, they lived in hostility and insecurity, constantly fighting and killing each other. However, when they embraced Islaam all this changed, and the same people lived with each other in peace and an atmosphere of love and brotherhood prevailed, as Allaah - the Most High - said:
"Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah, and those who are with him are strong and mighty against the unbelievers and merciful and kind amongst each other." [48:29]
" And remember the favour of Allaah upon you; for you were enemies and He joined your hearts in love, so that by His grace you became brothers " [3:103]
3) Achievement of happiness, attainment of the khilaafah (succesion of power and authority) in the earth, maintaining purity of the religion and being steadfast?ness against the onslaught of false beliefs and foreign ideologies. Allaah said:
" Allaah has promised to those among you who truly have eemaan (true faith and belief) and act in obedience to Allaah and His Messennger, that he will grant them rulership upon the earth, just as He granted it to those before them, and that He will establish their Religion for them and grant them the authority to practice their religion which He chose and ordered them with. And He will certainly change their situation to one of security, after their fear. Providing that they worship and obey Me, not associating anything else in worship with Me. Then, whoever rejects this favour by disobedience to their Lord - then they are the rebellious transgressors." [24:55]
So Allaah - the Most Perfect - has made achievement of these lofty goals conditional upon worshipping and obeying Him not associating any partners with Him. And this is the true meaning of Laa ilaha ilallaah.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Calling to Islam - the duty of every Muslim
Calling to Islam - the duty of every Muslim
While all the messengers appointed by Allaah were charged by Him with the responsibility to disseminate the revealed guidance with which they were entrusted, their respective nations too, were called upon to share in the fulfilment of Allaah’s orders. Allaah reminds us in the Holy Quran with (what means): “And [mention, O Muhammad], when Allaah took a covenant from those who were given the Scripture, [saying]: 'You must make it clear [i.e., explain it] to the people and not conceal it.'…” [Quran: 3:187]
The position of the Muslim Ummah (nation), in this respect, is clear in the Quran, where Allaah states (what means): “You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong…” [Quran: 3:110]
Thus, Allaah Almighty has honoured this Muslim Ummah by appointing it to share in the noble cause of its Prophet by inviting people to follow the straight path. The Quran further stresses (what means): “The believing men and believing women are allies of one another. They enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong…” [Quran: 9:71] while: “The hypocrite men and hypocrite women are of one another. They enjoin what is wrong and forbid what is right…” [Quran: 9:71]
Hence, the truth emerges clearly that to enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong constitutes a fundamental difference between a believer and a hypocrite, who pretends to be a believer when he is quite the reverse. Consequently, all members of the Muslim Ummah, men and women alike, are individually responsible to further the cause of Islam with the zeal, determination and sense of sacrifice of the Prophet and his companions .
That the Companions did their utmost, individually and collectively, to convey the light of Islam to all people, even outside the Arabian Peninsula, is demonstrated by the lengthy and dangerous journeys they took, reaching the Atlantic Ocean in the west and the Great Wall of China in the East. Countless distinguished companions breathed their last in faraway and foreign lands preaching Islam, for which their sacrifices knew no bounds.
At this point some commonplace misconceptions ought to be cleared. To call all peoples of the world to Allaah is the duty of every responsible and conscientious Muslim. Since there is no priesthood in Islam or sacerdotal class among Muslims, the duty of the call to Allaah cannot be transferred to an ill-conceived and imaginary group called the 'men of religion.' In Islam everyone is a man of religion and every man will be accountable to Allaah as to whether he fulfilled his obligations sincerely and to the best of his abilities or not. The following verse of the Quran should be very enlightening in this respect; Allaah says (what means): “Say: 'This is my way; I invite to Allaah with insight, I and those who follow me. And exalted is Allaah; and I am not of those who associate others with Him.'” [Quran: 12:108]
Thus, anyone who rightly claims to be a follower of the Prophet cannot evade his duty to call people to Allaah.
The following prophetic traditions amply elucidate this point: “Let those who witness inform those who are absent.” [Al-Bukhaari] The word 'witness' here is taken to mean anyone who possesses some Islamic knowledge. The Prophet is also reported to have said: “Preach on my behalf, even with just one verse (i.e. verse of the Quran).”
Therefore, one need not be a profound scholar or a great jurist to call others to Islam. No doubt a person well-versed in Islamic sciences would be able to speak more authoritatively and would be in a position to explain matters of religion to the minutest details. However, a high level of scholarship is not a prerequisite to call others to Islam. Everyone’s effort has a definite gap to fill. A Muslim scholar will address his counterpart with a refined style and scholarly content, while a Muslim layman will have to reason with his equals in practical terms, each having a role complementary to the others.
Every individual of the Muslim Ummah is obliged to be actively engaged in whatever way he can to guide people to the right path and support, morally as well as materially, those who labour to discharge this responsibility. A common misconception that found appeal even among earlier Muslim generations and which still lingers on to this day stems from failure to comprehend the meaning of the following Quranic verse in the proper context (which means): “O you who have believed! Upon you is [responsibility for] yourselves. Those who have gone astray will not harm you when you have been guided...” [Quran: 5:105]
In all honesty and fairness, the above verse does not connote, by any stretch of imagination, that a so-called pious or saintly person may absolve himself of the responsibility to call mankind to truth simply by thinking that evil would not knock at his door, on account of his being pure and peaceful. Regardless of how pious one may appear to be, he can never equal the Prophet or excel his companions in their moral perfection, sincerity of worship and religious devotion.
None of the Prophet's companions ever dreamt of resigning from the noble task of inviting the nations of the east and the west to eternal bliss and salvation offered by Allaah through Islam. It was precisely to correct this wrong notion about the aforementioned verse that Abu Bakr issued the following warning: “O people! Indeed you read this exalted verse and put it in a place other than its own. Whereas I heard the Apostle of Allaah saying: "Indeed, if people see a cruel person and they do not restrain him, Allaah may punish all of them."”
The Ansaar (inhabitants of Madeenah who welcomed the Muslim immigrants) had gone through great material sacrifices in support of the Islamic cause. When Allaah granted victory to the Muslims after their long struggles against the polytheists and they conquered Makkah, some of the Ansaar felt satisfied. Now that Allaah had bestowed His favour upon the believers and had crowned their noble efforts with a glorious and decisive victory over their opponents, they thought it justified for themselves to return to their much neglected trades and palm groves. Thereupon, Allaah the Most High, revealed the following verse (which means): “…And do not throw [yourselves] with your [own] hands into destruction…” [Quran 2:195]
Which clearly meant that a believer would be exposed to the gravest danger if he were to abandon the struggle in the way of Allaah and confine himself to routine Islamic duties such as Salaat (prayer), Sawm (fasting), Zakaat (alms-giving), and the like. Abu Ayyoob Al-Ansaari was among the distinguished Companions. According to some sources, he was one hundred and ten (110) years old when he participated in the first Muslim siege of Constantinople (Istanbul) where he died a martyr. Considering his old age, his younger friends would sometimes recommend him to rest for a while, to which he would reply: “Are you telling me to throw myself into destruction?”
Author: By: Dr. Taalib Alb
While all the messengers appointed by Allaah were charged by Him with the responsibility to disseminate the revealed guidance with which they were entrusted, their respective nations too, were called upon to share in the fulfilment of Allaah’s orders. Allaah reminds us in the Holy Quran with (what means): “And [mention, O Muhammad], when Allaah took a covenant from those who were given the Scripture, [saying]: 'You must make it clear [i.e., explain it] to the people and not conceal it.'…” [Quran: 3:187]
The position of the Muslim Ummah (nation), in this respect, is clear in the Quran, where Allaah states (what means): “You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong…” [Quran: 3:110]
Thus, Allaah Almighty has honoured this Muslim Ummah by appointing it to share in the noble cause of its Prophet by inviting people to follow the straight path. The Quran further stresses (what means): “The believing men and believing women are allies of one another. They enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong…” [Quran: 9:71] while: “The hypocrite men and hypocrite women are of one another. They enjoin what is wrong and forbid what is right…” [Quran: 9:71]
Hence, the truth emerges clearly that to enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong constitutes a fundamental difference between a believer and a hypocrite, who pretends to be a believer when he is quite the reverse. Consequently, all members of the Muslim Ummah, men and women alike, are individually responsible to further the cause of Islam with the zeal, determination and sense of sacrifice of the Prophet and his companions .
That the Companions did their utmost, individually and collectively, to convey the light of Islam to all people, even outside the Arabian Peninsula, is demonstrated by the lengthy and dangerous journeys they took, reaching the Atlantic Ocean in the west and the Great Wall of China in the East. Countless distinguished companions breathed their last in faraway and foreign lands preaching Islam, for which their sacrifices knew no bounds.
At this point some commonplace misconceptions ought to be cleared. To call all peoples of the world to Allaah is the duty of every responsible and conscientious Muslim. Since there is no priesthood in Islam or sacerdotal class among Muslims, the duty of the call to Allaah cannot be transferred to an ill-conceived and imaginary group called the 'men of religion.' In Islam everyone is a man of religion and every man will be accountable to Allaah as to whether he fulfilled his obligations sincerely and to the best of his abilities or not. The following verse of the Quran should be very enlightening in this respect; Allaah says (what means): “Say: 'This is my way; I invite to Allaah with insight, I and those who follow me. And exalted is Allaah; and I am not of those who associate others with Him.'” [Quran: 12:108]
Thus, anyone who rightly claims to be a follower of the Prophet cannot evade his duty to call people to Allaah.
The following prophetic traditions amply elucidate this point: “Let those who witness inform those who are absent.” [Al-Bukhaari] The word 'witness' here is taken to mean anyone who possesses some Islamic knowledge. The Prophet is also reported to have said: “Preach on my behalf, even with just one verse (i.e. verse of the Quran).”
Therefore, one need not be a profound scholar or a great jurist to call others to Islam. No doubt a person well-versed in Islamic sciences would be able to speak more authoritatively and would be in a position to explain matters of religion to the minutest details. However, a high level of scholarship is not a prerequisite to call others to Islam. Everyone’s effort has a definite gap to fill. A Muslim scholar will address his counterpart with a refined style and scholarly content, while a Muslim layman will have to reason with his equals in practical terms, each having a role complementary to the others.
Every individual of the Muslim Ummah is obliged to be actively engaged in whatever way he can to guide people to the right path and support, morally as well as materially, those who labour to discharge this responsibility. A common misconception that found appeal even among earlier Muslim generations and which still lingers on to this day stems from failure to comprehend the meaning of the following Quranic verse in the proper context (which means): “O you who have believed! Upon you is [responsibility for] yourselves. Those who have gone astray will not harm you when you have been guided...” [Quran: 5:105]
In all honesty and fairness, the above verse does not connote, by any stretch of imagination, that a so-called pious or saintly person may absolve himself of the responsibility to call mankind to truth simply by thinking that evil would not knock at his door, on account of his being pure and peaceful. Regardless of how pious one may appear to be, he can never equal the Prophet or excel his companions in their moral perfection, sincerity of worship and religious devotion.
None of the Prophet's companions ever dreamt of resigning from the noble task of inviting the nations of the east and the west to eternal bliss and salvation offered by Allaah through Islam. It was precisely to correct this wrong notion about the aforementioned verse that Abu Bakr issued the following warning: “O people! Indeed you read this exalted verse and put it in a place other than its own. Whereas I heard the Apostle of Allaah saying: "Indeed, if people see a cruel person and they do not restrain him, Allaah may punish all of them."”
The Ansaar (inhabitants of Madeenah who welcomed the Muslim immigrants) had gone through great material sacrifices in support of the Islamic cause. When Allaah granted victory to the Muslims after their long struggles against the polytheists and they conquered Makkah, some of the Ansaar felt satisfied. Now that Allaah had bestowed His favour upon the believers and had crowned their noble efforts with a glorious and decisive victory over their opponents, they thought it justified for themselves to return to their much neglected trades and palm groves. Thereupon, Allaah the Most High, revealed the following verse (which means): “…And do not throw [yourselves] with your [own] hands into destruction…” [Quran 2:195]
Which clearly meant that a believer would be exposed to the gravest danger if he were to abandon the struggle in the way of Allaah and confine himself to routine Islamic duties such as Salaat (prayer), Sawm (fasting), Zakaat (alms-giving), and the like. Abu Ayyoob Al-Ansaari was among the distinguished Companions. According to some sources, he was one hundred and ten (110) years old when he participated in the first Muslim siege of Constantinople (Istanbul) where he died a martyr. Considering his old age, his younger friends would sometimes recommend him to rest for a while, to which he would reply: “Are you telling me to throw myself into destruction?”
Author: By: Dr. Taalib Alb
Media and the Islamic Identity of the Muslim Child!!
Media and the Islamic Identity of the Muslim Child
1- The meaning of the child’s culture:
Culture refers to a combination of beliefs, morals, traditions, laws, knowledge and behavioral patterns that one acquires within society.
Children have their special and distinguished vocabularies, as well as special values and methods that they use in playing, expressing themselves and satisfying their needs. They also have special reactions, stances, trends, emotions and lifestyle. We call all this the “child’s culture”.
2- Mass media as a source of the child’s culture and experiences:
Today all cultural borders between nations have disappeared and we live now amidst a massive technological and scientific revolution within which the mass media plays a very important role in forming the child’s psychology religiously, culturally and socially. To have a child with a distinct and integrated personality, there should be a specific vision to preserve his cultural and religious identity.
In this respect, the mass media including TV, the Internet, electronic games, and so on, play a key role in building the Muslim child culturally. It should be determined what is introduced to him from the other cultures.
Studies all over the world show that the child between the ages of six to sixteen spends about 12-24 hours a week in front of screens.
Influence of the mass media on the child:
The mass media provides a small child with different cultures while he is still unable to differentiate between what is good and what is bad. This transforms the mass media into a double-edged weapon with its positive and negative influences. This should draw our attention to the fact that the mass media and media institutions that are directed to the child and that are concerned with childhood should be the center of attention of the whole society.
We do not deny the importance of print, audio, and visual mass media in forming learning experiences, and defining, modifying and dispersing attitudes. Similarly, we do not deny the role of the mass media in developing the child’s personality, polishing his skills, and developing his mental, emotional and social abilities. The media for the child is a method for guidance and entertainment, as well as a means for transferring and establishing traditions. However, where are the mass media that cover all that interests the child?
The media materials that our children watch on TV or other mass media can be divided into three categories:
The first category:
Disney films, which are made in the West and that aim at serving the American culture in particular. The theme of these films is derived from their Western values, which contradict our own Islamic traditions and values. So-called "love" dominates every single word of these stories, which aim to mold the child’s mentality in a certain way. If we contemplate the appearance, we will find that they fulfill the criteria of material beauty.
Therefore, a child who watches such films will grow up knowing nothing but the Western concept of beauty, not to mention that these films aim at making profits in the first place. This attitude transforms the child into a consumer, because once he sees the story, he hurries to buy pens and notebooks that carry the pictures of its heroes.
The second category:
The Far East dubbed cartoon films that are characterized by wild imagination and featuring violent electronic aliens that walk in the streets to destroy and kill. These films are introduced to the Arab child through the local mass media.
The third category:
This category is represented in the local materials that are produced by private and public media establishments. They are mostly in audio or video format. However, they are artistically and technically weak and cannot compete with the other alternatives. Nevertheless, some successful and beneficial works appear from time to time. Some institutions also produce stories derived from the Quran and Islamic history in addition to Nasheeds (Islamic poetry). However, such materials are too few to meet the Muslim child’s needs.
3- Mass media and their influence on the identity and culture of the Muslim child:
The issue of the mass media and the Muslim child’s culture is critical, given the important role of the mass media in transferring the Ummah’s culture from generation to generation. The mass media are also considered cultural means that help in supporting stances, encouraging desired behaviors and warning against undesired ones. This shows us the greatness of the responsibility of the mass media that target the Muslim child and those who run them.
The majority of studies and researches in this field show that belonging to a strong and civilized environment with a distinct identity since early childhood is one of the most influential factors in the child’s upbringing and culture. Hence, the mass media shoulder a great responsibility regarding focusing on the Islamic values that should be implanted in the child to form a set of beliefs that express his Islamic identity.
1- The importance of protecting children from the media invasion and the obliteration of identity:
Childhood is one of the most important stages in one’s life, because his personality and tendencies are formed during this time, in addition to physical and mental growth.
Psychological and educational studies prove that this is the most critical stage in a person’s development, and that the child stores the majority of the experiences and information that affect his life in the future during this stage.
The child, as described by Al-Ghazzaali is a “blank sheet in which we may write down good or evil. So, if we habituate him to be good, he will be a good, and vice versa.”
Therefore, it is vital that we pay attention to the child and ensure that what is introduced to him in his social environment is intellectually beneficial to reflect positively on the young child, his behavior and development.
Today, our children face an intellectual invasion in a world dominated by influential cultures that own the most influential mass media.
Hence, there must be practical means to protect children from the bad and negative programs that are presented to them.
Ismaa‘eel ‘Abd Al-Kaafi, says, "We must preserve the Islamic identity of our generations through providing them with suitable cultural and media production alternatives to exist side by side with foreign media and cultural products in this age of information technology.
The family, school, mosque, mass media and the society as a whole should participate in guiding and directing this process. The society must be aware of the danger of mass media against our children if they are not directed rightly under the supervision of different educational institutions."
2- Types of educational means and their influence on the child’s identity and culture:
1- TV as a means of media: There is no doubt that watching TV daily occupies the spare time of the children and adults as well. They acquire information and are introduced to different cultures through it. One of the negative impacts of TV, to which we should pay attention, is that the children spend many hours in front of it. This affects their social life and relations as well as their behavior with their playmates.
TV also affects their studies and the negative effect of the violence and crime on TV programs cannot be denied.
This shows us the role of the TV in sowing the seeds of fear and worry in our children through horror movies and movies featuring ghosts and devils.
2- Computer as a means for developing the culture of the young:
PC and video games are among the most influential factors in guiding and directing children. Educational studies reveal that computer programs can have negative and positive effects on the culture of the Muslim child.
The positive effects include strengthening the child’s ability to read, write, express himself orally, listen, and pay attention.
They also provide the child with general culture, teach him some scientific principles, help him to learn foreign languages, and help him to develop his artistic and mathematical abilities.
These programs also strengthen the child’s ability to solve problems, improve his social adjustment, develop his skills and hobbies, and make use of his spare time.
On the other hand, these programs have negative effects, because they weaken the child’s ability to perform social activities and duties. They also distract the child from playing physical games. Negative health effects include habituating the child to laziness and may cause obesity due to lack of movement, in addition to deterioration of general health.
Despite the benefits of these programs, their use as a means of education and culture is still limited in comparison to direct social interaction. Their role in education and culture is still weaker than the printed and visual mass media in poorer communities and among lower classes.
The Internet absorbs the child’s attention and makes many children lose their ability to talk and communicate with others.
3- Printed mass media and stories as sources of the child’s culture:
Printed materials such as books and magazines still play an important role in developing children’s culture, because they encourage creative abilities, entertain the child, occupy his spare time and develop his hobbies.
Printed media refines behavior and instills good morals, corrects deviant characters and loosens the shackles of blind imitation and foreign destructive ideas.
We want to transform the printed media and all mass media into resources that enrich the child’s culture away from all the materials that do not accord with our social environment and culture.
Stories are considered a vital resource that can implant correct beliefs in the child’s mind, provides him with facts, and reinforce the educational process. Children’s literature is a positive means that forms the religious creed and develops cultural experiences.
A story is still considered a beacon and an important educational method and its content has always played a key educational role because of its psychological and educational advantages.
1- The meaning of the child’s culture:
Culture refers to a combination of beliefs, morals, traditions, laws, knowledge and behavioral patterns that one acquires within society.
Children have their special and distinguished vocabularies, as well as special values and methods that they use in playing, expressing themselves and satisfying their needs. They also have special reactions, stances, trends, emotions and lifestyle. We call all this the “child’s culture”.
2- Mass media as a source of the child’s culture and experiences:
Today all cultural borders between nations have disappeared and we live now amidst a massive technological and scientific revolution within which the mass media plays a very important role in forming the child’s psychology religiously, culturally and socially. To have a child with a distinct and integrated personality, there should be a specific vision to preserve his cultural and religious identity.
In this respect, the mass media including TV, the Internet, electronic games, and so on, play a key role in building the Muslim child culturally. It should be determined what is introduced to him from the other cultures.
Studies all over the world show that the child between the ages of six to sixteen spends about 12-24 hours a week in front of screens.
Influence of the mass media on the child:
The mass media provides a small child with different cultures while he is still unable to differentiate between what is good and what is bad. This transforms the mass media into a double-edged weapon with its positive and negative influences. This should draw our attention to the fact that the mass media and media institutions that are directed to the child and that are concerned with childhood should be the center of attention of the whole society.
We do not deny the importance of print, audio, and visual mass media in forming learning experiences, and defining, modifying and dispersing attitudes. Similarly, we do not deny the role of the mass media in developing the child’s personality, polishing his skills, and developing his mental, emotional and social abilities. The media for the child is a method for guidance and entertainment, as well as a means for transferring and establishing traditions. However, where are the mass media that cover all that interests the child?
The media materials that our children watch on TV or other mass media can be divided into three categories:
The first category:
Disney films, which are made in the West and that aim at serving the American culture in particular. The theme of these films is derived from their Western values, which contradict our own Islamic traditions and values. So-called "love" dominates every single word of these stories, which aim to mold the child’s mentality in a certain way. If we contemplate the appearance, we will find that they fulfill the criteria of material beauty.
Therefore, a child who watches such films will grow up knowing nothing but the Western concept of beauty, not to mention that these films aim at making profits in the first place. This attitude transforms the child into a consumer, because once he sees the story, he hurries to buy pens and notebooks that carry the pictures of its heroes.
The second category:
The Far East dubbed cartoon films that are characterized by wild imagination and featuring violent electronic aliens that walk in the streets to destroy and kill. These films are introduced to the Arab child through the local mass media.
The third category:
This category is represented in the local materials that are produced by private and public media establishments. They are mostly in audio or video format. However, they are artistically and technically weak and cannot compete with the other alternatives. Nevertheless, some successful and beneficial works appear from time to time. Some institutions also produce stories derived from the Quran and Islamic history in addition to Nasheeds (Islamic poetry). However, such materials are too few to meet the Muslim child’s needs.
3- Mass media and their influence on the identity and culture of the Muslim child:
The issue of the mass media and the Muslim child’s culture is critical, given the important role of the mass media in transferring the Ummah’s culture from generation to generation. The mass media are also considered cultural means that help in supporting stances, encouraging desired behaviors and warning against undesired ones. This shows us the greatness of the responsibility of the mass media that target the Muslim child and those who run them.
The majority of studies and researches in this field show that belonging to a strong and civilized environment with a distinct identity since early childhood is one of the most influential factors in the child’s upbringing and culture. Hence, the mass media shoulder a great responsibility regarding focusing on the Islamic values that should be implanted in the child to form a set of beliefs that express his Islamic identity.
1- The importance of protecting children from the media invasion and the obliteration of identity:
Childhood is one of the most important stages in one’s life, because his personality and tendencies are formed during this time, in addition to physical and mental growth.
Psychological and educational studies prove that this is the most critical stage in a person’s development, and that the child stores the majority of the experiences and information that affect his life in the future during this stage.
The child, as described by Al-Ghazzaali is a “blank sheet in which we may write down good or evil. So, if we habituate him to be good, he will be a good, and vice versa.”
Therefore, it is vital that we pay attention to the child and ensure that what is introduced to him in his social environment is intellectually beneficial to reflect positively on the young child, his behavior and development.
Today, our children face an intellectual invasion in a world dominated by influential cultures that own the most influential mass media.
Hence, there must be practical means to protect children from the bad and negative programs that are presented to them.
Ismaa‘eel ‘Abd Al-Kaafi, says, "We must preserve the Islamic identity of our generations through providing them with suitable cultural and media production alternatives to exist side by side with foreign media and cultural products in this age of information technology.
The family, school, mosque, mass media and the society as a whole should participate in guiding and directing this process. The society must be aware of the danger of mass media against our children if they are not directed rightly under the supervision of different educational institutions."
2- Types of educational means and their influence on the child’s identity and culture:
1- TV as a means of media: There is no doubt that watching TV daily occupies the spare time of the children and adults as well. They acquire information and are introduced to different cultures through it. One of the negative impacts of TV, to which we should pay attention, is that the children spend many hours in front of it. This affects their social life and relations as well as their behavior with their playmates.
TV also affects their studies and the negative effect of the violence and crime on TV programs cannot be denied.
This shows us the role of the TV in sowing the seeds of fear and worry in our children through horror movies and movies featuring ghosts and devils.
2- Computer as a means for developing the culture of the young:
PC and video games are among the most influential factors in guiding and directing children. Educational studies reveal that computer programs can have negative and positive effects on the culture of the Muslim child.
The positive effects include strengthening the child’s ability to read, write, express himself orally, listen, and pay attention.
They also provide the child with general culture, teach him some scientific principles, help him to learn foreign languages, and help him to develop his artistic and mathematical abilities.
These programs also strengthen the child’s ability to solve problems, improve his social adjustment, develop his skills and hobbies, and make use of his spare time.
On the other hand, these programs have negative effects, because they weaken the child’s ability to perform social activities and duties. They also distract the child from playing physical games. Negative health effects include habituating the child to laziness and may cause obesity due to lack of movement, in addition to deterioration of general health.
Despite the benefits of these programs, their use as a means of education and culture is still limited in comparison to direct social interaction. Their role in education and culture is still weaker than the printed and visual mass media in poorer communities and among lower classes.
The Internet absorbs the child’s attention and makes many children lose their ability to talk and communicate with others.
3- Printed mass media and stories as sources of the child’s culture:
Printed materials such as books and magazines still play an important role in developing children’s culture, because they encourage creative abilities, entertain the child, occupy his spare time and develop his hobbies.
Printed media refines behavior and instills good morals, corrects deviant characters and loosens the shackles of blind imitation and foreign destructive ideas.
We want to transform the printed media and all mass media into resources that enrich the child’s culture away from all the materials that do not accord with our social environment and culture.
Stories are considered a vital resource that can implant correct beliefs in the child’s mind, provides him with facts, and reinforce the educational process. Children’s literature is a positive means that forms the religious creed and develops cultural experiences.
A story is still considered a beacon and an important educational method and its content has always played a key educational role because of its psychological and educational advantages.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
What is Islamic Fundamentalism?
What is Islamic Fundamentalism?
Sahib Mustaqim Bleher
"Muslim fundamentalism is fast becoming the chief threat to global peace and security as well as a cause of national and local disturbance through terrorism. It is akin to the menace posed by Nazism and fascism in the 1930's and then by communism in the 50's"
(The New York Times/International Herald Tribune 9/9/93.)
According to the Reader's Digest Universal Dictionary "fundamental" means "having to do with the foundation; elemental; basic", and "fundamentalism" an "unswerving belief in a set of basic and unalterable principles of a religious or philosophical nature". The term was traditionally used for christians who believed the Bible to be the literal truth even when it was found in conflict with modern scientific discoveries. "Fundamentalism" soon became a derogatory term. What purpose does the term serve when used in connection with Muslims?
Western science is built on the foundation of scientific discoveries of Muslim Spain before the inquisition, and unlike the bible, the Qur'an has never yet been proven to contradict reality. The Qur'an encourages scientific research. somebody believing the Qur'an to be the fundamental or elemental and basic truth, can hardly be accused of being irrational. nor can there be anything wrong with firmly holding on to "basic and unalterable principles" . Modern secular society, for example, has agreed on a Universal Declaration of Human Rights to establish such "basic and unalterable principles". To try and frighten people of Muslim fundamentalism, therefore, make little sense. Still it is being done every day.
When democratic elections were cancelled in Algeria or when Muslim campaigners for democracy in Egypt were hung without proper trial, it was enough of a justification to brand them as Muslim fundamentalists. No further questions needed to be asked. Fundamentalist meant terrorist. Terrorist meant danger. Danger justified eliminating those responsible. On the other hand, when Israel bombed civilian areas in Lebanon or when Serb militia massacred innocent Muslim men, women and children in Bosnia, the term Jewish, or Christian fundamentalists was never used to refer to them.
In his book Pity the Nation on the long conflict in the Lebanon, Robert Fisk, one of the longest serving British Middle East correspondents, spells out how emotional and ambiguous this use of language is. He says: "But 'terrorism' no longer means terrorism. It is not a definition; it is a political contrivance. 'Terrorists' are those who use violence against the side that is using the word. The only terrorist whom Israel acknowledges arre those who oppose Israel. The only terrorist the United States acknowledges are those oppose the United States or their allies. The only terrorists Palestinians acknowledge - for they too use the word - are those opposed to the Palestinians. To adopt the word means that we have taken a side in the Middle East, not between right and wrong, good and evil, David and Goliath, but with one set of combatants against another. For journalists in the Middle East, the use of the word 'terrorism' is akin to carrying a gun".
Yet, The Timeshe worked for, and The Independant he now writes for still happily "carry a gun" and shoot at "Musilm Fundamentalists" or "Muslim terrorist" instead of objectively reporting the news. Prejudice against Islam is deep seated, because nobody bothers to find out what Islam really means and what code of conduct the Qur'an prescribes for a Muslim.
Here, then are some of the "fundamentals", "basic and unalterable principles" of the Qur'an, Muslims believe in.
"Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in God hath grasped the most trustworthy hand- hold, that never breaks. And God heareth and knoweth all things" Surah 2 (Al - Baqarah/The Cow), verse 256
we bestowed (in the past) Wisdom on Luqman: "Show (thy) gratitude to God." Any who is (so) grateful does so to the profit of his own soul: but if any is ungrateful, verily God is free of all wants, Worthy of all praise. Behold, Luqman said to his son by way of instruction: "O my son! join not in worship (others) with God: for false worship is indeed the highest wrong-doing." And We have enjoined on man (to be good) to his parents: in travail upon travail did his mother bear him, and in years twain was his weaning: (hear the command), "Show gratitude to Me and to thy parents: to Me is (thy final) Goal.
"But if they strive to make thee join in worship with Me things of which thou hast no knowledge, obey them not; yet bear them company in this life with justice (and consideration), and follow the way of those who turn to me (in love): in the e nd the return of you all is to Me, and I will tell you the truth (and meaning) of all that ye did." "O my son!" (said Luqman), "If there be (but) the weight of a mustard-seed and it were (hidden) in a rock, or (anywhere) in the heavens or on earth, God will bring it forth: for God understands the finest mysteries, (and) is well-acquainted (wi th them).
"O my son! establish regular prayer, enjoin what is just, and forbid what is wrong: and bear with patient constancy whatever betide thee; for this is firmness (of purpose) in (the conduct of) affairs. "And swell not thy cheek (for pride) at men, nor walk in insolence through the earth; for God loveth not any arrogant boaster. "And be moderate in thy pace, and lower thy voice; for the harshest of sounds without doubt is the braying of the ass." Surah 31 (Luqman), verse 12-19
O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of God is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And God has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things). Surah 49 (Al - Hujurat/The Chambers), verse 13
Say: "O People of the Book! come to common terms as between us and you: That we worship none but God; that we associate no partners with him; that we erect not, from among ourselves, Lords and patrons other than God." If then they turn back, s ay ye: "Bear witness that we (at least) are Muslims (bowing to God's Will). Surah 3 (Al - Imran/The Family of Imran), verse 64
Say: "We believe in God, and in what has been revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Isma'il, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and in (the Books) given to Moses, Jesus, and the prophets, from their Lord: We make no distinction between on e and another among them, and to God do we bow our will (in Islam)." Surah 3 (Al - Imran/The Family of Imran), verse 84
Say: Will ye dispute with us about God, seeing that He is our Lord and your Lord; that we are responsible for our doings and ye for yours; and that We are sincere (in our faith) in Him? Surah 2 (Al - Baqarah/The Cow), verse 139
Those who believe (in the Qur'an), those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Sabians, and the Christians, and the magians, and the polytheists, - allah will judge between them on the day of judgement: for Allah is witness of all things. Surah 5 (Al - Ma'idah/The Table Spread), verse 17
These then, are the fundamentalists of Islam. do you find anything fundamentally wrong with them? do they make you feel afraid? do you feel endangered by someone who follows them? Surely not.
So next time, somebody talks about "Muslim Fundamentalism" or "Islamic Fundamentalism" , laugh at them, because you know better, and they don't know what they are talking about. Let no - one frighten you about Islam, which literally means "a religion of peace through submission to God".
Sahib Mustaqim Bleher
"Muslim fundamentalism is fast becoming the chief threat to global peace and security as well as a cause of national and local disturbance through terrorism. It is akin to the menace posed by Nazism and fascism in the 1930's and then by communism in the 50's"
(The New York Times/International Herald Tribune 9/9/93.)
According to the Reader's Digest Universal Dictionary "fundamental" means "having to do with the foundation; elemental; basic", and "fundamentalism" an "unswerving belief in a set of basic and unalterable principles of a religious or philosophical nature". The term was traditionally used for christians who believed the Bible to be the literal truth even when it was found in conflict with modern scientific discoveries. "Fundamentalism" soon became a derogatory term. What purpose does the term serve when used in connection with Muslims?
Western science is built on the foundation of scientific discoveries of Muslim Spain before the inquisition, and unlike the bible, the Qur'an has never yet been proven to contradict reality. The Qur'an encourages scientific research. somebody believing the Qur'an to be the fundamental or elemental and basic truth, can hardly be accused of being irrational. nor can there be anything wrong with firmly holding on to "basic and unalterable principles" . Modern secular society, for example, has agreed on a Universal Declaration of Human Rights to establish such "basic and unalterable principles". To try and frighten people of Muslim fundamentalism, therefore, make little sense. Still it is being done every day.
When democratic elections were cancelled in Algeria or when Muslim campaigners for democracy in Egypt were hung without proper trial, it was enough of a justification to brand them as Muslim fundamentalists. No further questions needed to be asked. Fundamentalist meant terrorist. Terrorist meant danger. Danger justified eliminating those responsible. On the other hand, when Israel bombed civilian areas in Lebanon or when Serb militia massacred innocent Muslim men, women and children in Bosnia, the term Jewish, or Christian fundamentalists was never used to refer to them.
In his book Pity the Nation on the long conflict in the Lebanon, Robert Fisk, one of the longest serving British Middle East correspondents, spells out how emotional and ambiguous this use of language is. He says: "But 'terrorism' no longer means terrorism. It is not a definition; it is a political contrivance. 'Terrorists' are those who use violence against the side that is using the word. The only terrorist whom Israel acknowledges arre those who oppose Israel. The only terrorist the United States acknowledges are those oppose the United States or their allies. The only terrorists Palestinians acknowledge - for they too use the word - are those opposed to the Palestinians. To adopt the word means that we have taken a side in the Middle East, not between right and wrong, good and evil, David and Goliath, but with one set of combatants against another. For journalists in the Middle East, the use of the word 'terrorism' is akin to carrying a gun".
Yet, The Timeshe worked for, and The Independant he now writes for still happily "carry a gun" and shoot at "Musilm Fundamentalists" or "Muslim terrorist" instead of objectively reporting the news. Prejudice against Islam is deep seated, because nobody bothers to find out what Islam really means and what code of conduct the Qur'an prescribes for a Muslim.
Here, then are some of the "fundamentals", "basic and unalterable principles" of the Qur'an, Muslims believe in.
"Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in God hath grasped the most trustworthy hand- hold, that never breaks. And God heareth and knoweth all things" Surah 2 (Al - Baqarah/The Cow), verse 256
we bestowed (in the past) Wisdom on Luqman: "Show (thy) gratitude to God." Any who is (so) grateful does so to the profit of his own soul: but if any is ungrateful, verily God is free of all wants, Worthy of all praise. Behold, Luqman said to his son by way of instruction: "O my son! join not in worship (others) with God: for false worship is indeed the highest wrong-doing." And We have enjoined on man (to be good) to his parents: in travail upon travail did his mother bear him, and in years twain was his weaning: (hear the command), "Show gratitude to Me and to thy parents: to Me is (thy final) Goal.
"But if they strive to make thee join in worship with Me things of which thou hast no knowledge, obey them not; yet bear them company in this life with justice (and consideration), and follow the way of those who turn to me (in love): in the e nd the return of you all is to Me, and I will tell you the truth (and meaning) of all that ye did." "O my son!" (said Luqman), "If there be (but) the weight of a mustard-seed and it were (hidden) in a rock, or (anywhere) in the heavens or on earth, God will bring it forth: for God understands the finest mysteries, (and) is well-acquainted (wi th them).
"O my son! establish regular prayer, enjoin what is just, and forbid what is wrong: and bear with patient constancy whatever betide thee; for this is firmness (of purpose) in (the conduct of) affairs. "And swell not thy cheek (for pride) at men, nor walk in insolence through the earth; for God loveth not any arrogant boaster. "And be moderate in thy pace, and lower thy voice; for the harshest of sounds without doubt is the braying of the ass." Surah 31 (Luqman), verse 12-19
O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of God is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And God has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things). Surah 49 (Al - Hujurat/The Chambers), verse 13
Say: "O People of the Book! come to common terms as between us and you: That we worship none but God; that we associate no partners with him; that we erect not, from among ourselves, Lords and patrons other than God." If then they turn back, s ay ye: "Bear witness that we (at least) are Muslims (bowing to God's Will). Surah 3 (Al - Imran/The Family of Imran), verse 64
Say: "We believe in God, and in what has been revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Isma'il, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and in (the Books) given to Moses, Jesus, and the prophets, from their Lord: We make no distinction between on e and another among them, and to God do we bow our will (in Islam)." Surah 3 (Al - Imran/The Family of Imran), verse 84
Say: Will ye dispute with us about God, seeing that He is our Lord and your Lord; that we are responsible for our doings and ye for yours; and that We are sincere (in our faith) in Him? Surah 2 (Al - Baqarah/The Cow), verse 139
Those who believe (in the Qur'an), those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Sabians, and the Christians, and the magians, and the polytheists, - allah will judge between them on the day of judgement: for Allah is witness of all things. Surah 5 (Al - Ma'idah/The Table Spread), verse 17
These then, are the fundamentalists of Islam. do you find anything fundamentally wrong with them? do they make you feel afraid? do you feel endangered by someone who follows them? Surely not.
So next time, somebody talks about "Muslim Fundamentalism" or "Islamic Fundamentalism" , laugh at them, because you know better, and they don't know what they are talking about. Let no - one frighten you about Islam, which literally means "a religion of peace through submission to God".
Muslims Stand Up!!
Muslims Stand Up!
by Wael Abdelgawad
All praise is due to Allah, who has guided us to the religion of truth, and made us Muslims.
Fear and Terror
In the days since the World Trade Center attack, Muslims in the U.S. and around the world have fallen over one another in the rush to be the first to condemn the attack, and express sympathy for the victims. That's well and good. Such an act deserves condemnation, and as Muslims we should be compassionate by nature. We should love and respect all of Allah's creatures, and we should oppose evil in any guise.
The statements of many Islamic organizations and Muslim leaders, however, does not stop at condemnation but proceeds to apology and even shame. As the mad acts of retaliation against Muslims (and Sikhs, and Arab Christians) have begun, another emotion has been added to the mix: fear. Terror, even. Masjids in the U.S. have been abandoned, and stand empty during prayer time. A few scholars have exempted Muslim women in the West from wearing hijab in public, and told the men to shave their beards and not to wear distinctive Islamic clothing in public.
And so here we are. We have become a community of frightened sheep. An ummah of assimilationists, stripping ourselves of Islamic emblems and trying to "pass" as non-Muslims so that we will not be subjected to insults, the blows of fists, or yes, even bullets.
Stand Up!
Muslims, no matter what the disbelievers may do, this fear cannot continue. Muslims, stand up and be strong men and women! Be glad of our beautiful deen, which is the religion of Allah and the religion of truth.
Allah has said in the Holy Qur'an,
"This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islám as your religion." (Qur'an 5:3)
And Allah says,
"And believe in what I reveal, confirming the revelation which is with you, and be not the first to reject Faith therein, nor sell My Signs for a small price; and fear Me, and Me alone." (Qur'an 2:41)
I do not wish to insult or hurt anyone. What I want is to encourage all of us in this difficult time to be strong, to remember our priorities as Muslims, and not to be afraid. Do not be discouraged. Let us hold our heads high and our shoulders straight. Let us be happy that Allah has blessed us with Islam. Let us fear Allah more than we fear the people.
A Time of Testing
Brothers and sisters, we've had it easy here in this comfortable environment of the U.S.A. and in the West. Al-Hamdulillah, we have formed our M.S.A.s, opened our Islamic centers and masjids, preached Islam, begun to develop Islamic institutions and begun to gain influence in this society. But we have become complacent and arrogant. We have become soft as kittens.
For years now I have heard some Muslims in the West proclaiming that they represent the new leadership of the Muslim ummah. They claim that the "old-world" Muslims of the East are mired in ancient conflicts and bogged down in cultural habits. This always struck me as presumptuous - the arrogance and ignorance of the young. Don't they know their history? Don't they know that these "old-world" Muslims have survived the khawarij, the crusades, the Huns, the Tatars, the black plague, the collapse of the Khilaafah, colonization, occupation, and the rule of dictators? They have been tested, and yet they have maintained their faith in the face of all opposition. Activists in the Muslim world have been arrested, imprisoned and even executed. And yet the "old-world" ummah continues to produce great Islamic thinkers, scholars and martyrs.
What tests have we suffered in the West? What persecution have we been subjected to? I have always believed that the growth of Islam in this country would be tested, and tested hard. That is Allah's way, and Allah's way does not change:
"If a wound has touched you, be sure a similar wound has touched the others. Such days (of varying fortunes) We give to men and men by turns: that Allah may know those that believe, and that He may take to Himself from your ranks Martyr-witnesses (to Truth). And Allah loves not those that do wrong." (Qur'an 3:140)
Read these verses and take heed! "that Allah may know those that believe..."
And Allah says,
"Be sure we shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lives or the fruits (of your toil), but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere." (Qur'an 2:155)
It is no longer a question of whether the test will come. It is here. Maybe it will get better, maybe it will get worse. Only Allah knows. The question is, how will we perform in this test? How will we respond?
Will we, at the first sign of trouble, close our masjids, shut our da'wah booths, cancel our Islamic events and hide like mice? Laa hawla wa laa quwwata illa-billah. Our sisters in Turkey are imprisoned for wearing hijab. Our brothers in Uzbekistan are arrested and tortured for going to the masjid. Our Imams in China are executed for teaching Qur'an. Still they persevere, because to do otherwise would be to abandon their obligations to Allah and to themselves, and to let Islam die like withered fruit on the vine. To do otherwise would be to fear the people more than they fear Allah.
This is not an issue of hijabs or beards. If a Muslim sister has no other options – if she cannot be escorted, or move to a safer place - and her life or safety is in danger, then take off the hijab and be safe. No one wants to see Muslim people being killed or injured.
But as I said, it is not at heart an issue of hijabs and beards. The central issue, rather, is one of steadfastness in Allah's cause. Will we be run in fear at the first sign of danger, or will we stand up tall and strong as Muslims? Will we seek solutions to guarantee our safety, or will we simply hide? Will we reach out to the non-Muslims to educate them, or will we change our colors like chameleons and pretend to be non-Muslims? Maybe this climate of hostility will pass, or maybe not. How will we respond? What kind of people will we be?
An Opportunity
Muslims, stand up! Stop cowering. This is not the time to hide. This is the time to reach out to our non-Muslim neighbors and co-workers, not to apologize, but to educate and enlighten them about Islam. This is the time to organize multi-faith events. This is the time to write to the newspapers and magazines. Organize a donation drive for the families of the New York victims, many of whom were Muslim, by the way. Bake some cookies for the neighbors. Send a thoughtful memo at work. This is the time to open our da'wah booths, and if a few people hurl insults at us, then so be it, and if in some rare instances they attack us, then so be it. Let the strongest of us assume the most difficult positions. We defend ourselves as best we can and we deal with it. This is what it is to work for Islam. This is what it is to persevere.
Do we know that this is an opportunity in so many ways?
It is an opportunity to grow as Muslims, because when Allah wants his servants to become better, stronger and wiser believers, He tests them. There is no other way to grow. Spiritual struggle is a gift from Allah to the persevering Muslim.
It is an opportunity to engage the non-Muslims and educate them about Islam. I have seen many news stories in the last week attempting to explain to the public what Islam really is. Muslim leaders are in demand by the press. I myself was interviewed recently by the San Jose Mercury News. Even if it stems from anger and misunderstanding, the fact is that Americans suddenly want to know what Islam is, and what it wants from them. Use this opportunity to reach out to them and teach them. But we cannot do that if we are passing, dissimulating, and doing everything we can to avoid being identified as Muslims.
Don't Apologize
Dr. Harold Bursztajn is co-director of the program in psychiatry and the law at Harvard Medical School. He has profiled terrorists and often testifies as an expert witness in mass-murder trials. He recently gave an interview to abcnews.com in which he says the only way to spot anyone affiliated with the hijackers is to "beware of those who celebrate the mass murderers and those who apologize for them," perhaps indicating some sense of guilt by association.
Beware! You may think you are doing something good by apologizing, but the disbelievers will presume that you are guilty.
I make this statement once because it needs to be said only once:
We have done nothing wrong. We have nothing to apologize for. We have nothing to be ashamed of.
The World Trade Center was not attacked by Islam, it was attacked by individuals. Their religious persuasion is irrelevant. Does Christianity apologize for Timothy McVeigh? Does Christianity apologize for the Reverend Jim Jones, the KKK, Nazism, colonialism, or slavery? Christianity does not apologize for these atrocities because Christianity did not commit them, individuals committed them.
Don't apologize for the Taliban, because the Taliban have nothing to do with our practice of Islam in the West (see "Stop Defending" below).
Don't apologize for "Islamic fundamentalism," because there's nothing wrong with practicing the fundamental tenets of Islam.
Don't apologize for the Palestinians, because the Palestinians are our brothers and sisters who we love and who have been horribly oppressed.
Don't apologize for Iran, Iraq, Sudan, or Libya. In every case what was done to these nations by the West is far out of proportion to any wrongs they may have committed.
This need to apologize stems from a deep inferiority complex which binds many Muslims. Most of the Muslim world was colonized by the West after the collapse of the Khilaafah, and many Muslims still harbor the inferiority complexes that are typical of colonized peoples. The hallmarks of that inferiority complex are shame of one's own religious background, despite for one's co-religionists, and pure admiration of the colonizer. The inferiority complex expresses itself in a pleading tone of voice: "See Mr. Westerner, I'm not a bad, religious Muslim like those people, I'm a good, westernized Muslim! I'm not a crazy fundamentalist, I'm a secularist like you. Pleaaaase, Mr. Westerner, approve of me..."
They will never truly approve of us, nor will they ever fully accept us. As Allah says,
"Never will the Jews or the Christians be satisfied with you unless you follow their form of religion. Say: "The Guidance of Allah,- that is the (only) Guidance." Were you to follow their desires after the knowledge which has reached you, then wouldst you find neither protector nor helper against Allah." (Qur'an 2:120)
However, if we present an image of strength and confidence, and if we express the truth of Islam in our actions, I guarantee that even if they do not approve of us, they will respect us.
So don't apologize. Especially if you are in a da'wah setting, don't be drawn into a discussion of Osama bin Laden or suicide bombers. Control the forum, direct the talk. Steer it into a discussion of the beauty and truth of Islam:
"Invite (all) to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: for thy Lord knows best, who has strayed from His Path, and who receives guidance." (Qur'an 16:125)
Control the Forum
Stop defending Islam, as if Islam is a criminal and needs a defense attorney. I realize that those who are doing this have the best of intentions, but when we continually defend a thing, people come to believe that it is culpable. When we constantly proclaim our innocence, people begin to suspect our guilt. Instead of defending Islam, promote it. Discuss the beauty of Islam, its power, and its truth. Be positive, not negative. Be self-assured, not defensive. Don't allow yourself to be drawn into protracted discussions about Osama bin Laden, or the Taliban, because these issues are irrelevant to our da'wah and our practice of Islam in the U.S..
For example, let's suppose you are staffing an Islamic booth in the free speech area at your university, or maybe you are taking a break in the lounge at your workplace. Someone comes up to you and says,
"Why do you Muslims support terrorism?"
You don't respond with denials and apologies. You bypass all of that and you say,
"Islam is a religion of peace. Everything in Islam centers around submission to God. We practice brotherhood and sisterhood, and we work on our spirituality. We believe Islam is the true religion. It promotes justice and equality for human beings everywhere."
Do you see how this statement is positive rather than negative? It is an expression of strength, not weakness.
If the person allows you to continue, you might go on to give examples of the brotherhood you have experienced in Islam, or of what Islam has done for you personally. You could talk about Salat or Sawm or Hajj, or any of the beautiful aspects of Islam.
But let's suppose the person is persistent, and he won't let the subject go. He interrupts you and says,
"What about the World Trade Center then? If you believe in peace, then why did you kill all those people?"
You say,
"Why did you bomb the federal building in Oklahoma City?"
He says,
"I didn't do that! Timothy McVeigh did it, everyone knows that."
You say,
"But he was a Christian."
He says,
"So what, that doesn't mean anything."
You say,
"Right. Just like it doesn't mean anything that the individuals who attacked the WTC might have been Muslims. It has nothing to do with the ten million Muslims who live in this country, or the billion Muslims who live around the world. This is what Islam is about..."
And then you elaborate on any Islamic subject that you like, such as the Oneness of Allah, the Prophet Muhammad, Salat, brotherhood, or Zakat.
In doing this, you are not avoiding the topic of terrorism or the Taliban or whatever, you are simply making it irrelevant to your presentation of Islam, and thereby severing the mental link between terrorism and Islam. Your da'wah booth is not a forum for a discussion on terrorism. You are there to promote Islam, and one has nothing to do with the other.
Fear Allah, not the People
It's time to come out of our houses. Fill the masjids. Invite our non-Muslim friends to Islamic events. Stop hiding. When we hide, two things happen:
1. People begin to think we have something to hide. After all, we must have done something and we feel guilty, or we wouldn't be hiding, right?
2. Bad people, those who would harm us, see it is a confirmation of our weakness, and this gives them a green light to oppress and intimidate us.
Fear Allah, not the people. The Messsenger of Allah (pbuh) said,
"Be mindful of Allah, you will find Him before you. Get to know Allah in prosperity and He will know you in adversity. Know that what has passed you by was not going to befall you; and that what has befallen you was not going to pass you by. And know that victory comes with patience, relief with affliction, and ease with hardship." (related by Tirmidhi)
Fear Allah, not the people, because we will get only what Allah has prescribed for us and nothing more. Stand up! Be strong and morally upright. "Say: 'I believe in Allah', and thereafter be upright." (related by Muslim).
I am not saying we Muslims should not take precautions. We should have twenty-four-hour security at masjids, Islamic centers and Islamic events. Muslims should not travel alone. Sisters in hijab should be escorted whenever possible. M.S.A.s should form an escort hot line for the Muslim female students. Set up a phone tree in your community. Lock your doors, buy a cell phone, be aware of your surroundings and don't go out at night. If you are harassed, report it to [CAIR] (your local community) and to the police, and to your employer if it happens at work. Yes, we should continue with our lives and take precautions. This is a sign of strength and determination, while hiding in the house or trying to conceal one's Islamic identity is a sign of weakness and spinelessness.
Lastly, do not forget to always make du'aa to Allah subhanahu wa ta'aala. This is the most important security precaution of all. Ask Allah to keep you and your family safe, and to protect all Muslims all over the world.
Present the Beauty of Islam
The apologists and defenders expend all of their energy proclaiming what Islam is not, while never bothering to explain what Islam is.
I don't think I need to elaborate too much in this section, because we all know what is beautiful, powerful and wonderful about Islam. Present these aspects of Islam in your talks with the non-Muslims. Talk about such issues as:
The importance of worshipping Allah alone.
The forgiveness which Allah offers to all his servants.
Honoring all the Prophets, including Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (peace be upon them all).
The noble character of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
The incredible changes that Islam brought to the jahiliyy Arabs.
The miraculous nature and beauty of the Holy Qur'an.
Islam's golden history and its influence upon the modern world.
Brotherhood and sisterhood in Islam.
Islam's emphasis on justice, fairness and racial equality.
The importance of mercy and forgiveness in Islam.
Sincerity in Islam.
The significance of prayer, fasting, Zakat and Hajj.
Your personal experience with Islam and what it has done for you.
Let these issues define Islam in the minds of your listeners. Remember, don't apologize or defend. Rather, control the forum and present a beautiful picture of Islam.
And may Allah guide us to the best of deeds at all times.
Friday, March 30, 2012
Anti-Islam Poison and its Antidote!!
Anti-Islam Poison and its Antidote
America, in particular. This cost, financially and politically, is great to Muslims individually, as well as to the Ummah. Muslims are paying individually as their businesses do not have much non-Muslim clientele. Their promotions and job stabilities depend upon their perception as Muslims, "Fundamentalist" or "Moderate".
Muslim women who insist upon wearing hijab are either denied jobs under false pretext or fired when they begin wearing it on the job. Muslim girls face difficulties in obtaining exemption from gender-mixed swimming and other sport activities at their schools. Islamic holidays, such as the Eids, are not recognized. Even time off for Salat al-Jumu'ah is hard to obtain or impossible in some cases.
The anti-Islam poison has created a condition in which many Muslims hide their identities as Muslims and in a large number of cases leave Islam altogether. Muslims themselves have a duty to do whatever is necessary to remove the anti-Islam environment from North America. There are many ethnic groups who have gone through similar hardship and were successful in becoming acceptable, for example, Jews, Irish, Italian, African, Spanish speaking, Chinese, Japanese, Germans and others. Now, it is the Muslims' turn to work hard and gain acceptance. But, Muslims have an additional responsibility of making Islam, perceived to be a totally alien and unacceptable religion, into an acceptable way of life, at least for the Muslims in North America.
There are hundreds of books, booklets, brochures, flyers, tracts, audio-tapes and videotapes against Islam spreading poison among the people, who are otherwise good-hearted people. These good-hearted people may easily be won over only if the Muslims give them an opportunity of education about Islam and Muslims.
As the Ummah, Muslim majority countries are ill treated and the West interferes economically, socially and politically to subvert Islamic movements, thereby stifling the establishment of Islam as a total system. Pakistan, Algeria and Sudan are some of the most obvious examples. Muslims have a duty and necessity to remove mis-information and dis-information and spread the truth about Islam worldwide.
Anti-Islam demagogues and liars come in all shapes and colors. Some have a reputation as "Orientalists" and "Scholars" and others are lowly street worms and there are others in between. Just to get some taste of the lies and anti-Islam poison read the following quotes. The Names of speakers, authors, publications and publishing organizations are omitted so that they do not get free publicity and notoriety.
"Muhammad was a violent man. If he were living today, he would be, perhaps, diagnosed as psychotic, a serial killer, a mass murderer, someone who was involved in having sex with children. .... And the religion of Islam produces terrorism which we see today." – From a radio interview broadcast.
"The historical background concerning the origin and meaning of the Arabian "Allah" reveals that Allah cannot be the God of the biblical patriarchs, the Jews, or the Christians. Allah is merely a revamped and magnified Arabian pagan moon deity." – From a book.
"The cult of the moon god which worshipped Allah was transformed by Muhammad into a monotheistic faith. Because Muhammad started with a pagan god, it comes as no surprise that he ended up with a pagan god." – From a book.
"One example of Arab racism is the myth that the Arabs are descendants of Abraham through his son Ishmael. This claim was made in response to the Jews who had boasted that Abraham was the father of their race." – From a book.
"There was no concept of civil or personal rights in seventh-century Arabia. The head of the tribe decided whether you lived or died. This is why Islamic countries are always inevitably ruled by dictators or 'strong men' who rule as despots. There are 21 Arab nations, and not one of them is a democracy." – From a book.
"Even today, Muslim women can be kept prisoners in their own homes." – From a book.
"For example, the very word 'islam' was not revealed from heaven or invented by Muhammad. It is an Arabic word which originally referred to an attribute of manliness and described someone who was heroic and brave in battle." – From a book.
"But when you turn to ecstatic, confused speeches of Muhammad as found in the Qur'an, you do not find anything outstanding. There is nothing which matches the beauty, substance, or style of the way Jesus preached the gospel during His lifetime." – From a book.
What is the antidote?
Darkness is the absence of light. Ignorance is the absence of knowledge. Ignorance is the mother of prejudice. With the exception of a few liars and demagogues, people in the West have good nature and are attracted to the truth and decency. Since the time of the Crusades, the West has been receiving small or big doses of poison against Islam and Muslims. While there were no Muslims or a very insignificant minority of Muslims were living in the West nothing could be done to bring the light of Islam in wide wilderness of darkness about the knowledge of Islam. Now, there is no excuse as the Muslims are living as significant minorities in North America and Europe. The status quo of wide spread poison against Islam should not be acceptable to Muslims. The knowledge of true Islam has to become common knowledge in the West. The question arises, who has the duty to educate people to the Truth about Islam and Muslims?
Will Jews and Zionists do this work? ... No!
Will Christians do it? ... No!
Will atheists and agnostics do it? ... No!
Will secularists do it? ... No!
Will the governments do it? ... No!
Will the media do it? ... No!
Will the schools do it? ... No!
Will the universities do it? ... No!
Naturally, it is the responsibility of Muslims themselves!
This is the modern day Jihad. The jihad of the pen, tongue and the media in the West, to help the West to know the Truth about Islam. Allah is calling you as we read in the Qur'an:
"And thus We have appointed you as a Model Community so that you may bear witness against mankind, and that the Messenger may be a witness against you." 2:143
"You who (claim) to believe, shall I show you a business that will save you from a painful torment? You should believe in Allah and His Messenger, and strive (tujahidoona) in Allah's way with your wealth and your persons; that will be better for you if you only knew." 61:10-11
"You are the best community that has been raised up for humankind (because you have been assigned the duty to) enjoin good and forbid evil and you believe in Allah." 3:110
"You who (claim) to believe, become Allah's helpers just as Jesus son of Mary asked the disciples: 'Who will be my helper towards Allah?' The disciples said, 'We are Allah's helpers.' A faction from the Children of Israel believed, while another faction disbelieved. We assisted the ones who believed against their enemy, till they held the upper hand." 61:14
America, in particular. This cost, financially and politically, is great to Muslims individually, as well as to the Ummah. Muslims are paying individually as their businesses do not have much non-Muslim clientele. Their promotions and job stabilities depend upon their perception as Muslims, "Fundamentalist" or "Moderate".
Muslim women who insist upon wearing hijab are either denied jobs under false pretext or fired when they begin wearing it on the job. Muslim girls face difficulties in obtaining exemption from gender-mixed swimming and other sport activities at their schools. Islamic holidays, such as the Eids, are not recognized. Even time off for Salat al-Jumu'ah is hard to obtain or impossible in some cases.
The anti-Islam poison has created a condition in which many Muslims hide their identities as Muslims and in a large number of cases leave Islam altogether. Muslims themselves have a duty to do whatever is necessary to remove the anti-Islam environment from North America. There are many ethnic groups who have gone through similar hardship and were successful in becoming acceptable, for example, Jews, Irish, Italian, African, Spanish speaking, Chinese, Japanese, Germans and others. Now, it is the Muslims' turn to work hard and gain acceptance. But, Muslims have an additional responsibility of making Islam, perceived to be a totally alien and unacceptable religion, into an acceptable way of life, at least for the Muslims in North America.
There are hundreds of books, booklets, brochures, flyers, tracts, audio-tapes and videotapes against Islam spreading poison among the people, who are otherwise good-hearted people. These good-hearted people may easily be won over only if the Muslims give them an opportunity of education about Islam and Muslims.
As the Ummah, Muslim majority countries are ill treated and the West interferes economically, socially and politically to subvert Islamic movements, thereby stifling the establishment of Islam as a total system. Pakistan, Algeria and Sudan are some of the most obvious examples. Muslims have a duty and necessity to remove mis-information and dis-information and spread the truth about Islam worldwide.
Anti-Islam demagogues and liars come in all shapes and colors. Some have a reputation as "Orientalists" and "Scholars" and others are lowly street worms and there are others in between. Just to get some taste of the lies and anti-Islam poison read the following quotes. The Names of speakers, authors, publications and publishing organizations are omitted so that they do not get free publicity and notoriety.
"Muhammad was a violent man. If he were living today, he would be, perhaps, diagnosed as psychotic, a serial killer, a mass murderer, someone who was involved in having sex with children. .... And the religion of Islam produces terrorism which we see today." – From a radio interview broadcast.
"The historical background concerning the origin and meaning of the Arabian "Allah" reveals that Allah cannot be the God of the biblical patriarchs, the Jews, or the Christians. Allah is merely a revamped and magnified Arabian pagan moon deity." – From a book.
"The cult of the moon god which worshipped Allah was transformed by Muhammad into a monotheistic faith. Because Muhammad started with a pagan god, it comes as no surprise that he ended up with a pagan god." – From a book.
"One example of Arab racism is the myth that the Arabs are descendants of Abraham through his son Ishmael. This claim was made in response to the Jews who had boasted that Abraham was the father of their race." – From a book.
"There was no concept of civil or personal rights in seventh-century Arabia. The head of the tribe decided whether you lived or died. This is why Islamic countries are always inevitably ruled by dictators or 'strong men' who rule as despots. There are 21 Arab nations, and not one of them is a democracy." – From a book.
"Even today, Muslim women can be kept prisoners in their own homes." – From a book.
"For example, the very word 'islam' was not revealed from heaven or invented by Muhammad. It is an Arabic word which originally referred to an attribute of manliness and described someone who was heroic and brave in battle." – From a book.
"But when you turn to ecstatic, confused speeches of Muhammad as found in the Qur'an, you do not find anything outstanding. There is nothing which matches the beauty, substance, or style of the way Jesus preached the gospel during His lifetime." – From a book.
What is the antidote?
Darkness is the absence of light. Ignorance is the absence of knowledge. Ignorance is the mother of prejudice. With the exception of a few liars and demagogues, people in the West have good nature and are attracted to the truth and decency. Since the time of the Crusades, the West has been receiving small or big doses of poison against Islam and Muslims. While there were no Muslims or a very insignificant minority of Muslims were living in the West nothing could be done to bring the light of Islam in wide wilderness of darkness about the knowledge of Islam. Now, there is no excuse as the Muslims are living as significant minorities in North America and Europe. The status quo of wide spread poison against Islam should not be acceptable to Muslims. The knowledge of true Islam has to become common knowledge in the West. The question arises, who has the duty to educate people to the Truth about Islam and Muslims?
Will Jews and Zionists do this work? ... No!
Will Christians do it? ... No!
Will atheists and agnostics do it? ... No!
Will secularists do it? ... No!
Will the governments do it? ... No!
Will the media do it? ... No!
Will the schools do it? ... No!
Will the universities do it? ... No!
Naturally, it is the responsibility of Muslims themselves!
This is the modern day Jihad. The jihad of the pen, tongue and the media in the West, to help the West to know the Truth about Islam. Allah is calling you as we read in the Qur'an:
"And thus We have appointed you as a Model Community so that you may bear witness against mankind, and that the Messenger may be a witness against you." 2:143
"You who (claim) to believe, shall I show you a business that will save you from a painful torment? You should believe in Allah and His Messenger, and strive (tujahidoona) in Allah's way with your wealth and your persons; that will be better for you if you only knew." 61:10-11
"You are the best community that has been raised up for humankind (because you have been assigned the duty to) enjoin good and forbid evil and you believe in Allah." 3:110
"You who (claim) to believe, become Allah's helpers just as Jesus son of Mary asked the disciples: 'Who will be my helper towards Allah?' The disciples said, 'We are Allah's helpers.' A faction from the Children of Israel believed, while another faction disbelieved. We assisted the ones who believed against their enemy, till they held the upper hand." 61:14
Khateeb’s Name 'Abdur-Rahmaan As-Sudays
Edited By Nasim Chowdhury
Translated By:Hazem Ragab
حرب الشائعات
1) The struggle for power.
2) The dangers of propaganda.
3) Islaam prohibiting the spread of rumours.
4) Ascertaining news authenticity.
5) A warning against suspicion.
6) The evil of rumours.
7) The evil of those who spread rumours.
8) Propaganda during the eras of the Prophets.
9) The fabricated story against ‘Aa’ishah, may Allaah be pleased with her.
10) The death of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.
11) Rumours in our present time.
12) Propaganda via the Internet.
13) Our stance toward rumours.
14) Protection against rumours.
15) Condemning false rumours.
First Khutbah
Fellow Muslims! Fear Allaah the Exalted and know that it is the fear of Allaah that protects us from all afflictions.
Brothers in faith! Ever since Allaah created the universe there has been a fierce struggle between different forces for the control of people’s hearts and minds; just as there has been for the physical control of mankind.
Nowadays, humanity as a whole is facing a psychological war in a form that is far more dangerous than any conventional military war. The war in question is the propaganda war.
Propaganda is one of the most lethal and destructive weapons of war. Its impact is great and it is not an overstatement to state that humanity as a whole is under siege from this.
Therefore effort must be exerted to study it with the view to uprooting it and eliminating its causes before it causes irreparable damage to the very essence of human life.
Brothers in Islaam! If one takes a studious look at the history of man, he will find that propaganda and rumour have been constant factors throughout the ages; in fact it has flourished with the advancement of all civilizations and has been a source of anxiety and distress for many a nation. We must know that no concrete effort was made to bring this demon under perpetual control until the advent of Islaam.
Islaam, being a religion that is a source of mercy, justice and peace for mankind, took a decisive stance at this undesirable phenomenon and put it under strict control through divine injunctions from the Qur’aan and Sunnah. It did this by prohibiting all utterances that could cause dissention among people. It prohibited backbiting, lying, gossip, calumny and tale-mongering and threatened those who carry tales with a severe torment in the hereafter. The Glorious Qur’aan says that which translates as: “Indeed, those who like that immorality should be spread (or publicised) among those who have believed will have a painful punishment in this world and the Hereafter.” (An-Noor: 19).
The Qur’aan also commands the verification of information; “O you who have believed! If there comes to you a disobedient one with information, investigate, lest you harm a people out of ignorance and become, over what you have done, regretful.” (Al-Hujuraat: 6).
Allaah the Exalted also calls to the attention of man the fact that he will be held responsible for each and every utterance that he makes. Allaah says that which translates as: “He (i.e. man) does not utter any word except that with him is an observer prepared (to record).” (Qaaf: 18).
In actuality, propaganda and rumours are the basis of mankind thinking ill of the Muslims and this has been prohibited by Allaah when He says that which translates to: “O you who have believed! Avoid much suspicion; indeed some suspicions are sins.” (Al-Hujuraat: 12).
The Messenger of Allaah sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam also condemned tale-bearing when he said: ‘It is enough for a man to relay all that he hears for him to be among the liars.’ In order to block the way of the rumour-mongers and detractors, he said, ‘Shall I not inform you of the wickedest among you?’ His companions said, ‘Yes, O Messenger of Allaah!’ He said, ‘They are those who go about gossiping and causing enmity among those who have love for each other.’
Fellow Muslims! Rumour-mongering and propaganda have caused havoc to all kinds of people. It has destroyed so many homes; brought about the collapse of so many dynasties and caused tribulations and war. Its perpetrators are ill-natured, weak-minded and completely lacking in manliness. They have no respect for the truth; in fact lying and falsehood are to virtuous acts to them. Their aim is to cause mischief in the land and many have perished by their heinous acts.
History is replete with accounts of propagandists and fabricators who spare no effort in blocking the truth from reaching the people. During the time of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam the pagans strove hard without success to terminate Islaam and eliminate its Prophet. They falsely labelled him in order to prevent people from listening to his message. They also launched different forms psychological warfare against him and his companions but all of this was to no avail.
One group of people who partake in propaganda campaigns are the Jews, who are well-known for their rebellion against the Creator and their killing of Allaah’s Prophets who were sent to them. They levelled the most terrible allegations against Prophet ‘Eesa and his mother, peace be upon them both, and committed treacherous acts against the Messenger of Allaah sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam in Al-Madeenah through their acts of misinformation in which they have no rival.
The Jews collaborated with the hypocrites to falsely and mischievously accuse the mother of the faithful ‘Aa’ishah, may Allaah be pleased with her, of fornication in order to damage the reputation of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and thereby cause a setback to his message. It is in this regard that Allaah strongly rebuked the Muslims who were innocently influenced by this propaganda when He said that which translates as: “And why, when you heard it, did you not say, “It is not for us to speak of this. Exalted are You, (O Allaah): This is a great slander.” Allaah warns you against returning to the likes of this (conduct), ever, if you should be believers.” (An-Noor: 16-17).
Brothers in Islaam! The propaganda war is now in its golden age, due to modern technology and the sophisticated means of communication which are used by vicious people to terrorise mankind psychologically and intellectually and weaken their morale through their evil-breeding agencies.
Propaganda and rumour-mongering are crimes against religion, society and noble values. It is truly saddening that many of these rumours are believed by the masses to be facts. Let those among the Muslims who indulge in these abominable acts remember that they may lose their religion and even their lives if they do not desist. Is it proper for us Muslims to forsake all of our principles and have ill-thoughts of our scholars just because of mere rumours that we hear about them?
Let the scholars of the Muslim nation and their students rise up and fight this ugly phenomenon. Let them realise that they are the principal target of this war. Let them hold fast to the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam as their righteous predecessors have done during their times.
Mosques, schools, homes and the Muslim mass media also have a vital role to play in waging war against propaganda. Let all efforts be made with sincerity in order that we may achieve victory.
Brothers in Islaam! Our religion has laid down guidelines to be followed in fighting rumours, foremost of which is the fear of Allaah and verification of news before accepting it. It also enjoins objectivity in treating all matters.
Brothers in faith! We must not conclude this speech without condemning the mischievous war that the western media groups are waging against Islaam and the Muslims. Let us join hands to fight this propaganda and put up a concerted effort to show our enemies that we shall never compromise on any of our principles or values. Let us also adhere to the teachings of our religion in all areas of our lives and give our scholars and leaders a free hand to deal with any problems that arise.
Khateeb’s Name 'Abdur-Rahmaan As-Sudays
Edited By Nasim Chowdhury
Translated By:Hazem Ragab
حرب الشائعات
1) The struggle for power.
2) The dangers of propaganda.
3) Islaam prohibiting the spread of rumours.
4) Ascertaining news authenticity.
5) A warning against suspicion.
6) The evil of rumours.
7) The evil of those who spread rumours.
8) Propaganda during the eras of the Prophets.
9) The fabricated story against ‘Aa’ishah, may Allaah be pleased with her.
10) The death of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.
11) Rumours in our present time.
12) Propaganda via the Internet.
13) Our stance toward rumours.
14) Protection against rumours.
15) Condemning false rumours.
First Khutbah
Fellow Muslims! Fear Allaah the Exalted and know that it is the fear of Allaah that protects us from all afflictions.
Brothers in faith! Ever since Allaah created the universe there has been a fierce struggle between different forces for the control of people’s hearts and minds; just as there has been for the physical control of mankind.
Nowadays, humanity as a whole is facing a psychological war in a form that is far more dangerous than any conventional military war. The war in question is the propaganda war.
Propaganda is one of the most lethal and destructive weapons of war. Its impact is great and it is not an overstatement to state that humanity as a whole is under siege from this.
Therefore effort must be exerted to study it with the view to uprooting it and eliminating its causes before it causes irreparable damage to the very essence of human life.
Brothers in Islaam! If one takes a studious look at the history of man, he will find that propaganda and rumour have been constant factors throughout the ages; in fact it has flourished with the advancement of all civilizations and has been a source of anxiety and distress for many a nation. We must know that no concrete effort was made to bring this demon under perpetual control until the advent of Islaam.
Islaam, being a religion that is a source of mercy, justice and peace for mankind, took a decisive stance at this undesirable phenomenon and put it under strict control through divine injunctions from the Qur’aan and Sunnah. It did this by prohibiting all utterances that could cause dissention among people. It prohibited backbiting, lying, gossip, calumny and tale-mongering and threatened those who carry tales with a severe torment in the hereafter. The Glorious Qur’aan says that which translates as: “Indeed, those who like that immorality should be spread (or publicised) among those who have believed will have a painful punishment in this world and the Hereafter.” (An-Noor: 19).
The Qur’aan also commands the verification of information; “O you who have believed! If there comes to you a disobedient one with information, investigate, lest you harm a people out of ignorance and become, over what you have done, regretful.” (Al-Hujuraat: 6).
Allaah the Exalted also calls to the attention of man the fact that he will be held responsible for each and every utterance that he makes. Allaah says that which translates as: “He (i.e. man) does not utter any word except that with him is an observer prepared (to record).” (Qaaf: 18).
In actuality, propaganda and rumours are the basis of mankind thinking ill of the Muslims and this has been prohibited by Allaah when He says that which translates to: “O you who have believed! Avoid much suspicion; indeed some suspicions are sins.” (Al-Hujuraat: 12).
The Messenger of Allaah sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam also condemned tale-bearing when he said: ‘It is enough for a man to relay all that he hears for him to be among the liars.’ In order to block the way of the rumour-mongers and detractors, he said, ‘Shall I not inform you of the wickedest among you?’ His companions said, ‘Yes, O Messenger of Allaah!’ He said, ‘They are those who go about gossiping and causing enmity among those who have love for each other.’
Fellow Muslims! Rumour-mongering and propaganda have caused havoc to all kinds of people. It has destroyed so many homes; brought about the collapse of so many dynasties and caused tribulations and war. Its perpetrators are ill-natured, weak-minded and completely lacking in manliness. They have no respect for the truth; in fact lying and falsehood are to virtuous acts to them. Their aim is to cause mischief in the land and many have perished by their heinous acts.
History is replete with accounts of propagandists and fabricators who spare no effort in blocking the truth from reaching the people. During the time of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam the pagans strove hard without success to terminate Islaam and eliminate its Prophet. They falsely labelled him in order to prevent people from listening to his message. They also launched different forms psychological warfare against him and his companions but all of this was to no avail.
One group of people who partake in propaganda campaigns are the Jews, who are well-known for their rebellion against the Creator and their killing of Allaah’s Prophets who were sent to them. They levelled the most terrible allegations against Prophet ‘Eesa and his mother, peace be upon them both, and committed treacherous acts against the Messenger of Allaah sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam in Al-Madeenah through their acts of misinformation in which they have no rival.
The Jews collaborated with the hypocrites to falsely and mischievously accuse the mother of the faithful ‘Aa’ishah, may Allaah be pleased with her, of fornication in order to damage the reputation of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and thereby cause a setback to his message. It is in this regard that Allaah strongly rebuked the Muslims who were innocently influenced by this propaganda when He said that which translates as: “And why, when you heard it, did you not say, “It is not for us to speak of this. Exalted are You, (O Allaah): This is a great slander.” Allaah warns you against returning to the likes of this (conduct), ever, if you should be believers.” (An-Noor: 16-17).
Brothers in Islaam! The propaganda war is now in its golden age, due to modern technology and the sophisticated means of communication which are used by vicious people to terrorise mankind psychologically and intellectually and weaken their morale through their evil-breeding agencies.
Propaganda and rumour-mongering are crimes against religion, society and noble values. It is truly saddening that many of these rumours are believed by the masses to be facts. Let those among the Muslims who indulge in these abominable acts remember that they may lose their religion and even their lives if they do not desist. Is it proper for us Muslims to forsake all of our principles and have ill-thoughts of our scholars just because of mere rumours that we hear about them?
Let the scholars of the Muslim nation and their students rise up and fight this ugly phenomenon. Let them realise that they are the principal target of this war. Let them hold fast to the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam as their righteous predecessors have done during their times.
Mosques, schools, homes and the Muslim mass media also have a vital role to play in waging war against propaganda. Let all efforts be made with sincerity in order that we may achieve victory.
Brothers in Islaam! Our religion has laid down guidelines to be followed in fighting rumours, foremost of which is the fear of Allaah and verification of news before accepting it. It also enjoins objectivity in treating all matters.
Brothers in faith! We must not conclude this speech without condemning the mischievous war that the western media groups are waging against Islaam and the Muslims. Let us join hands to fight this propaganda and put up a concerted effort to show our enemies that we shall never compromise on any of our principles or values. Let us also adhere to the teachings of our religion in all areas of our lives and give our scholars and leaders a free hand to deal with any problems that arise.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Happiness is a common goal that everyone strives to attain. Philosophers, intellectuals, doctors and artists alike have all strived in search of the causes of happiness and ways to escape anxiety.
The reality is, however, that the proposed solutions achieve only partial or superficial happiness. They are more or less like drugs which only provide temporary relief; when their effect wares off, anxieties return two fold.
The following words invite you to ultimate happiness and will lead you to true success. But before you begin reading, I hope that you take a moment to try to open your heart and mind - as the intelligent one is he who searches for the truth no matter where it lies.
An undeniable reality is that permanent happiness cannot be achieved except by believing in God - The Creator - and following His guidance. Since it is He who created mankind, He is the one who knows what pleases and benefits them, just as he knows what saddens and harms them. A number of psychologists have affirmed that only a religious person lives with true content and serenity. So if believing in God leads to ultimate happiness, then how can this be achieved?
There are numerous religions and a variety of creeds. However, their critical differences in core issues make it impossible for all of them to be correct. So which is the correct religion? What is the correct creed that God requires us to believe in and in the end pleases Him? And which one of these creeds guarantees us happiness in this life and in the hereafter?
Before answering these questions, a criterion must first be established to be used as a basis for correctly determining the true religion. I firmly believe that all sensible people will agree that a religion is not deemed correct simply due to the fact that one was raised in that religion, had parents that adhered to it, or lived in a society that practiced it. Rather a religion's accuracy and authenticity are based upon substantial evidence and firm intellectual proofs. Intellect, the distinguishing factor between mankind and animals, must be applied when studying the issue of religion, which is undeniably the most important and gravest of all matters.
A short journey into the world of religions and sifting through various creeds could prove to be a good method in arriving at the desired conclusion. In order to save you the time and effort, I say with full conviction and confidence that no matter how much you investigate this issue, you will only arrive at one reality: that the true and correct religion is Islam and that true happiness and content lies within it.
Before you hastily rebut this statement and stop reading, please realize that completing the rest would not harm you at all, and it may in fact benefit you. Also, remember that you have an intellect by which you can distinguish things and determine truth from falsehood.
Why Islam?
This is an important question, indicating that the questioner is mature and enlightened. In response I say:
Islam is a religion that includes a number of merits and characteristics that are absent from other religions. These characteristics, alone, serve as convincing evidence that Islam is the true religion of God. You can determine the authenticity of this statement by contemplating them.
Islam's many merits and characteristics make it impossible to elaborate on all of them. However, some of the most important can be summarized as follows:
1. Amongst the greatest merits of Islam is that it fulfills the spiritual aspects of the human being and enables those who embrace it to have an ongoing connection with God. This makes it possible for them to be at ease spiritually. It shields them from chaos, being lost or feeling (spiritually) empty, and protects from mental instability.
2. Another of Islam’s merits is that it coincides totally with common sense. All of the Islamic legislation and its rulings are acceptable intellectually and are never contradictory. One man who embraced Islam was asked why he did so and replied, "Islam never ordered me to do anything that I later wished wasn't obligated, and it never forbade me from anything that I later wished wasn’t forbidden."
Much of what is readily accepted in other religions causes great confusion. This confusion makes it difficult to believe many of the fundamental tenets/doctrines that these religions are based upon. On the other hand, we find that Islam respects the intellect, prohibits ignorance, and condemns blind following.
3. Islam is an all-inclusive way of life attending to both spiritual and physical needs. Practicing Islam does not mean that one has to be secluded or that he is prohibited from the finer things in life. Rather, according to Islam, a person can be religious and still enjoy a normal life - attaining prestigious ranks/positions and achieving the highest academic degrees.
4. Among the merits of Islam is that it is a comprehensive religion. Every aspect of a person’s life is managed by Islam. There is not a problem except that a solution for it lies in Islam, which makes it possible to embrace and practice in every time and place. How can this not be the case in such a well organized religion that has guidelines and positive instruction for every aspect of life including: conflict resolution, buying and selling, social and marital relations, greetings, public etiquettes, and even how a person eats, sleeps and dresses. These practices have not been addressed generally, but rather in precise detail, causing the mind to wonder in amazement. Know that Islam even provides direction on how to wear and remove footwear. It encourages people to use their right hand when eating, drinking, shaking hands, and when giving and receiving items. As for disliked affairs such as using the bathroom, the left hand is to be used.
Islam also has wonderful instructions regarding going to sleep and waking up. When two Muslims meet, Islam directs them on how they should greet each other; a rider should initiate greeting the pedestrian, the youth should initiate greeting the elderly, and a small group should initiate greeting a larger group. These are but a few of Islam’s many comprehensive guidelines for all aspects of life.
5. Another of Islam’s merits is that it establishes good for mankind in all its regulations and safeguards them from evil. It is man himself who benefits from these regulations. Islam's prohibition of alcohol and drugs for example is only because of the great harm they cause to a person's physical and mental health. You can witness the state of a drunken man, no longer human except in appearance. A lot of murders, disputes, traffic accidents and rapes would not have taken place were it not for consuming these mind-altering products.
Islam's prohibition of premarital sex relieves societies of destructive diseases (such as AIDS and other STDs), immoral behavior, and the existence of a generation of illegitimate children. This generation is often deprived of a mother’s love and a father’s upbringing which can lead them to become burdensome on society. Islam prohibits women from displaying themselves publicly. This is because Islam considers women to be valued, preserved pearls; not some cheap merchandise to be displayed for all to see. It does so to protect them from the wolves of mankind - those who are only concerned with satisfying their lusts, even if it is at the cost of a woman’s honor, nobility, status, and purity.
On the other hand, Islam permits all harmless and beneficial drinks. It also permits married couples to enjoy one another within a happy home.
In summary, Islam has not eliminated freedoms and desires. Rather, it regulates them for the benefit of mankind and the society at large.
6. A radiant aspect of Islam is that it pays a great deal of attention to values, character, and praiseworthy manners, while prohibiting mankind from oppression, transgression and bad character. Islam is a religion of love, unity and mercy. It defines an individual’s relationship with his parents, relatives, neighbors, friends and all people. Islam embeds the best of manners in those who embrace it and prevents them from living selfishly. It encourages its followers to help others and take others' feelings into consideration - especially the poor, orphans, elderly and widows. They all have rights in Islam that must not be taken lightly by Muslims. Muslims shouldn’t feel like they are bestowing favors upon others when giving them their due rights, rather these rights are obligations upon Muslims. It is considered to be a great sin in Islam for one to go to sleep with a full stomach knowing that his neighbor is hungry.
Islam even prohibits two people from whispering to each other in the presence of a third, taking his feelings into consideration. Islam goes even further than that, obligating kind treatment to animals and prohibiting harming them. More specifically, Islam prohibits slaughtering an animal while another watches, or sharpening a knife while it is watching, so that it is not tormented along with being slaughtered.
Truthfulness, trustworthiness, bravery, generosity, humility, abiding by promises, visiting the sick, attending funerals, being dutiful to parents, visiting relatives and neighbors, and striving to help others are all etiquettes that are encouraged by Islam.
On the other hand, Islam strictly prohibits oppression, lying, conceitedness, envy, and insulting or betraying others. It is impermissible in Islam to speak ill of a person in his absence, even if what is being said is true. Islam encourages people to moderate in spending, being neither excessive nor misers.
During times when a lot of societies complain about cold heartedness, materialism, selfishness and so on, we find that Islam has proven remedies for all of these problems.
This summarized introduction should make it clear that Islam is a logical religion that can be easily understood by all people. The doors to Islam are wide open and do not shut for anyone looking to enter.
Understanding all of Islam's teachings in a short article is impossible. However, briefly discussing some of its fundamental tenets should assist in further clarifying the religion for those who are interested.
All of Islam’s regulations and teachings are important, but some have precedence over others. There are six essential articles of faith that one must believe in, and five pillars that one's faith must be built upon.
As for the six articles that must be believed in:
1. Believing in Allah (God) alone, associating no partners unto Him in worship. This is done by believing that Allah alone is the Creator of this universe and everything that is within it, and that it is He alone who disposes its affairs as He sees fit. Consequently, worship can only be offered to Him alone. Worship is implementing the teachings of Islam and its legislation while believing that all other religions are false.
2. Believing in the angels. Angels were created by Allah but we cannot see them. They worship Allah and never disobey Him. Allah orders them to carry out many of the universe's affairs. The angel Gabriel, for example, (peace be upon him) delivers Allah’s revelation to the messengers. Another is Mikayeel (peace be upon him), who is entrusted with the affairs of rain. Still there are other angels responsible for writing the deeds of mankind - deeds which they will be held accountable for on the Day of Resurrection. It is essential to believe that all of the angels act solely upon the order of Allah and do only what He wills.
3. Believing in the Books of Revelation. This means to believe that Allah revealed books to His servants comprising of His words. These books contain bliss for mankind by clarifying what Allah is pleased with as well as what He dislikes. The Angel charged with delivering revelation to the Prophets is Gabriel (peace be upon him) - the greatest of angels. A prophet then conveys the revelation to the rest of mankind.
Allah has revealed many books, amongst them: The Torah, revealed to Moses (peace be upon him), The Psalms, revealed to David (peace be upon him), The Gospel, sent down to Jesus (peace be upon him) and the Quran, which was revealed to Muhammad (peace be upon him).
One must believe that the Quran has abrogated all books prior to it, meaning that - after the Prophet (Muhammad) was sent - it is the only book that can be acted upon, especially since the Quran combines all the merits of past books and further supplements them.
Know that the Quran is from the greatest evidences that this religion is the truth revealed by Allah (God) the Most High. The Quran was revealed over 1400 years ago. Since then till this day, no contradictions or mistakes have been found in the Quran, not even in a single word. Many of the scientific discoveries of modern times were mentioned in the Quran. Since that time until today, nothing has been added to or subtracted from the Quran, while previous revelations have been tampered with and altered.
It is for this reason that you can pick up a copy of the Quran in the far East and find it to be exactly the same as one you pick up in the far West. If you were to come across a copy of the Quran that is hundreds of years old, you would also find that it is exactly the same as the one being printed currently - you wouldn’t be able to find even one letter that is different. This is because of Allah’s protection of this Book, the Book of the religion that sealed all other religions.
Speaking about the Quran would take a lot of time. However, it is enough for you to know that there is nothing like it whatsoever; not by way of (literary) style, its effect on people, nor its information about the unseen.
4. Believing in the Prophets. This is done by believing that Allah has chosen the best of mankind to be recipients of His revelation and ordered them to convey His religion to the people. There are numerous Prophets, among them are: Noah, Abraham, David, Solomon, Lot, Joseph, Moses and others (peace be upon all of them). Also from them is Jesus. It is imperative to believe that he is among the best of Prophets and to love and respect him. Whoever despises him or denies his prophet hood is not Muslim. Likewise it is compulsory to believe that Allah created him from a mother only, with no father, just as Allah created Adam with neither a mother nor a father.
Having mentioned this, we now know that Jesus is a noble messenger and not God, nor is he a son of God. He foretold the coming of a prophet to come after him; Muhammad ibn (the son of) Abdullah, the last of the prophets.
Muhammad ibn Abdullah (peace be upon him) was sent 1400 years ago. It is compulsory for everyone who comes after him until the Day of Judgment to believe in him and his message, and obey his orders and prohibitions.
All those who studied the biography of this messenger have agreed that he is a great personality who has been bestowed with the best of manners and most noble etiquettes. He had characteristics which were not present in anyone before him and will not be present in anyone after him. Anything that you read about him, no matter how small it is, confirms what I am saying.
Allah has also granted him proofs and evidences that establish the authenticity of his prophet hood, thus having doubt in this fact is intellectually impossible. Having been given such proofs and evidences of his prophet hood, whoever denies his truthfulness, would make it impossible for that individual to establish the truthfulness of any other prophet.
5. The Last Day. This is fulfilled firmly believing that after this life of ours is over, there is another more complete life. In it, there are immense rewards and magnificent luxuries, as well as punishment. Luxury is in Heaven and punishment in Hell. So whoever is righteous and believes in the religion of Islam enters Heaven, a place that contains untold pleasure and unimagined bliss. All the luxuries on earth cannot be compared to it at all. Whoever enters Heaven will continue to live in such luxuries for eternity as death does not exist therein.
As for those who act upon evil and do not believe in Islam, they would end up in Hell, which contains fires and punishment that cannot be imagined, all of the fires of earth and forms of punishment cannot be compared to the punishment of the hellfire at all.
The existence of punishment and reward after this life is an issue that is intellectually acknowledged, because it is impossible for this world to exist and then just diminish into nothingness. This is trifling about, and our Lord, the Creator, does not engage in such activities.
6. Believing in Divine Decree. This is to believe that everything that happens in this world is due to Allah’s knowledge and will. Nothing except what He wills takes place, and what He does not will, does not take place. Allah has written everything in a great book (The Preserved Tablet). Believing in divine decree also includes believing that Allah created everything.
As for the five pillars that must be practiced:
1. Uttering a phrase that is the key to entering into Islam. It is a contract between a servant and his Lord, signifying that he is upon this religion:
“Ashhadu an la ilaha ila Allah, wa ashadu ana Muhammad ‘abduhu wa rasuluhu.”
“I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.”
This testimony signifies the acceptance, admission, and adherence to the fact that worship must be offered to Allah alone. It also includes the acceptance of Islam as the only correct religion, Allah as the only true deity deserving worship, and that all other deities and religions are false. The second part of the testimony entails an affirmation that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and that he is to be obeyed and believed in all that he says.
2. The Prayer. It is a combination of statements, actions and invocations carried out in a specific manner. It is performed five times daily and doesn’t take much time at all. In fact, a prayer may not take more than five minutes. Prayer is the link between a servant and his Lord. It enables a Muslim to be confident, mentally and spiritually at rest, calm and untroubled.
3. The Zakaat. A wealthy Muslim must give a small portion of his money to the poor, 2.5% of his wealth to be exact. Even though it is a small amount, it enables the Muslim community to be conciliated and merciful amongst each other. It propagates brotherhood, love and concern amongst Muslims. And again, Zakaat is only to be given out by the wealthy, not the poor.
4. Fasting. What is meant by fasting is that a person withholds from eating, drinking and sexual relations during the month of Ramadan [which is the 9th month of the lunar calendar] between dawn and sunset. The sick, travelers, and those with valid excuses are pardoned from fasting. They are permitted to eat and drink but must make up the missed days once they become able.
Fasting has many health, personal, and social benefits. Amongst them are: giving the digestive system a break, allowing Muslims to grow spiritually and practice good mannerisms. It enables Muslims to be conscious of their needy brothers and sisters, those who are unable to find enough food to satisfy their needs throughout the year. Consequently, the Muslims humble themselves and strive to help them.
5. Hajj. It is a form of worship that must be performed only once in a lifetime, in Makkah. Those who are physically incapable or not financially able to perform it are pardoned from doing so.
Hajj contains many magnificent benefits; the gathering of Muslims from all around the globe in one place getting to know each other and displaying love for one another, not to mention what a Muslim achieves by way of spiritual purification and character refinement due to experiencing such a spiritual environment in the shade of Hajj.
Hopefully what has preceded is sufficient in clarifying - in a summarized fashion - some of the merits of Islam. I invite all who have not yet entered into the fold of Islam to listen to a sincere invitation from one who only wants good for you: save yourself before death takes you by surprise, and thus you die upon other than Islam - what a great loss that is!
Do you know what dying upon other than Islam means? It means that you would enter the Hellfire, abiding therein for eternity. This is what Allah has warned all those who die without embracing Islam. So why would you take a chance with an issue as grave as this?
I’m going to ask you a question that I want you to answer honestly:
What would you lose if you embraced Islam?
If you embrace Islam, you can continue living your normal ordinary life, but in a more spiritual, organized, and pleasant fashion…and after death, tremendous delight and eternal pleasure await you.
If you have reached a level of conviction, believing that Islam is the true religion, but fear that embracing Islam would prevent you from enjoying pleasures that you cannot live without, then compare these temporary pleasures with eternal pleasure. Which of the two should be given preference?
Furthermore, you can embrace Islam and then gradually try to reduce such pleasures. And if you were to honestly invoke Allah, He would surely aid you in leaving them. In any case, embracing Islam and having shortcomings is better than not embracing Islam at all.
If the barrier between you and Islam is due to having a weak personality, the inability to make such a big decision, or because you fear that people may talk about you or mock you, know that these are just unrealistic thoughts. You would not be the first person to embrace Islam; a lot of others have made the decision to do so. They did not lose anything, their lives were not ruined, nor do they have any regrets. Furthermore, does it make sense that you sacrifice your own wellbeing and happiness in this life and in the hereafter just because you fear mockery or admonishment?
This affair is worthy of your time. Contemplate upon it deeply.
My last words: Do not lose yourself! I ask Allah to bless you with true guidance.
One who wishes only the best for you,
Dr. Saleh Abdul Azeez As Sindee.
Happiness is a common goal that everyone strives to attain. Philosophers, intellectuals, doctors and artists alike have all strived in search of the causes of happiness and ways to escape anxiety.
The reality is, however, that the proposed solutions achieve only partial or superficial happiness. They are more or less like drugs which only provide temporary relief; when their effect wares off, anxieties return two fold.
The following words invite you to ultimate happiness and will lead you to true success. But before you begin reading, I hope that you take a moment to try to open your heart and mind - as the intelligent one is he who searches for the truth no matter where it lies.
An undeniable reality is that permanent happiness cannot be achieved except by believing in God - The Creator - and following His guidance. Since it is He who created mankind, He is the one who knows what pleases and benefits them, just as he knows what saddens and harms them. A number of psychologists have affirmed that only a religious person lives with true content and serenity. So if believing in God leads to ultimate happiness, then how can this be achieved?
There are numerous religions and a variety of creeds. However, their critical differences in core issues make it impossible for all of them to be correct. So which is the correct religion? What is the correct creed that God requires us to believe in and in the end pleases Him? And which one of these creeds guarantees us happiness in this life and in the hereafter?
Before answering these questions, a criterion must first be established to be used as a basis for correctly determining the true religion. I firmly believe that all sensible people will agree that a religion is not deemed correct simply due to the fact that one was raised in that religion, had parents that adhered to it, or lived in a society that practiced it. Rather a religion's accuracy and authenticity are based upon substantial evidence and firm intellectual proofs. Intellect, the distinguishing factor between mankind and animals, must be applied when studying the issue of religion, which is undeniably the most important and gravest of all matters.
A short journey into the world of religions and sifting through various creeds could prove to be a good method in arriving at the desired conclusion. In order to save you the time and effort, I say with full conviction and confidence that no matter how much you investigate this issue, you will only arrive at one reality: that the true and correct religion is Islam and that true happiness and content lies within it.
Before you hastily rebut this statement and stop reading, please realize that completing the rest would not harm you at all, and it may in fact benefit you. Also, remember that you have an intellect by which you can distinguish things and determine truth from falsehood.
Why Islam?
This is an important question, indicating that the questioner is mature and enlightened. In response I say:
Islam is a religion that includes a number of merits and characteristics that are absent from other religions. These characteristics, alone, serve as convincing evidence that Islam is the true religion of God. You can determine the authenticity of this statement by contemplating them.
Islam's many merits and characteristics make it impossible to elaborate on all of them. However, some of the most important can be summarized as follows:
1. Amongst the greatest merits of Islam is that it fulfills the spiritual aspects of the human being and enables those who embrace it to have an ongoing connection with God. This makes it possible for them to be at ease spiritually. It shields them from chaos, being lost or feeling (spiritually) empty, and protects from mental instability.
2. Another of Islam’s merits is that it coincides totally with common sense. All of the Islamic legislation and its rulings are acceptable intellectually and are never contradictory. One man who embraced Islam was asked why he did so and replied, "Islam never ordered me to do anything that I later wished wasn't obligated, and it never forbade me from anything that I later wished wasn’t forbidden."
Much of what is readily accepted in other religions causes great confusion. This confusion makes it difficult to believe many of the fundamental tenets/doctrines that these religions are based upon. On the other hand, we find that Islam respects the intellect, prohibits ignorance, and condemns blind following.
3. Islam is an all-inclusive way of life attending to both spiritual and physical needs. Practicing Islam does not mean that one has to be secluded or that he is prohibited from the finer things in life. Rather, according to Islam, a person can be religious and still enjoy a normal life - attaining prestigious ranks/positions and achieving the highest academic degrees.
4. Among the merits of Islam is that it is a comprehensive religion. Every aspect of a person’s life is managed by Islam. There is not a problem except that a solution for it lies in Islam, which makes it possible to embrace and practice in every time and place. How can this not be the case in such a well organized religion that has guidelines and positive instruction for every aspect of life including: conflict resolution, buying and selling, social and marital relations, greetings, public etiquettes, and even how a person eats, sleeps and dresses. These practices have not been addressed generally, but rather in precise detail, causing the mind to wonder in amazement. Know that Islam even provides direction on how to wear and remove footwear. It encourages people to use their right hand when eating, drinking, shaking hands, and when giving and receiving items. As for disliked affairs such as using the bathroom, the left hand is to be used.
Islam also has wonderful instructions regarding going to sleep and waking up. When two Muslims meet, Islam directs them on how they should greet each other; a rider should initiate greeting the pedestrian, the youth should initiate greeting the elderly, and a small group should initiate greeting a larger group. These are but a few of Islam’s many comprehensive guidelines for all aspects of life.
5. Another of Islam’s merits is that it establishes good for mankind in all its regulations and safeguards them from evil. It is man himself who benefits from these regulations. Islam's prohibition of alcohol and drugs for example is only because of the great harm they cause to a person's physical and mental health. You can witness the state of a drunken man, no longer human except in appearance. A lot of murders, disputes, traffic accidents and rapes would not have taken place were it not for consuming these mind-altering products.
Islam's prohibition of premarital sex relieves societies of destructive diseases (such as AIDS and other STDs), immoral behavior, and the existence of a generation of illegitimate children. This generation is often deprived of a mother’s love and a father’s upbringing which can lead them to become burdensome on society. Islam prohibits women from displaying themselves publicly. This is because Islam considers women to be valued, preserved pearls; not some cheap merchandise to be displayed for all to see. It does so to protect them from the wolves of mankind - those who are only concerned with satisfying their lusts, even if it is at the cost of a woman’s honor, nobility, status, and purity.
On the other hand, Islam permits all harmless and beneficial drinks. It also permits married couples to enjoy one another within a happy home.
In summary, Islam has not eliminated freedoms and desires. Rather, it regulates them for the benefit of mankind and the society at large.
6. A radiant aspect of Islam is that it pays a great deal of attention to values, character, and praiseworthy manners, while prohibiting mankind from oppression, transgression and bad character. Islam is a religion of love, unity and mercy. It defines an individual’s relationship with his parents, relatives, neighbors, friends and all people. Islam embeds the best of manners in those who embrace it and prevents them from living selfishly. It encourages its followers to help others and take others' feelings into consideration - especially the poor, orphans, elderly and widows. They all have rights in Islam that must not be taken lightly by Muslims. Muslims shouldn’t feel like they are bestowing favors upon others when giving them their due rights, rather these rights are obligations upon Muslims. It is considered to be a great sin in Islam for one to go to sleep with a full stomach knowing that his neighbor is hungry.
Islam even prohibits two people from whispering to each other in the presence of a third, taking his feelings into consideration. Islam goes even further than that, obligating kind treatment to animals and prohibiting harming them. More specifically, Islam prohibits slaughtering an animal while another watches, or sharpening a knife while it is watching, so that it is not tormented along with being slaughtered.
Truthfulness, trustworthiness, bravery, generosity, humility, abiding by promises, visiting the sick, attending funerals, being dutiful to parents, visiting relatives and neighbors, and striving to help others are all etiquettes that are encouraged by Islam.
On the other hand, Islam strictly prohibits oppression, lying, conceitedness, envy, and insulting or betraying others. It is impermissible in Islam to speak ill of a person in his absence, even if what is being said is true. Islam encourages people to moderate in spending, being neither excessive nor misers.
During times when a lot of societies complain about cold heartedness, materialism, selfishness and so on, we find that Islam has proven remedies for all of these problems.
This summarized introduction should make it clear that Islam is a logical religion that can be easily understood by all people. The doors to Islam are wide open and do not shut for anyone looking to enter.
Understanding all of Islam's teachings in a short article is impossible. However, briefly discussing some of its fundamental tenets should assist in further clarifying the religion for those who are interested.
All of Islam’s regulations and teachings are important, but some have precedence over others. There are six essential articles of faith that one must believe in, and five pillars that one's faith must be built upon.
As for the six articles that must be believed in:
1. Believing in Allah (God) alone, associating no partners unto Him in worship. This is done by believing that Allah alone is the Creator of this universe and everything that is within it, and that it is He alone who disposes its affairs as He sees fit. Consequently, worship can only be offered to Him alone. Worship is implementing the teachings of Islam and its legislation while believing that all other religions are false.
2. Believing in the angels. Angels were created by Allah but we cannot see them. They worship Allah and never disobey Him. Allah orders them to carry out many of the universe's affairs. The angel Gabriel, for example, (peace be upon him) delivers Allah’s revelation to the messengers. Another is Mikayeel (peace be upon him), who is entrusted with the affairs of rain. Still there are other angels responsible for writing the deeds of mankind - deeds which they will be held accountable for on the Day of Resurrection. It is essential to believe that all of the angels act solely upon the order of Allah and do only what He wills.
3. Believing in the Books of Revelation. This means to believe that Allah revealed books to His servants comprising of His words. These books contain bliss for mankind by clarifying what Allah is pleased with as well as what He dislikes. The Angel charged with delivering revelation to the Prophets is Gabriel (peace be upon him) - the greatest of angels. A prophet then conveys the revelation to the rest of mankind.
Allah has revealed many books, amongst them: The Torah, revealed to Moses (peace be upon him), The Psalms, revealed to David (peace be upon him), The Gospel, sent down to Jesus (peace be upon him) and the Quran, which was revealed to Muhammad (peace be upon him).
One must believe that the Quran has abrogated all books prior to it, meaning that - after the Prophet (Muhammad) was sent - it is the only book that can be acted upon, especially since the Quran combines all the merits of past books and further supplements them.
Know that the Quran is from the greatest evidences that this religion is the truth revealed by Allah (God) the Most High. The Quran was revealed over 1400 years ago. Since then till this day, no contradictions or mistakes have been found in the Quran, not even in a single word. Many of the scientific discoveries of modern times were mentioned in the Quran. Since that time until today, nothing has been added to or subtracted from the Quran, while previous revelations have been tampered with and altered.
It is for this reason that you can pick up a copy of the Quran in the far East and find it to be exactly the same as one you pick up in the far West. If you were to come across a copy of the Quran that is hundreds of years old, you would also find that it is exactly the same as the one being printed currently - you wouldn’t be able to find even one letter that is different. This is because of Allah’s protection of this Book, the Book of the religion that sealed all other religions.
Speaking about the Quran would take a lot of time. However, it is enough for you to know that there is nothing like it whatsoever; not by way of (literary) style, its effect on people, nor its information about the unseen.
4. Believing in the Prophets. This is done by believing that Allah has chosen the best of mankind to be recipients of His revelation and ordered them to convey His religion to the people. There are numerous Prophets, among them are: Noah, Abraham, David, Solomon, Lot, Joseph, Moses and others (peace be upon all of them). Also from them is Jesus. It is imperative to believe that he is among the best of Prophets and to love and respect him. Whoever despises him or denies his prophet hood is not Muslim. Likewise it is compulsory to believe that Allah created him from a mother only, with no father, just as Allah created Adam with neither a mother nor a father.
Having mentioned this, we now know that Jesus is a noble messenger and not God, nor is he a son of God. He foretold the coming of a prophet to come after him; Muhammad ibn (the son of) Abdullah, the last of the prophets.
Muhammad ibn Abdullah (peace be upon him) was sent 1400 years ago. It is compulsory for everyone who comes after him until the Day of Judgment to believe in him and his message, and obey his orders and prohibitions.
All those who studied the biography of this messenger have agreed that he is a great personality who has been bestowed with the best of manners and most noble etiquettes. He had characteristics which were not present in anyone before him and will not be present in anyone after him. Anything that you read about him, no matter how small it is, confirms what I am saying.
Allah has also granted him proofs and evidences that establish the authenticity of his prophet hood, thus having doubt in this fact is intellectually impossible. Having been given such proofs and evidences of his prophet hood, whoever denies his truthfulness, would make it impossible for that individual to establish the truthfulness of any other prophet.
5. The Last Day. This is fulfilled firmly believing that after this life of ours is over, there is another more complete life. In it, there are immense rewards and magnificent luxuries, as well as punishment. Luxury is in Heaven and punishment in Hell. So whoever is righteous and believes in the religion of Islam enters Heaven, a place that contains untold pleasure and unimagined bliss. All the luxuries on earth cannot be compared to it at all. Whoever enters Heaven will continue to live in such luxuries for eternity as death does not exist therein.
As for those who act upon evil and do not believe in Islam, they would end up in Hell, which contains fires and punishment that cannot be imagined, all of the fires of earth and forms of punishment cannot be compared to the punishment of the hellfire at all.
The existence of punishment and reward after this life is an issue that is intellectually acknowledged, because it is impossible for this world to exist and then just diminish into nothingness. This is trifling about, and our Lord, the Creator, does not engage in such activities.
6. Believing in Divine Decree. This is to believe that everything that happens in this world is due to Allah’s knowledge and will. Nothing except what He wills takes place, and what He does not will, does not take place. Allah has written everything in a great book (The Preserved Tablet). Believing in divine decree also includes believing that Allah created everything.
As for the five pillars that must be practiced:
1. Uttering a phrase that is the key to entering into Islam. It is a contract between a servant and his Lord, signifying that he is upon this religion:
“Ashhadu an la ilaha ila Allah, wa ashadu ana Muhammad ‘abduhu wa rasuluhu.”
“I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.”
This testimony signifies the acceptance, admission, and adherence to the fact that worship must be offered to Allah alone. It also includes the acceptance of Islam as the only correct religion, Allah as the only true deity deserving worship, and that all other deities and religions are false. The second part of the testimony entails an affirmation that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and that he is to be obeyed and believed in all that he says.
2. The Prayer. It is a combination of statements, actions and invocations carried out in a specific manner. It is performed five times daily and doesn’t take much time at all. In fact, a prayer may not take more than five minutes. Prayer is the link between a servant and his Lord. It enables a Muslim to be confident, mentally and spiritually at rest, calm and untroubled.
3. The Zakaat. A wealthy Muslim must give a small portion of his money to the poor, 2.5% of his wealth to be exact. Even though it is a small amount, it enables the Muslim community to be conciliated and merciful amongst each other. It propagates brotherhood, love and concern amongst Muslims. And again, Zakaat is only to be given out by the wealthy, not the poor.
4. Fasting. What is meant by fasting is that a person withholds from eating, drinking and sexual relations during the month of Ramadan [which is the 9th month of the lunar calendar] between dawn and sunset. The sick, travelers, and those with valid excuses are pardoned from fasting. They are permitted to eat and drink but must make up the missed days once they become able.
Fasting has many health, personal, and social benefits. Amongst them are: giving the digestive system a break, allowing Muslims to grow spiritually and practice good mannerisms. It enables Muslims to be conscious of their needy brothers and sisters, those who are unable to find enough food to satisfy their needs throughout the year. Consequently, the Muslims humble themselves and strive to help them.
5. Hajj. It is a form of worship that must be performed only once in a lifetime, in Makkah. Those who are physically incapable or not financially able to perform it are pardoned from doing so.
Hajj contains many magnificent benefits; the gathering of Muslims from all around the globe in one place getting to know each other and displaying love for one another, not to mention what a Muslim achieves by way of spiritual purification and character refinement due to experiencing such a spiritual environment in the shade of Hajj.
Hopefully what has preceded is sufficient in clarifying - in a summarized fashion - some of the merits of Islam. I invite all who have not yet entered into the fold of Islam to listen to a sincere invitation from one who only wants good for you: save yourself before death takes you by surprise, and thus you die upon other than Islam - what a great loss that is!
Do you know what dying upon other than Islam means? It means that you would enter the Hellfire, abiding therein for eternity. This is what Allah has warned all those who die without embracing Islam. So why would you take a chance with an issue as grave as this?
I’m going to ask you a question that I want you to answer honestly:
What would you lose if you embraced Islam?
If you embrace Islam, you can continue living your normal ordinary life, but in a more spiritual, organized, and pleasant fashion…and after death, tremendous delight and eternal pleasure await you.
If you have reached a level of conviction, believing that Islam is the true religion, but fear that embracing Islam would prevent you from enjoying pleasures that you cannot live without, then compare these temporary pleasures with eternal pleasure. Which of the two should be given preference?
Furthermore, you can embrace Islam and then gradually try to reduce such pleasures. And if you were to honestly invoke Allah, He would surely aid you in leaving them. In any case, embracing Islam and having shortcomings is better than not embracing Islam at all.
If the barrier between you and Islam is due to having a weak personality, the inability to make such a big decision, or because you fear that people may talk about you or mock you, know that these are just unrealistic thoughts. You would not be the first person to embrace Islam; a lot of others have made the decision to do so. They did not lose anything, their lives were not ruined, nor do they have any regrets. Furthermore, does it make sense that you sacrifice your own wellbeing and happiness in this life and in the hereafter just because you fear mockery or admonishment?
This affair is worthy of your time. Contemplate upon it deeply.
My last words: Do not lose yourself! I ask Allah to bless you with true guidance.
One who wishes only the best for you,
Dr. Saleh Abdul Azeez As Sindee.
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