Why do we need the Sunnah? Before the advent of the Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam), every nation on this planet had received a Messenger. The purpose of these Messengers was to instruct their people in how to worship Allaah correctly. The Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) was no exception to this. If we had been given the Qur'an on its own, then most of us who are Muslims would have gone astray through our own interpretations of this book. Rather, Allaah through his mercy, sent a noble Messenger who came to explain this Qur'an so that the people of the earth may understand their Creator better:
"We have revealed the reminder (Qur'an) to you (O Muhammad) in order that you explain to the people what has been revealed to them, that perhaps they may reflect." (Surah An-Nahl 16:44)
By explaining the Qur'an through his words and actions, the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) through his Sunnah, gives us the best example of how this book is to be understood and practiced. This is why Allaah says:
"Indeed in the Messenger of Allaah you have the most beautiful pattern of conduct." (Surah Al-Ahzab 33:21)
Our need for the Sunnah is so great, that without it our religion would be incomplete. In fact, this is the exact predicament which all the other religious scriptures find themselves in. Books such as the Bible and the Baghvad Gita, are so lacking in a divine explanation, that one can never understand (from them) as how to worship Allaah properly. As Muslims we do not have this worry, because the Sunnah is our divine explanation. The Qur'an commands us to worship Allaah through prayer, fasting, charity etc., but it does not inform us of how to perform these duties practically. It is through his infinite Wisdom, that Allaah has sent us a practical example in the form of the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) and his teachings. The Prophet's (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) adherence and practice of the Qur'an was so exemplary, that upon being asked about his character, his wife Aisha said: "…his character was that of the Qur'an." [2]
So… Is it obligatory to follow the Sunnah? Obeying Allaah is without doubt, obligatory. So when Allaah says: "Whosoever obeys the Messenger, has indeed obeyed Allaah." (Surah An-Nisa 4:80), it should be clear that one has obeyed Allaah by obeying the Messenger. Furthermore Muhammad (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said:
"…whosoever disobeys me, disobeys Allaah." [3]
Following the Sunnah is clearly an obligation upon every Muslim. The obligation is stressed even more when Allaah says: "But no, by your Lord, they can have no faith, until they make you (O Muhammad) judge in all disputes between them, and find in themselves no resistance against your decisions, and accept them with full submission." (Sura An-Nisa 4:65) and
: "It is not fitting for a believer, man or woman, when a matter has been decreed by Allaah and His Messenger to have any choice in the matter. If anyone disobeys Allaah and His Messenger he is clearly astray." (Surah Al-Ahzab 33:36)
What are the benefits of the Sunnah?
One of the scholars of the past, Imam Malik (rahimahullah) [6], said: "The Sunnah is like the ark of Noah. Whoever embarks upon it achieves salvation and whoever rejects it, is drowned." [ Reported in Majmoo al-Fataawa (4/57). ]
This salvation is the admittance into Paradise and avoiding the fire of Hell. Regret is a terrible state. But regret on the Day of Judgement will be even worse for the one who did not follow the Sunnah:
"And remember the day when the wrongdoer will bite at his hand and say: ‘Oh! Would that I had taken the path of the Messenger.'" (Surah Al-Furqan 25:27)
This regret will continue during the punishment:
"On the day the faces will be tossed about in the fire, they will say: ‘Woe to us! Would that we had obeyed Allaah and his Messenger." (Surah Az-Zukhruf 43:67)
On the other hand, the one who adhered to the Sunnah will attain the ultimate benefit:
"Whoever obeys Allaah and his Messenger will be admitted to gardens beneath which rivers flow to live there (forever), and that will be the great achievement." (Surah An-Nisa 4:13)
This is further confirmed by the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) himself when he said: "He who obeys me enters paradise, and he who disobeys me refuses to enter paradise."
[Reported by Bukhari - Eng. Trans. Vol.9, p.284, No.384.]
The sweetness of the Sunnah will also be tasted during this life. The vastness of the Prophet's (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) way is such, that is produces a physical, spiritual and psychological benefit to its adherent. This fact is also recognized by non-Muslim scientists who have discovered that the Sunnah is extremely accurate in its conformity with modern scientific data. Scientific and Medical facts which were recorded more then 1000 years ago, from the tongue of the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam), have only been recently discovered. Such findings prove that the Sunnah could only have been divinely revealed. Thus, the one who lives his life by this law will bring goodness upon himself and upon the rest of this decaying world. As for one who chooses to discard these divine rules, then that is a person who has lost a treasure which far outweighs any treasure that the earth can bring forward. A treasure which will bring eternal happiness.
The rejecters of Hadith state that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam is like an ambassador; he was only entrusted with the task of conveying Allah’s message to humanity. Since he has accomplished the task of conveying the message, it is not necessary to obey him or follow his Ahadith.
The answer to this objection is provided in the following verse of the Qur’an Majid. Allah Ta’ala says:
هو الذي بعث في الأميين رسولا منهم يتلوا عليهم آياته ويزكيهم ويعلمهم الكتاب والحكمة وإن كانوا من قبل لفي ضلال مبين
This verse states that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam was sent to impart the knowledge of the book and to
impart wisdom. How then can his status be likened to that of an ambassador? Similarly, Allah Ta’ala says:
وأنزلنا إليك الذكر لتبين للناس ما نزل إليهم ولعلهم يتفكرون
It is evident from this verse that the task of expounding the contents of the Qur’an Majid was assigned to Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam. Allah Ta’ala also states the following:
لاتحرك به لسانك لتعجل به إن علينا جمعه وقرآنه فإذا قرأنه فاتبع قرآنه ثم إن علينا بيانه
The word ‘Bayaan’ above, refers to the same thing denoted by the phrase, [ويعلمهم الكتاب والحكمة] and the words, [لتبين للناس]. The Qur’an Majid also states the following:
إنا أنزلنا إليك الكتاب بالحق لتحكم بين الناس بما أراك الله ولا تكن للخائنين خصيما
In the light of the above verses of the Qur’an Majid, how can it be said that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam held the position of an ambassador, sent to deliver a message only.
Similarly, the Qur’an Majid ordains salah, zakah, fasting and pilgrimage but the details of each one of these cannot be found in the Qur’an Majid. It is the Ahadith, which shed adequate light on the method of discharging these obligations. If Hadith is ignored how would one be able to establish salah and discharge zakah?
Similarly, the vastness of the Arabic language adds another dimension to the need for elucidation. Many words in the Qur’an Majid convey dual meanings. If the Ahadith of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam are ignored, the doors of irreligiousness would be flung open. Every person will have a licence to interpret the Qur’an Majid freely, thereby causing unprecedented dissension and strife.
The Prophet[pbuh] of Allah said:
“I have been given the Qur'aan and something similar to it besides it. Yet a time will come when a man leaning on his couch will say ‘follow the Qur'aan only; what you find in it permissible, take as permissible, and what you find as forbidden, take as forbidden’. But verily what the Messenger of Allaah has forbidden is like what Allaah has forbidden” Authentic Hadith (Ahmad, Abu Dawood) “Whosoever obeys the Messenger, has indeed obeyed Allaah” (Surah An-Nisa 4:80)
“But no, by your Lord, they can have no faith, until they make you (O’ Muhammad) judge in all disputes between them, and find in themselves no resistance against your decisions, and accept them with full submission” (Sura An-Nisa 4:65) “It is not fitting for a believer, man or woman, when a matter has been decreed by Allaah and His Messenger to have any choice in the matter. If anyone disobeys Allaah and His Messenger he is clearly astray” (Surah Al-Ahzab 33:36)
The Prophet[pbuh] said:
“I have left two things among you, as long as you hold fast to them you will never go astray. They are the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger" (Al-Muwatta)
A new fitna is trying to confuse the minds of muslim youth on the internet these days.They are hadith rejectors or so called Quranists.These people try to create doubts among ill-informed muslims who are weak in Qur'an and Hadith knowledge.They want to interprete Islam according to their whims and fancies and take only whatever suits them.They want to live a carefree life with no Jihad,Dawah,Hijab,Hajj,Salah,Shariah,Zakat,Alcohol,no love for the Prophet[pbuh]etc n etc.
They were silenced n number of times on the internet,but they are used to show their dirty faces again n again.Here are a few example of their illogical,irrational and twisted reasoning:
Abu Raf'i narrated that the Prophet said, "You are going to encounter a people sitting on lofty cushioned chairs. My order comes to them from what I was ordered (by Allah ) to command or forbid. They say, 'We do not know about that. We follow only what we find in Allah's Book (the Qur'an).'"
Ironically, Prophet Muhammad predicted the advent of a time wherein hadith-rejectors would abound. Note how Prophet described them as "sitting on lofty cushioned chairs," that is, they would consider themselves high in knowledge and look down on the people who follow the Prophet via both the Quran and the Prophetic tradition encapsulated in the ahadeeth.
Their rejection is problematic on two fronts: 1) the rejectors fail to recognize the honor Allah conferred on the Prophet when Allah confirmed, "Nor does he say (aught) of (his own desire)" (Quran 53:3). The second reason this is problematic is that the rejectors, by virtue of their rejection of ahadeeth, also cast doubt on the chain of transmission of Quran. The latter is so because Quran, as we know it today, came to us in exactly the same manner that ahadeeth came to us and through the same Islamic personalities (may Allah bless them).
Furthermore, they also show their ignorance of the Quran as the Quran itself exhorts Muslims to follow the example of Prophet in many places, for examples, "whatever the Messenger gives you, take it" (59:7) and "if you love Allah, follow me" (3:31) and "you have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern (of conduct) for any one whose hope is in Allah" (33:21). A thinking person then must engage himself in the following think-exercise: How can anyone claiming to follow Islam follow the example of Prophet when Quran does not give minute detail of his life in terms of his manners, his thoughts, and his demeanor (before different people in different situations at different times)?
Secularism, Orientalists, and anti-Islam rhetoric (from our detractors, specifically its Internet presence menacing Muslims) have largely been responsible for the trend's current success and its ongoing popularity in our time.
The rejctors of hadith are playing into the hands of those vested interest who want to wipe out Islam. It happened with the previous Ummah and they lost the touch with the book of Allah.
Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) happens to be the only person in the history of mankind whose actions, commands, approvals.. entire lifestyle is preserved in the books. How he walked and how he talked and how broad his lips went when he laughed , all is preserved. Preservation of Hadith is a preservation of the Implementation of Qur’anic injunctions.
Some enemies of Islam think that if you want to dilute Islam then remove the sunnah from the culture of the Muslims and automatically they will dissappear and disintegrate into fractions uncountable. This is true, because it is the sunnah of the Prophet that binds the Muslims together as a community and gives a universal picture of united Muslims, irresepctive of region , language or country they stay in. Take only two examples , one of the beard and other of the hijab. These two noble traditions of Islam are identifications of a Muslim. The world know Muslims easily if they sport a beard or a woman, if she wears a hijab. In the same way the rest of the traditions too.. You can include the jumuah salah or the Iftar and many things of the sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh ) which comes from the Hadith.
Infact the entire Islam is seen because of the Sunnah in the life of the Muslims, because the life of the Prophet (pbuh) was nothing but actions according ot the Qur’an. Just substract Sunnah from the life of the Muslims, you cannot even identify a Muslim.
Questions that the Quranites Have No Good Logical Responses To"
1]Why don't we have any record of early Muslims completely rejecting hadith?
2]How do you know how to pray using the Quran alone?
3]How do you know how much Zakah to pay using the Quran alone?
4]The Quran says that men can beat their wives. But we know according to the hadith that this is meant to be a light beating that inflicts a spiritual punishment and not a harmful physical one. What is to stop a man from misinterpreting the Quran and beating his wife severely?
5]It says in the Quran to shorten the prayer when you travel. How long do you have to travel in order to be eligible to have this privilege? How short do you cut the prayer?
6]The Qur'an says to cut the hand of the thief. Does the word 'cut' in the verse mean to cut off or to cut in the sense of making a mark, or could it be metaphorical and mean cutting off the resources of the thief?
7]The prophecies of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) came true from the hadith thus proving that there are divine revelations sent down to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) that are not recorded in the Quran. How do you explain this?
8]The Qur'an says that we obey Allah and the Messenger (Surah 3:31-32,132; Surah 4:13-14, 59, 61, 64, 69, 80; Surah 24:56). There are two separate commands here. One is to obey Allah and the other is to obey the Prophet. In order to obey someone, he would need to issue a command. So if we want to obey Allah we have to do so by reading the commands of Allah in the Quran and adhering to them. If we want to obey the Prophet then we have to do so by reading read the commands of the Prophet (peace be upon him) in the authentic hadith and adhere to them. Or is there any another way?
9]It says in the Qu'ran (Surah 33:21) that we have the Messenger as a good example to follow. How would we know his example without the traditions to turn to?
10]Surah 24, verse 31 says "And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof" What exactly is this part that "appears thereof"?
11]Allah says in the Qur'an (Surah 75:19) that the Qur'an will be recited. But then in the verse right after (verse 20) it is also said that the Qur'an will be explained. If the Qur'an is self-explanatory then the only thing that needs to be done is reciting it out. However, in verse 19 the function of reciting is done and then in the verse right after, the function of explaining is done. Clearly these are two different tasks, which mean that reading the Qur'an alone would not give you the full explanation required. It has to be explained through some other source. What is that other source?
-Refuting The Argument That The Only Duty Of The Messenger Is To Simply Deliver The Qur'an[http://www.call-to-monotheism.com/counter_rebuttal_to_a_rebuttal_to__questions_that_the_quranites_have_no_good_logical_responses_to]
- Refuting The Argument That The Qur'an Was The Only Revelation That The Prophet Received From Allah[http://www.call-to-monotheism.com/counter_rebuttal_to_a_rebuttal_to__questions_that_the_quranites_have_no_good_logical_responses_to]
Are those that reject the Ahadith of our beloved Messenger s.a.w kafir's?
The answer quite simply put is a big 'YES'.
The answer is also quite simple. The sources through which we have received the Quran, the methods employed for it's preservation is the same as that for the Ahadith.
In other words, if one rejects Ahadith, then that person has doubted the reliability of the sources through which the Quran has reached us. So in effect, these people have now doubted the authenticity of the Quran. Anyone who places doubt upon the Quran is guilty of kufr (disbelief). They are thus classified as disbelievers (kafiroon).
Both the Quran and Ahadith, since they come through the same sources go hand in hand. It is purely illogical and irrational to accept one without accepting the other, or vice versa. Rejecting Ahadith is in effect the same as rejecting the Quran. Both Quran and Ahadith are inseperable.
One cannot say, 'I accept the Quran as authentic but i do not consider the sources through which it was preserved as reliable.' This is completely nonesensical.
So the people who reject Ahadith are now in a dilemma. They must now make a decision. Do they accept the Ahadith and along with it the Quran? Or do they reject the Ahadith and along with that, reject the Quran also?