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Allah gave us as our responsibility the role of kalifah in this world. The primary role of the kalifah is to fight against the influence of shaitan. This obligation has three parts; we are to perfect ourselves according to the Will of Allah, we are to perfect all society according to the Will of Allah, and we are to perfect the physical environment according to the Will of Allah. Right now the Muslim ummah is not fulfilling this obligation.

In Islam there are obligations upon the individual and there are obligations upon the ummah. Every Muslim is responsible for fulfilling his or her own individual obligations. Responsibilities upon the ummah are usually fulfilled by only those among the ummah who specifically take on that responsibility. If those within the ummah who take on the responsibility successfully fulfill that obligation then it fulfills the requirement for all members of the ummah. If an obligation upon the whole ummah is not being fulfilled by those within the ummah who take on the responsibility then that obligation falls upon every member of the ummah until the obligation is successfully fulfilled.

You must know deeply in your heart that the influence of western secular materialism is the influence of shaitan. Western secular materialism takes us from our prayers, takes us from our Islamic culture, takes us from our Islamic economic system, takes us from our Islamic educational system, takes us from our Islamic values, turns our minds from Allah, and robs our children of an Islamic future. Western secular materialism gives us a society of crime, violence, drug abuse, alcoholism, prostitution, pornography, homosexuality, exploitation of people and resources, and reduces life to a meaningless exercise in futility. Western secular materialism creates in the minds of our children atheistic thought, disrespect for parents and elders, hopelessness, disregard for knowledge, and love of a debased animalistic lifestyle focused on only the crudest pleasures of the flesh. Do you not know this is exactly what shaitan most desires?

Monday, February 9, 2009

The Final Crusade!!

The Final Crusade


Events post September 11 are no war on terrorism. They are a much wider Crusade against Islam and its targets are Muslims. Even a superficial analysis of events confirms this.
It simply cannot be the case that an alliance of some 40 of the most powerful nations with all their wealth, military might, intelligence and propaganda resources have mobilised against one man in a cave with a few hundred followers. Nor is such a force required to defeat a lightly armed militia force such as the Taliban.
This is the largest coalition since the Second World War. Such a mobilisation did not even take place initially against the might of the Nazi military machine. Yet, Osama Bin Laden has become a bigger threat to world peace than Hitler. Why?
President Bush has been provided with a budget of £40 billion dollars to fight this war. Add to this the intelligence, military and diplomatic resources of the other nations. Which army, government or system, are they fighting that requires such immense resources?
Laws have been introduced which are the most stringent and restrictive in the history of Western democracies. Political activity is to be restricted and support of liberation causes can now be classed as terrorism. Laws on internment in Britain and military tribunals in the US, will mean the indefinite detention without trial of suspects (leading to death sentences in the US).
Even at the height of the Cold War such resources were not mobilised against the Soviet Union and Communism. Who is all this aimed at? Clearly not neo Nazis, the BNP, Combat 18, the IRA, animal rights extremists, anti-globalisation protestors, or the peace movement.
Osama Bin Laden is guilty without trial, the Taliban guilty by association, the Mujahideen who fought the Soviet Union are all members of Al-Qaeda without evidence.
Somalia, Sudan, Iraq, Yemen, Chechnya, Kashmir and Hizbullah, Philippines, Indonesia, all linked to Bin Laden, without evidence. Who are the 1100 individuals arrested in the US and dozens in the United Kingdom?. To date only one individual has been charged (only recently) with the attacks on September 11.
All this without evidence, no need for a trial. Trials by media, accusation, and out of context statements are sufficient for Muslims. Just for good measure, abandon the rules of war and exterminate Muslim prisoners too, they're all guilty. And Mullah Omar must be brought to justice too (for defending his own land and demanding a fair trial for Bin Laden). All Muslims, doesn't really matter!
And which religion has been on trial in the media since September 11, not Christianity or Judaism, Hinduism or even secularism? How come every Muslim has been forced to defend their beliefs and faith since September 11? Unprecedented media debate and attacks on Islam, forcing us to defend Islam for supposedly sanctioning the attacks. Its as if all Muslims are guilty, so is our religion.
Which religion are politicians, statesman and royals trying to redefine? Sheikh Bin Blair tells Muslims they must abandon militant Islam and embrace a moderate Islam. After all they managed to redefine Islam under British India. Political Islam is unacceptable but political Christianity and political Judaism (Zionism) is acceptable. They accuse us of treason and demand oaths of allegiance, something they never demanded from anyone else, not even those die-hard communists.
Whose legitimate charities, organisations and banks, are being unlawfully seized to pay for this war, under the excuse of supporting terrorism, (without evidence of course)? Whose media and websites are being bombed and closed down to prevent the truth of events emerging? This, whilst Christian and international charities and organisations operate freely in Afghanistan and the Muslim world, many conducting their missionary activities under the guise of aid.
And if this was simply a war against terror why do the Western media boast about liberating Kabul, and rejoice and inflate stories of burka's being thrown off, beards being shaved? Why do they talk of imposing their values on the Muslim world? They went to rescue women from sharia, we are told. Mrs Blair joins the campaign for women 's rights. They champion the undefined rights of Muslim women, whilst denying them the most basic of all rights; the right to life, and food and shelter and freedom from the terror of B52 bombers and cluster bombs.
Which religion is being denounced for endorsing violence and terror? They want us to abandon our duty to defend ourselves through Jihad and tell us we should engage in the greater Jihad. Yet they have the right to defend themselves from attack. They have the right to vengeance against those who attacked them. When the Church of England General Synod declares the war against Afghanistan as justified, and the Zionist Israelis adhere to the principles of an eye for an eye based on the Old Testament, nobody associates violence with their religion.
Terrorism is now shorthand for Islam and Muslims. We are told the terror of the IRA and ETA and the armed Christian militias in the US are different kinds of terrorists. Only a fool couldn't work out that the difference is that they are not Muslims. When Muslims endorse the right to defend ourselves, and resistance from attack, and occupation, we are labelled terrorists (even though the Geneva Conventions distinguish between terrorism and resistance movements).
This is no war on terrorism. It is the beginnings of a Final Crusade against Islam and Muslims. The laws and plans, military and otherwise, being introduced, are preparations for a wider war (Afghanistan is just the beginning). All the targets are Muslim. Our crime is that our faith is Islam. For this crime no evidence is required.
We are all guilty. We will all be prosecuted, first the "extremists", then the "moderates", then the cultural Muslims, and finally those in name only. They will use one "type" of Muslim to weaken the other, Musharaf and the Northern Alliance against the Taliban, Arafat against Hamas, spiritual and missionary Muslims against Jihadis, Sufis against Wahhabis, Shia against Sunni, moderate Shias against the "mullahs" and so on. They will attack one Muslim country after the other. All this will go on whilst heads of Muslim states side with the Western Crusading Alliance, but not one Western State will side with the Muslims. By the time Muslims wake up to this reality, it will be too late to use their armed forces.
We are witnessing the beginning of the Final Crusade against Muslims. Its image is new, but its roots, aims and methods are the same as all the other Crusades, in the words of the Quran: "they will never be satisfied with you until you follow their form of religion". This is a war against 1.5 billion followers of the Islamic faith. A war the West believes it can win and Muslims are reluctant even to prepare for.
Jahangir Mohammed for
Jahangir Mohammed is the director of the Centre for Muslim Affairs in Manchester, England

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