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Allah gave us as our responsibility the role of kalifah in this world. The primary role of the kalifah is to fight against the influence of shaitan. This obligation has three parts; we are to perfect ourselves according to the Will of Allah, we are to perfect all society according to the Will of Allah, and we are to perfect the physical environment according to the Will of Allah. Right now the Muslim ummah is not fulfilling this obligation.

In Islam there are obligations upon the individual and there are obligations upon the ummah. Every Muslim is responsible for fulfilling his or her own individual obligations. Responsibilities upon the ummah are usually fulfilled by only those among the ummah who specifically take on that responsibility. If those within the ummah who take on the responsibility successfully fulfill that obligation then it fulfills the requirement for all members of the ummah. If an obligation upon the whole ummah is not being fulfilled by those within the ummah who take on the responsibility then that obligation falls upon every member of the ummah until the obligation is successfully fulfilled.

You must know deeply in your heart that the influence of western secular materialism is the influence of shaitan. Western secular materialism takes us from our prayers, takes us from our Islamic culture, takes us from our Islamic economic system, takes us from our Islamic educational system, takes us from our Islamic values, turns our minds from Allah, and robs our children of an Islamic future. Western secular materialism gives us a society of crime, violence, drug abuse, alcoholism, prostitution, pornography, homosexuality, exploitation of people and resources, and reduces life to a meaningless exercise in futility. Western secular materialism creates in the minds of our children atheistic thought, disrespect for parents and elders, hopelessness, disregard for knowledge, and love of a debased animalistic lifestyle focused on only the crudest pleasures of the flesh. Do you not know this is exactly what shaitan most desires?

Friday, December 31, 2010

Differring from the Non-Muslim Celebrations!!

Differring from the Non-Muslim Celebrations

The Eids are purely religious occasions for the Muslims. Furthermore, Eids are distinctive features for every nation. Allah says:

To every people we have appointed rites (of sacrifice) that they must observe.
[Noble Quran 22:67]

As discussed above, the Muslims have been warned by Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him) against following or imitating the non-Muslims in things that are characteristic of their religions or beliefs. This is more emphasized in the case of their Eids or holidays, which always hold religious or ideological non-Islamic meanings, and on which the kuffar indulge in many evil practices. Differing from them on such occasions includes the following:

Avoiding Their Days

The Muslims should completely avoid the kuffar's celebrations. This includes places where they perform their holiday practices, and indulging with them in such practices, such as:

* Christmas and New Year parties,
* Halloween trick-or-treat,
* Thanksgiving celebration and dinner,
* Fourth of July fireworks,
* First of April lies,
* birthday parties,etc.

Avoiding Their Ways On Their Days

The Muslims should avoid copying the kuffar's practices on such occasions, such as:

* setting up Christmas trees in the Muslims' houses or offices,
* inviting friends to a Turkey dinner on Thanksgiving day,
* purchasing or wearing Halloween costumes,
* holding birthday or anniversary parties for family members, etc.

Avoiding Congratulating Them

The Muslims should avoid congratulating the kuffar on their occasions. For, how could one bring oneself to congratulate them or wish them well because of their disobedience to Allah? One must refrain from expressions such as: happy Thanksgiving, happy birthday, happy New Year, etc. The only possible happiness is in true Iman!

In this regard, Sheikh Muhammad Bin Salih al-`Uthaymin said:

"Congratulating the kuffar with Christmas or other religious holidays is unanimously prohibited. Ibnul-Qayyim reported this in his book, 'Ahkamu Ahlith-Thummah'. He said:

'Offering congratulations to the kuffar for rites pertaining to kufr is something unanimously prohibited. Examples of this is to say to them, 'Blessed holidays', 'Happy holidays', and the likes. The one who says this, if he is not to be considered a kafir, is at least committing a great prohibition. His action is equivalent to congratulating them for prostrating themselves to the cross; it is a sin more serious and more hated by Allah than to drink alcohol, kill a human soul, practice adultery, or commit other sins in which those who disregard the Deen indulge themselves - without realizing the ugliness of what they do. Thus, anyone who congratulates a person for a sin, a bid`ah, or an act of disbelief, would expose himself to Allah's abhorrence and wrath.'

Congratulating the kuffar with their religious holidays is thus prohibited, as Ibnul-Qayyim notes, because it indicates an approval and acceptance of their rites of kufr. Even if a person does not accept this kufr for himself, he is still prohibited to accept any of the rites of kufr or congratulate others for them. The reason for this is that Allah does not accept that, as He says:

This day I have perfected your religion for you, have completed My favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.
[Noble Quran 5:3]

Congratulating them on these occasions is equally prohibited, whether or not they were colleagues at work.

Furthermore, if they congratulated us on their holidays, we may not respond to that (by congratulating them back), because these holidays are not our holidays, and are not permitted by Allah. They were either innovated by them, or were previously legislated (by Allah) but were later abrogated by the Islamic religion with which Allah sent Muhammad (peace be upon him) to all people; and He says:

He who seeks a religion other than Islam, it will not be accepted from him; and he is among the losers in the Hereafter.
[Noble Quran 3:85]

Also, it is prohibited for a Muslim to answer their invitation on such occasions. This is worse than to congratulate them on them, because it involves associating with them in the celebrations.

And it is prohibited for the Muslims to imitate the kuffar on these occasions by holding parties, exchanging gifts, distributing sweets or food, taking vacation, and so on. The Messenger (peace be upon him) said:

He who imitates a people is one of them.

Sheikhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said in 'Iqtida'us-Siratil-Mustaqeem':

'Resembling them in some of their holidays brings into their hearts assurance that their falsehoods are acceptable, and would sometimes lead them to take advantage of the situation and oppress the weak.'

Whoever does any of this would be sinning, regardless of whether he did it out of flattery, kindness, shyness, or other reasons. This action involves compromising Allah's Deen, and provides a means of strengthening the spirit of the disbelievers and their pride for their religion."

Avoiding Their Ways In The Islamic Celebrations

The Muslims should avoid celebrating the Islamic Eids in a way that copies the ways of the kuffar, such as:

* mingling between men and women, and shaking each others' hands,
* indulging in drinking, dancing, and other forms of sinning,
* improper clothing, etc.

Avoiding To Innovate New Days

Muslims should avoid initiating or encouraging innovated occasions or Eids in imitation to those of the kuffar, such as

* the day of the Earth,
* the day of US Muslims, etc.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

For the Sake of Calling to Islam!!

For the Sake of Calling to Islam

The Muslim ummah is vital, caring, and prolific. Its still retains its youthful vitality. With Allah’s help, it is able to compensate for the deficiencies that come over it in every age. Nations rise and fall. Personalities come and go. Great works, schemes, and projects fall to dust. However, the Muslim ummah remains.

The destiny of Islam is intrinsically tied to the destiny of the Muslim ummah. It is not tied to the destiny of any individual, group, organization, or country. Islam is greater than all of that. It is a mistake to tie the future of Islam – or of Islamic work – to the fate of some group or another. Likewise, it is wrong to regard the future of Islam in light of the contributions of a certain individual or to the continuation of some activity that we believe to be beneficial and productive.

No doubt, there are many contributions being made by many people that have a clearly positive effect in the advancement of Islamic work. However, all of these things are but means that are not irreplaceable. A person might die and the Muslim ummah will live on, and Allah may replace that person with even better people.

It is injurious for people to tie the future of Islamic work to any specific individual, no matter how highly people might hold him in their esteem. Every person is but a mortal human being with limited potential. He is prone to make mistakes as well as to be correct. He is subject to the influences that surround him, whether they be social, economic, political, or personal, and he cannot escape them. Many people clasp their hands over their hearts and fear that a certain beneficial door or pathway will become blocked, or that some orator will not be able to ascend the pulpit and speak, or that some writer not be able to write. We need to ask such people: What is it then? How many are the orators, writers, and Islamic workers that Allah has at His disposal. How many are the pathways to good that are at our disposal.

Surely, we should grieve when a door of opportunity is closed. However, it is wrong for us to think that the future of Islamic work is inexorably tied to it. No one can be blamed for being affected by the silencing of a voice or the absence of a true word that used to be spoken. However they will be blameworthy if they start to think that the future of Islamic work is ruined and that the means to carry it out have perished.

The Muslim ummah is something bountiful and fertile. If one voice becomes silent, there are a thousand voices behind it to take its place. If one orator dies, Allah will bring forth a thousand others like him.

By vesting our hopes in personalities, we place too much upon their shoulders and, whether we like it or not, we end up stifling a lot of potential for goodness that our ummah can bring forth. Who out there can carry the future of Islamic work upon his shoulders as if he is its living embodiment?

We do justice to consider each person in his natural place and keep our perspectives from becoming distorted. No one needs to be slighted or denied the credit that they and their contributions are due. At the same time, we should not elevate anyone above their true worth and expect from them what they are unable to deliver.

In times of weakness and decline, it is easy for people to seize upon anything near at hand that they find to be strong and then pin upon it all of their hopes. This is why we see many good people shrinking away from the public and electing to remain silent, simply because they cannot bear the burdens and that the people foist upon them because of their working for Islam. They cannot handle being put in such a position of absolute accountability.

Allah says:

“Every soul is held in pledge for what he earned.” [Sûrah al-Tûr:21 ]

“Every soul is held in pledge for what it earned.” [Sûrah al-Mudaththir:38 ]

“On the Day when every soul will come pleading for itself, and every soul will be repaid what it did, and they will not be wronged.” [Sûrah al-Nahl:111 ]

“And We have made every man's actions to cling to his own neck.” [Sûrah al-Isrâ’:13 ]

From what verse of the Qur’ân are some people today getting the idea that for a person to be something he has to be everything? Where do they get the idea that all responsibility should be foisted upon the shoulders of a few people so that everyone else can be relieved from carrying theirs?

The only difference between these people is that we have one who is doing his duty and another who is failing to do his. So may Allah reward the one who is fulfilling his duty and may He bless his work. However, the basic accountability upon both people is the same. It may be that those of us who are not mobilizing ourselves have greater natural talents and stronger personalities than those who are doing so. Why should we forget ourselves and bury our own talents? Why should we not ourselves assume what others have neglected or have failed to carry out in the fullest possible manner?

ZIKR [Remembrance for the sake of Allah]!!


(Remembrance for the sake of Allah)

1) Zikr keeps away the Satan and weakens his strength.

2) It is the cause of Almighty Allah's pleasure.

3) It relieves the mind of anxieties and worries.

4) It produces joy and happiness in the heart.

5) it strengthens the body and mind.

6) It brightens the face and heart.

7) It attracts one's susistence.

8) It invests with awe and sweetness the Zakirs so that the seeing eye is filled with awe and pleasure at his sight.

9) It induces love for Allah, which in fact is the spirit of Islam and the pivot of "Deen", and the source of success and salvation in the Hereafter. He who seeks access to the love of Almighty Allah should do
Zikr profusely. Just as reading and repetition is the door of knowledge, so Zikr of Allah is the gateway to His love.

10) Zikr involves Muraqaba (deep meditation), through which one reaches the stage of "Ehsan", wherein a person worships Almighty Allah as if he is actually seeing Him. (The attainment of this stage of Ehsaan is the ultimate objective of the Sufis).
11) It helps realization of Allah so that by and by a stage is reached when he comes to regard Almighty Allah as his sole Cherisher, Guardian and Master, and he turns unto Him, in all afflictions.

12) It is the key to nearness to Almighty Allah; the greater the Zikr, the greater the nearness to Allah, and greater the indifference to Zikr, the greater the distance from him.

13) It opens the door of Ma'arfat (realization)of Allah.

14) It makes one realize the greatness and grandueur pf Almighty Allah, and strenghthens the consciousness of His Omni presence.

15) Zikr of Allah causes one's mention in the Court of Allah, as said in the Holy Book.
(Remember Me, and I will remember you),and as stated in the Hadith (whosoever remembers Me in his heart, i remember him in My heart). it has already been explained under other verses and Ahadith that,even if there were no other good points in Zikr, except that mentioned above, this alone would have established its superiority over others. Nevertheless, there are many more virtues and benefits of Zikr.

16) It gives life to the heart. Hafiz Ibn Tamimia says that Zikr is as necessary for the herart as water for the fish. Imagine the condition of a fish out of water.

17) It is food for the heart and the soul; depriving them of Zikr is like depriving the body of its food.

18) It cleanses the heart of its rust. It has been mentioned in an earlier Hadith; everything rusts according to its nature; and heart ruts with wordly desires and indefference, to purify which Zikr is necessary.

19) It safeguards against pitfalls and lapses.

20) The heart of a neglectful person is tormented by a feeling of remotenes from Allah, and nothing other than Zikr can rid the heart of this feeling.

21) The words of Zikr keep on moving round the Arsh of Almighty Allah, as stated in a Hadith.

22) If one remembers Allah in hapiness, Almighty Allah remembers him in his afflictions.

23) It is a means to deliverance from Allah's punishment.

24) It causes Allah's peace and Mercy to descend while angels surrond the person engaged in Zikr.

25) It saves the tongue from indulging in backbiting, loose talk, lies and abuses. It is a common experience that a man whose tongue remains engaged in Zikr does not commit these absurdities. On the other hand the
tongue that is not used in Zikr falls an easy prey to all kinds of useless talk.

26) the gatherings of Zikr are gathering of angels, and gatherings without Zikr are gatherings of Satan. A person is free to have a choice between the two, and verily man, by instinct is drawn towards what is
akin to his temperament.

Mass Mind Control is Upon Us - It's Time to Awaken Your Consciousness!!

Mass Mind Control is Upon Us - It's Time to Awaken Your Consciousness

Nathan Janes

Many people may not realize that when they turn on the television in their home, what they see as a constant flow of images is actually flickering. Although we do not see this consciously, the repetitive pattern of flickering images creates a state that is similar to hypnosis in the television viewer. Studies by researcher Herbert Krugman have shown that within 30 seconds of television viewing, brain waves switch from predominantly beta waves, indicating alert and conscious attention, to predominantly alpha waves, indicating an unfocused, receptive lack of attention.

The brain's left hemisphere, which processes information logically and analytically, tunes out while the person is watching TV, while the right hemisphere of the brain, which processes information emotionally and non-critically, is allowed to function without hindrance. Due to this phenomenon, television transmits information, which is not actively thought about at the time of exposure, much like hypnosis. When viewing television, we do not consciously rationalize the information resonating within our unconscious depths at the time of transmission and the viewer becomes more open and suggestible.

Because of the passive, hypnosis-like viewing of television as well as its predominance in the homes of nearly all Americans, the television is one of the most powerful tools used today. As of 2009, six companies controlled all of the major media outlets in the United States. That is a very small number of people controlling all of the information that streams into millions of homes across America each day through their television sets.

In recent years, a number of investigations and exposes have revealed that these giants' silence independent voices and investigations, discourage journalism that interferes with the agendas of special interests, and eliminate diversity in the information they provide. Because of the control that these companies have over the information that most Americans receive on a daily basis, these criticisms and revelations are never known by most of the American public.

These media giants work hand and glove with the federal government as well as many multinational corporations to disseminate carefully planned messages. Through the television and other forms of media, they tell you what to think about, what to worry about, what to smile about, and what to be scared of. They have sold the public on the idea of the newscaster being an extension of the family, a trusted figure who encourages the acceptance of the information being presented as true and accurate. In 2008, the pentagon spent more than $2 billion compensating major media outlets for disseminating public relations messages.

These messages are delivered to the television viewer as news produced by the television station, not as paid and produced by the pentagon. In the same year, pharmaceutical companies paid television outlets more than $4 billion for advertising, which included Video News Releases (VNR), specially tailored pieces that appear within the nightly news disguised as researched and reported by the local stations. No other industrialized nation in the world allows drug ads on television let alone these cleverly disguised VNRs hidden within the news.

And yet while all this has been happening behind the scenes, the American public has been duped into staking all their trust in select major media outlets as they express brand loyalty in television stations, newspapers, and magazines. Many people have been tricked into believing that the mainstream media reports only objective news while any information delivered from outside the mainstream is to always be questioned. Somehow the public has bought into the idea that the TV wouldn't lie to them. Many people will not pay any regard to information that is not covered by the major media; if they did not hear about it on the nightly news then they simply don't care. This is the mindset that the major media moguls want us to have, as we are willfully ignorant and obedient to their every direction. Our unanalytical and loyal viewership is in their best interest.

Major media news networks continually bombard us with the possibility of an endless amount of scenarios, which produce fear and then shape our reactions to real situations. This is predictive programming; it gets us familiar with an idea so that when it happens we expect it and do not react and question. Although most people refer to television programming as the shows that are aired on television, it can also refer to the programming of the people that occurs on a daily basis. Most people believe they are just simply being entertained, but they never realize that their way of life is being shaped for them and their thoughts are actually being given to them. They are being familiarized with ideas, concepts, and fear so they won't question certain interventions in the future. TV gives us what messages must be imprinted in our minds, gives us what button to push in what sequence, and if it's done the right way with the right production and the right propaganda then the public will react and do exactly as they've been programmed to do.

When one continually controls the information, one controls the people absorbing the information. The manufactured and controlled information on TV can be referred to as the signal and that constant signal is what shapes and guides the masses to their conclusions. In order to take back our minds, we must first learn to "Unplug the Signal." By turning off your TV you will realize the world that you're living in is suddenly very unfamiliar to you. You will see that news of no importance is constantly debated and analyzed, and as you listen to the conversations of people around you, you realize they're talking robots just repeating what they've heard on the news. This is exactly what Zbigniew Brzezinski talked about in his book "Between Two Ages". He said, "Shortly, the public will be unable to reason or think for themselves. They'll only be able to parrot the information they've been given on the previous night's news."

Who Is The Real Terrorist?

Who is the real terrorist?

Who is the real terrorist?

Dr Ahmed Adam

The Human Rights Foundation condemns the unjustified war assault upon the poor, innocent and defenceless people in Afghanistan. This is an unjust war being waged by the strongest country in the world against the poorest country in the world. The US has contemptously rejected many appeals to prove their case against Osma Bin Laden in an independant international court. Surely the US has nothing to fear if its case is as watertight as it would lead us to believe? Or are the public concerns expressed by US officials about the "holes" in their evidence the main reason for the US to refuse this request. Is George Bush junior any different from his father who said "I will never apologise for the United States of America. I don"t care what the facts are" (George Bush (snr) ( "The Rogue State", William Blum)

The entire basis for the war is unproven allegations which rightly should have been submitted to an impartial independent court such as the International Court of Justice ( ICJ). It is interesting that the US and Israel are the two countries which have been most reluctant to give their support to the establishment of the International Criminal Court which could also have had jurisdiction.

The U.S. attack is not war but a reckless, emotional act of revenge under the banner of fighting for freedom and human rights. "US Policy, under the banners of freedom and human rights, has led to barbarous criminal acts" Institute for Policy Studies, Washington.

It must be remembered that the attack on the Twin Towers was not perpetrated by the government of Afghanistan. The attack was by alleged individuals. War is a state of hostilities between two countries. Instead of attacking the perpetrators for an alleged "war" on the U.S. ( which the Twin Towers attack was not ) the U.S. has declared war on the government and people of Afghanistan.

Afghanistan is so hopelessly outmatched by the superior military capability of the US that it is effectively a mass murder and a slaughter of the innocents. George Bush has said that he wants Osma Bin Laden "Dead or Alive"as in the days of the Wild West.

The U.S. attack on Afghanistan is not even a terrorist attack - it is worse. "Terrorist attacks" by "freedom fighters" are attacks by the weak designed to draw attention to a just cause and are usually resorted to by people who have exhausted all other means to draw attention to injustices and oppression. Our own history shows that the US and the apartheid regime in South Africa called the ANC a "terrorist organisation" while we called them "freedom fighters". The US has a perverted sense of values: It was the strongest ally of the former apartheid regime in SA and responsible for the arrest and imprisonment Nelson Mandela for 27 years as a result of the provision of intelligence by the CIA to the former apartheid government. The US voted against many resolutions at the United Nations which sought to impose sanctions against apartheid South Africa. This is the same US which claims to act in the interests of worldwide "freedom and democracy"

We must not lose sight of the important distinction between a "freedom fighter" and a "terrorist" or we will fall into the US propaganda trap of demonizing all people (as well as their "moral supporters" and the countries in which they live in and the religion they happen to follow) who have no other option but to use "terrorist activity" as a political weapon. The US has made it clear that it will not distinguish between the "terrorist" and the country that "harbours" a terrorist. What does this mean? It means that any country in which there are known "terrorists" (by the US definition of terrorist which conveniently excludes itself and its allies ) is a potential target for "anti-terrorist activity" The US conducts its own covert operations ( "US terrorist activity" ? ) by allocating a budget of $30 Billion for this purpose. We need to differentiate between "harbouring" a terrorist and the need to request proof of the guilt of a person before action is taken.

History will record the mass murder and terror in Afghanistan by the U.S. ( which CNN prefers to refer to as the "War on Terror" ) as a shameful event in the history of mankind. The due process of law has not been followed and the US has assigned to itself the role of judge, jury and executioner against an entire country. Once a court has found and convicted the true perpetrators of the attacks than the appropriate punishment should be meted out to the real perpetrators. Prior to this any act of aggression and death caused is illegal and is nothing less than the murder of innocent people.

The US is using sophisticated computer controlled gunships in an international posse of countries involved in a wild-west style manhunt to "smoke out" their prey, such passion unbecoming of a world leader purporting to believe in civilised values. What the US is doing in Afghanistan is a systematic campaign of terror on a far more concerted basis than what it accuses the terrorists of the September 11 attack. The difference is that they do not care if the accused is guilty; nor do they care how many innocent civilians they kill in achievieng their military, economic and strategic objectives in the region. An indication of the continuing callous attitude of the U.S. is the reponse of Colin Powel in respect of question posed to him on the number of Iraqi"s killed in the Gulf War when he said, "Its really not a number I"m terribly interested in" William Blum in "Rogue State" believes that if a list had to be compiled of Amercian leaders guilty of crimes against humanity, Colin Powel may be one of them. The deaths of civilians in this unjust war is referred to as "collateral damage" by the US.

According to UN reports the effect of the war has caused a humanitarian crisis potentially affecting between 4-7 million civilians who face not only starvation but the effects of exposure to icy cold weather without any form of heating and medical supplies. The US, in order to mute world condemnation and in an attempt to win over the suffering people resorts to the insulting use of scattering haphazardly food for 37 000 people when those starving are in excess of 4 million. Before the war, aid agencies at least ensured that all those who needed food received it. However the actions of the U.S. has disrupted supply of aid and misinformed the public of the true humanitarian impact of the war reflecting the dishonesty of the U.S. in claiming concern for the Afghanistan people.

The Mute Complicity of the Media

The atrocities committed by certain nations often receive only passing attention. The media attention to the Twin Towers attack was of course necessary. However what is to be condemned and exposed is the lack of any attention by the mainstream media to atrocities of a similar or far greater magnitute in the the past 10 - 20 years, significant of which is the horrendous bombing of Iraq which led to the death of over 1.5 million people over the next 10 years and to this day the strangulating economic sanctions imposed by the US and UN on Iraq are the cause of the painful and excruciating deaths of 5000 children every month. Do you know what the impact is on a mother to watch a child die a long excruciating painful death due to starvation?

Every month 5000 children die in this cruel, inhuman way and the world does not even take notice.

Are they any less worthy of our attention than the 5000 people who died on September the 11th?

Do you know the psychological impact of being in Afghanistan at present when every moment of the day is like playing a game of Russian Roulette? When you have no idea when the next bomb will "accidentally" miss its target and destroy your home? When you have nowhere to run because the borders are sealed? Besides an entire city in Afghanistan has no electricity and water as a result of the destruction of its infrastructure. This alone will cause countless deaths over the coming weeks. The refugee crisis is mounting and there are several hundred thousand refugees who have nowhere to go since all borders have been sealed.

"We will never see the smoke, and the fire, we never smell the blood, we never see the terror in the eyes of children, whose nightmares will now feature screaming missiles from unseen terrorists, known only as Americans" Martin Kelly (see Rogue State)

"It is a scandal in contemporary international law, that while "wanton destruction of towns , cities and villages " is a war crime of long standing , the bombing of cities from airplanes goes not only unpunished but virtually unaccused.

Air bombardment is state terrorism, the terrorism of the rich. It has burned up and blasted apart more innocents in the past six decades than have all the antistate terrorists who ever lived.

Something has benumbed our consciousness against this reality. In the United States we would not consider for the presidency a man who had once thrown a bomb into a crowded restaurant , but we are happy to elect a man who once dropped bombs from airplanes that destroyed not only restaurants but the buildings that surrounded them. I went to Iraq after the Gulf War and saw for myself what the bombs did ; "wanton destruction" is just the term for it."

-C.Douglas Lummis, political scientist. ( as quoted in "Rogue State", William Blum )


The Human Rights Foundation intends to inform the public about many issues which are not given prominence in the mainstream media. We indend to further inform people of the facts relating to the crisis which will enable people to make an informed decision. We need your support and help in this regard. You can assist in one or more of the following ways:

a) Assist to distribute information, newsletters and pamphlets in your local area to inform people about the true situation. Please call us if you wish to set up a local sub-chapter of an anti-war coalition in your area. ( Act Now to Stop War and End Racism - A.N.S.W.E.R )

b) Assist by supporting the collections for humanitarian aid to Afghanistan.

c) Participate in a "National Conference on Human Rights" in which various organizations will be asked to deliberate over a period of 2 days to prepare a comprehensive well formulated plan of action to assist towards ending what amounts to shameful atrocities against the innocent Afghan population.


The Book entitled "The War on Islam" by Enver Masud is a required read for any person who wishes to obtain facts about US foreign policy and actions of the US which you will not find on CNN or the mainstream news media. The Human Rights Foundation wishes to thank the author of the Book Enver Masud of the Wisdom Fund based in the USA for permission to print a special limited South African version of the latest edition of his book. His earlier version of this book is available in the U.S. for $ 18 plus shipping (Total of R 300 approx). We are pleased to announce that the Human Rights Foundation has secured the rights to publish this book which will be made available FREE in South Africa. We intend to publish 5000 copies of this book. Donations to defray the costs of printing the book and costs for these adverts would assist the Human Rights Foundation in continuing its activities which have until now been funded solely from our own private resources.

This book is also available in electronic format and the electronic version is also available free for non-commercial personal use. The web address at which this book can be downloaded is at

In this advert below we have publish key excerpts verbatim from the Book "War on Islam" to give the reader a good idea of the wealth of information contained in the book. The book will give answers to the following questions:

a) What is the track record of the United States in regard to respect for Human Rights?

b) Is this war being fought for the purpose of democracy and freedom or is there another motive?

c) Is the use of "secret evidence" by the United States acceptable in terms of the rights of the accused?

d) What is the record of Human Rights violations of the United States? Who is in fact the worlds worst violator of Human Rights and who can be called the Super Rogue state?

e) What are the real motives for US foreign policy?

f) What has been the US position on the formation of the International Criminal Court? Why is the US so concerned about the establishment of the ICC? Have any senior US officials ( past and present ) been found guilty of war crimes and who are these people?

g) What influence does Israel have on US policy?

The book "War on Islam" will give you answers to the above and many other questions. Please call us at

(012) 336-600 ext. 6425 if you wish to receive a free copy of the book "War on Islam" or if you wish to provide assistance in any way. We welcome any support in our struggle for world peace and justice for all.

Dr. M. Adam

Chairman - Human Rights Foundation

Non-Profit Organization , Section 21 co.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010



There is no better way to learn about Islam than to read the Holy Qur'an and to observe the practices of a devout Muslim. Unfortunately, the many stereotypes, misconceptions, and misrepresentations prevalent today serve as a great barrier that prevent non-Muslims from understanding the truth about Islam. Lack of access to an English translation of the Qur'an and, moreover, to a knowledgeable Muslim who represents Islam well may also be factors. Therefore, it is a hope that this pamphlet will assist those who desire to know exactly what the Qur'an teaches and how a practicing Muslim is supposed to act.

The Holy Qur'an, the revelation given to Prophet Muhammad almost 1400 years ago, is an instruction book for people of all times and all places as to how one can live their life correctly. It contains therein, among other things, the qualities that one should adopt in order to please the Creator and to obtain true peace on Earth. The ultimate result from a sincere striving towards such qualities would be the fulfillment of the human being's purpose in this life (submission to the One God) and the attainment of the reward in the next life (eternal Paradise!)

This brief work is meant to convey the moral standard by which the conscious Muslim lives his or her life according to. These moral teachings have been extrapolated from the Holy Qur'an, a book which Muslims believe is the final revelation of the Creator to His creation. Muslims use this book as a standard for correct faith and action because they have a firm belief that the Creator knows what is best for His creation. In the Holy Qur'an, God says, "Verily this Qur'an doth guide to that which is most right" (17:9). Muslims believe that only when humanity believes in the One God and sincerely follows the teachings of this divine book, will all the problems of the world then be solved.

"Do no evil nor mischief on the (face of the) earth." (2:60)

"Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong." (3:104)

"Do good to parents, kinsfolk, orphans, those in need, neighbors who are of kin, neighbors who are strangers, the companion by your side, the wayfarer (ye meet), and what your right hands possess." (4:36)

"[God] forbids all indecent deeds, and evil and rebellion: He instructs you, that ye may receive admonition." (16:90)

"Verily the most honored of you in the sight of God is (he who is) the most righteous of you." (49:13)

"Give of the good things which ye have (honorably) earned, and of the fruits of the earth which We have produced for you." (2:267)

"If ye disclose (acts of) charity, even so it is well, but if ye conceal them, and make them reach those (really) in need, that is best for you ." (2:271)

"By no means shall ye attain righteousness unless ye give (freely) of that which ye love." (3:92)

"Those saved from the covetousness of their own souls, they are the ones that achieve prosperity." (59:9)

"[Do not] expect, in giving, any increase (for thyself)!" (74:6)

"Eat of the good things that We have provided for you, and be grateful to God, if it is Him ye worship." (2:172)

"Show gratitude to Me and to thy parents: to Me is (thy final) Goal." (31:14)

"[God] liketh not ingratitude from His servants: if ye are grateful, He is pleased with you." (39:7)

"In no wise covet those things in which God hath bestowed His gifts more freely on some of you than on others: to men is allotted what they earn, and to women what they earn: but ask God of His bounty." (4:32)

"Call on your Lord with humility and in private: for God loveth not those who trespass beyond bounds." (7:55)

"Celebrate the praises of thy Lord, and be of those who prostrate themselves in adoration." (15:98)

"The servants of (God) Most Gracious are those who walk on the earth in humility, and when the ignorant address them, they say, 'Peace!'" (25:63)

"Exult not, for God loveth not those who exult (in riches)." (28:76)

"Swell not thy cheek (for pride) at men, nor walk in insolence through the earth; for God loveth not any arrogant boaster." (31:18)

"God loveth those who are kind." (5:13)

"Be kind to parents. Whether one or both of them attain old age in thy life, say not to them a word of contempt, nor repel them, but address them in terms of honor. And, out of kindness, lower to them the wing of humility, and say: 'My Lord! bestow on them Thy Mercy even as they cherished me in childhood.'" (17:23-24)

"We have enjoined on man (to be good) to his parents: in travail upon travail did his mother bear him, and in years twain was his weaning." (31:14)

"Treat not the orphan with harshness, nor repulse him who asks." (93:9-10)

"When a (courteous) greeting is offered you, meet it with a greeting still more courteous, or (at least) of equal courtesy. God takes careful account of all things." (4:86)

"Let not some men among you laugh at others: it may be that the (latter) are better than the (former): nor let some women laugh at others: it may be that the (latter) are better than the (former): nor defame nor be sarcastic to each other, nor call each other by (offensive) nicknames." (49:11)

"Eat of what is on earth, lawful and good; and do not follow the footsteps of the Satan, for he is to you an avowed enemy." (2:168)

"[God] loves those who keep themselves pure and clean." (2:222)

"When ye prepare for prayer, wash your faces, and your hands (and arms) to the elbows; Rub your heads (with water); and (wash) your feet to the ankles. If ye are in a state of ceremonial impurity, bathe your whole body... God doth not wish to place you in a difficulty, but to make you clean." (5:6)

"Say to My servants that they should (only) say those things that are best: for Satan doth sow dissensions among them." (17:53)

"[The believers] have been guided... to the purest of speeches." (22:24)

"Woe to every (kind of) scandal-monger and backbiter." (104:1)

"Say to the People of the Book and to those who are unlearned: 'Do ye (also) submit yourselves?' If they do, they are in right guidance, but if they turn back, thy duty is to convey the Message." (3:20)

"Enter not houses other than your own, until ye have asked permission and saluted those in them: that is best for you, in order that ye may heed (what is seemly). If ye find no one in the house, enter not until permission is given to you: if ye are asked to go back, go back: that makes for greater purity for yourselves." (24:27-28)

"Avoid suspicion as much (as possible): for suspicion in some cases is a sin: and spy not on each other, nor speak ill of each other behind their backs. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother?" (49:12)

"Invite (all) to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious." (16:125)

"Say: 'O People of the Book! come to common terms as between us and you: That we worship none but God; that we associate no partners with Him; that we erect not, from among ourselves, lords and patrons other than God.' If then they turn back, say ye: 'Bear witness that we (at least) are Muslims (bowing to God's Will).'" (3:64)

"If it had been thy Lord's Will, they would all have believed, all who are on earth! Wilt thou then compel mankind, against their will, to believe!" (10:99)

"Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to God, even as against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be (against) rich or poor: for God can best protect both. Follow not the lusts (of your hearts), lest ye swerve." (4:135)

"God loveth those who judge in equity." (5:42)

"Take not life, which God hath made sacred, except by way of justice and law." (6:151)

"If the debtor is in a difficulty, grant him time till it is easy for him to repay. But if ye remit it by way of charity, that is best for you if ye only knew." (2:280)

"We ordained therein for them: 'Life for life, eye for eye, nose or nose, ear for ear, tooth for tooth, and wounds equal for equal.' But if any one remits the retaliation by way of charity, it is an act of atonement for himself." (5:45)

"Overlook (any human faults) with gracious forgiveness." (15:85)

"Repel (Evil) with what is better: then will he between whom and thee was hatred become as it were thy friend and intimate!" (41:34)

"(It is) for those who believe and put their trust in their Lord... when they are angry even then forgive." (42:36-37)

"The recompense for an injury is an injury equal thereto (in degree): but if a person forgives and makes reconciliation, his reward is due from God: for (God) loveth not those who do wrong." (42:40)

"To those against whom war is made, permission is given (to fight), because they are wronged." (22:39)

"If any do help and defend themselves after a wrong (done) to them, against such there is no cause of blame." (42:41)

"(It is) for those who believe... when an oppressive wrong is inflicted on them, (are not cowed but) help and defend themselves." (42:36-39)

"How many of the Prophets fought (in God's way), and with them (fought) large bands of godly men? But they never lost heart if they met with disaster in God's way, nor did they weaken (in will) nor give in. And God loves those who are firm and steadfast." (3:146)

"Bear with patient constancy whatever betide thee; for this is firmness (of purpose) in (the conduct of) affairs." (31:17)

"Fear God, and make your utterance straight forward: That He may make your conduct whole and sound." (33:70-71)

"Here is a plain statement to men, a guidance and instruction to those who fear God. So lose not heart, nor fall into despair: For ye must gain mastery if ye are true in Faith." (3:138-139)

"What is with you must vanish: what is with God will endure. And We will certainly bestow, on those who patiently persevere, their reward according to the best of their actions." (16:96)

"Seek (God's) help with patient perseverance and prayer: It is indeed hard, except to those who are humble, who bear in mind the certainty that they are to meet their Lord, and that they are to return to Him." (2:45-46)

"Be sure we shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lives or the fruits (of your toil), but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere, who say, when afflicted with calamity: 'To God We belong, and to Him is our return'. They are those on whom
(descend) blessings from their Lord, and Mercy." (2:155-157)

"Pray for help from God, and (wait) in patience and constancy: for the earth is God's, to give as a heritage to such of His servants as He pleaseth; and the end is (best) for the righteous." (7:128)

"On no soul doth God place a burden greater than it can bear. It gets every good that it earns, and it suffers every ill that it earns." (2:286)

"Ye shall certainly be tried and tested in your possessions and in your personal selves; and ye shall certainly hear much that will grieve you, from those who received the Book before you and from those who worship partners besides God. But if ye persevere patiently, and guard against evil, then that will be of great resolution." (3:186)

"Bow down, prostrate yourselves, and adore your Lord; and do good; that ye may prosper. And strive in His cause as ye ought to strive, (with sincerity and under discipline)." (22:77-78)

"Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that ye may (learn) self-restraint." (2:183)

"[Do not follow] the lust (of thy heart), for it will mislead thee from the Path of God." (38:26)

"For such as had entertained the fear of standing before their Lord's (tribunal) and had restrained (their) soul from lower desires, their abode will be the Garden." (79:40-41)

"Fight in the cause of God those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for God loveth not transgressors." (2:190)

"Commit no excess: for God loveth not those given to excess." (5:87)

"And the servants of (God) Most Gracious are those who... when they spend, are not extravagant and not niggardly, but hold a just (balance) between those (extremes)." (25:63-67)

"Seek, with the (wealth) which God has bestowed on thee, the Home of the Hereafter, nor forget thy portion in this world: but do thou good, as God has been good to thee." (28:77)

"When ye deal with each other, in transactions involving future obligations in a fixed period of time, reduce them to writing... whether it be small or big; it is juster in the sight of God, more suitable as evidence, and more convenient to prevent doubts among yourselves." (2:282)

"If a wicked person comes to you with any news, ascertain the truth, lest ye harm people unwittingly, and afterwards become full of repentance for what ye have done." (49:6)

"Hold fast, all together, by the Rope which God (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves; and remember with gratitude God's favor on you; for ye were enemies and He joined your hearts in love, so that by His Grace, ye became brethren." (3:103)

"Eat not up your property among yourselves in vanities." (4:29)

"Waste not by excess: for God loveth not the wasters." (6:141)

"God will never change the grace which He hath bestowed on a people until they change what is in their (own) souls." (8:53)

"Woe to the worshippers... who (want but) to be seen." (107:4-6)

"Whoever recommends and helps a good cause becomes a partner therein: And whoever recommends and helps an evil cause, shares in its burden." (4:85)

"Fulfill (every) engagement, for (every) engagement will be inquired into (on the Day of Reckoning)." (17:34)

"If one of you deposits a thing on trust with another, let the trustee (faithfully) discharge his trust, and let him fear God." (2:283)

"God doth command you to render back your trusts to those to whom they are due." (4:58)

"Cover not Truth with falsehood, nor conceal the Truth when ye know (what it is)." (2:42)

"Take not your oaths, to practice deception between yourselves." (16:94)

"Truly many are the partners (in business) who wrong each other: Not so do those who believe and work deeds of righteousness, and how few are they?" (38:24)

"Woe to those that deal in fraud, - Those who, when they have to receive by measure from men, exact full measure, but when they have to give by measure or weight to men, give less than due." (83:1-3)

"Seek ye the forgiveness of your Lord, and turn to Him in repentance; that He may grant you enjoyment, good (and true), for a term appointed ." (11:3)

"Your Lord knoweth best what is in your hearts: If ye do deeds of righteousness, verily He is Most Forgiving to those who turn to Him again and again (in true penitence)." (17:25)

"Behold! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day, - there are indeed Signs for men of understanding, - Men who celebrate the praises of God, standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides, and contemplate the (wonders of) creation in the heavens and the earth, (with the thought): 'Our Lord! not for naught hast Thou created (all) this! Glory to Thee!'" (3:190-191)

"Establish regular prayer: for prayer restrains from shameful and evil deeds; and remembrance of God is the greatest (thing in life) without doubt." (29:45)

"True, there is for thee by day prolonged occupation with ordinary duties: But keep in remembrance the name of thy Lord and devote thyself to Him whole-heartedly. (He is) Lord of the East and the West: there is no god but He: take Him therefore for (thy) Disposer of Affairs." (73:7-9)

Spreading Western Values By The Sword!!

Spreading Western Values By The Sword

Whenever western governments mention weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and Muslims in the same breath, the western media immediately breaks into wild frenzy warning its people that a catastrophic event of epic proportions is about to unfold. Old European fables of Muslims spreading Islam by the sword are reinvented to convey the impression that Muslims are extremely dangerous, highly irresponsible and pay scant regard to human life. Hence the mantra of disarming Muslim countries of WMD has become the rallying cry of the West directed against the Muslim world.

In some cases the arguments are extended to justify the West’s ongoing policy of regime change in Syria, Iran and perhaps Pakistan. However, a close study of Islamic rule in the past contradicts the popular western myth that Muslims are bloodthirsty people anxious to wipe out the rest of mankind in the name of Islam.

The same however, cannot be said about the West. The West, armed with its secular doctrine and materialistic world-view proceeded to exploit, plunder and colonise vast populations in order to control resources and maximise wealth.

In pursuit of these newfound riches the West succeeded in destroying civilisations such as the Incas, American Indians, Aztecs, and Aborigines. Those who survived colonisation were forcibly converted to Christianity, stripped of their heritage and sold into bondage to western companies. For the indigenous people of Africa, India, Asia, Middle East and others, the promises of freedom quickly evaporated and were replaced by colonial rule. Rather than show remorse towards such atrocities, the West could only gloat at its achievements.

Technologies such as cannons, pistols, steam engines, machine guns, aeroplanes, mustard gas. etc, only hastened the acquisition of colonies and the exploitation of its people. Resistance offered by the natives towards their colonial masters was met by brute force – often resulting in the destruction of entire communities. When the West was not destroying the natives they were too busy annihilating each other in a desperate bid to cling on to their precious colonies. World Wars I and II are prime examples of the destructive nature of western values.

This is a description of the Old World, where countries like England, France, and Germany built empires and accumulated immense wealth on the death and destruction of millions of innocent people. Is the New World (America leading the West) any different today?

Take the example of the New World and its relationship with Afghanistan and Iraq. Liberation has become occupation; democracy has given way to colonial rule, devastation is termed as precision bombing and the slaughter of innocent Muslims is described as collateral damage. Meanwhile, American and British oil companies are queuing up to exploit the oil wells of Iraq and transport the energy reserves of the Caspian Sea to Europe via Afghanistan.

The Islamic Khilafah in the past never treated mankind in such a barbaric fashion. Neither did the Khilafah spread Islam by force, nor destroy civilisations. When Islam spread to Egypt, many Coptic Christians did not embrace Islam, and today they still number approximately 7 million. Likewise, when India was opened up to Islam, the inhabitants were not coerced into accepting Islam. India today has a population of more than 750 million Hindus.

Compare this to extermination of Muslim and Jews in the courts of the Spanish Inquisitors during the much-coveted European renaissance. Those Jews that survived this Spanish holocaust, were warmly welcomed by the Ottoman Caliphate. In Islamic Spain they flourished and became important members of the Islamic society.

Today the world has more to fear from the destructive nature of western values than WMD in the hands of Muslims. In the past these values were enforced upon nations either through direct colonial rule or through tyrannical regimes loyal to the West. Presently, the greatest danger-facing mankind is the constant threat of the West imposing its values on the rest of the world through its own WMD.

Why the West is Terrorizing Muslims?

Why the West is Terrorizing Muslims?

December 12th, 2010

Mahboob A. Khawaja, Ph.D.

When the European forces invaded and colonized the vast Islamic world, there were no television and sounds and voices of reason to call them as “terrorists.” The colonization scheme of things was not outcome of the Western democratic values but ferocity of violence and killings of millions and millions of human lives for the Empires in the making. The European crusaders crossed the channels and unknown time zones to subjugate the much divided Muslims as part of their nationalism perception and values that Muslims were inferior to the European race and could be used as raw material to erect the new Empires. In an information age, knowledge–driven global culture of reason, ignorance is no longer a requisite to learn from the living history. History speaks of the Al-Andalusia Arab civilization as the longest advanced civilization lasting for eight centuries in Europe. Now, the Europeans identify themselves as civilized people but the effective date for the claim remains a mystery.

The previous Empires knew their geography and limits, but the newly articulated American Empire in its infancy, is challenging to the limits of the Laws of God and appears obsessed with “fear” of being replaced by the new emerging economically productive nations of Asia such as China, Japan and India and others. President George W. Bush invoked the “War on Terrorism” as a dictum of power, not reason and wisdom, to camouflage the prospective future with acts of barbarity and to dispel the notion of accountability in global affairs. Historically, people and nations pursuing this path of behavior have ended up in self-delusional and self-destruction.

The 9/11 attacks in the US were carried out by individuals and not inspired or supported by the religion of Islam or Muslims. Some hourly paid intellectuals turned guardian of the approved truth, allege that Islam breeds terrorism. The Western mass media complements the self crafted notion to poison the public perceptions and source of judgments against the Arabs and Muslims as “terrorists” making the treacherous claim as if Islam was at the threshold of the paradigm. The US Neo-Conservatives gang helped to rob the mankind of its human heritage. The perception of ‘radical Islam’ was invented and enhanced by the ‘fear’ of terrorism as if Arabs and Muslims were born in the eye of the storm and terrorism was an exclusive domain of the Islamic religious tenets.

Gwynne Dyer, the London based prominent writer (The International Terrorist Conspiracy”) points out that “Terrorism is a political technique, not an ideology and any group willing to use violence in pursuit of its political goals may resort to it.” He explains that “there are left-wing terrorists and right-wing terrorists; national terrorist and international terrorist; Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist and atheist terrorists. In theory, you could have a “war against terrorism”, but it would involve trying to kill everybody who uses this technique anywhere in the world. The United States is not trying to do that, so it is not fighting a “war against terror.” In reality, what the United States leadership is doing is fighting its own articulated war against the people and nations who had no animosity, nor did any perceive capability to threaten the US as a global power.

British author and producer Adam Curtis (The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of the Politics of Fear: BBC documentary challenging the American version of the “War on Terrorism”), spells out the myth with clarity: “international terrorism is a fantasy that has been exaggerated and distorted by politicians. It is a dark illusion that has spread unquestioned through governments around the world, the security services and the international media.” Remember, after the 9/11 attacks, the US official statements made no mention of involvement of the government or people of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Iran in the accused list of the 9/11 perpetrators. In 1997, many leading architects of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), did include the name of Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, PLO as selected targets to impose the American liberal democracy and throw out the authoritarian regimes.

It was a strategic stunt to inject the fear into people’s mind. Paul Craig Roberts, co-author of the Tyranny of Good Intentions, in his recent article
(“The High Price of American Gullibility”, ICH), makes a logical assertion: Bush’s rhetoric “you are with us or against us” is perfectly planned to influence the common masses. Emotional appeals to fear and to patriotism have led close to half of the population to accept unaccountable government in the name of “the war on terrorism.” What a contradiction it is that so many American have been convinced that safety lies in their sacrifice of their civil liberties and accountable government.” Obviously, human intelligence, emotions and perceptions, superficially turned antagonistic with compelling impulse of media propaganda strategies to view Arabs and Muslims as the qualified candidates for extreme militancy.

Truth is one and indivisible. When it comes to terrorism and the Arabs or Muslims, the North American and European mass media portrayals enforces two distinct order of truth - one for the general public and one reserved for the Muslims. In all human affairs, facts are considered to reach the conclusion. End cannot be assumed to play with the facts, nor based on dogmas to explain the facts of human life. Under the guise of the Anti-Terrorist legislation, America, Britain and Canada have misused the logic of power to arrest, defame and punish people of Arabian and Islamic origin who had no linkage to the terrorism myth. The strategy dictates that selected groups should be detained and tortured indefinitely, to drain out their moral, intellectual and creative energies, making them incapable to survive socially or professionally credible citizens of the country. Consequently, The public will view them as crazy and undesirable people to be counted as numbers and digits in economic terms, but not dignified human beings.

During the 2nd World War, America and Canada detained and imprisoned their own citizens of Japanese, German and Italian origins and sent thousands of them to internment camps. More than half a century later, both governments have offered apology to the innocent victims of the state terrorism. Are the Muslims expected to wait for another half a century to have their voices heard? Take the case of Maher Arar, an Engineer, Canadian citizen of Syrian origin, held up in NY terminal while in transit, arrested without charges, sent to Syria against his will, and imprisoned there for over one year, beaten and tortured. The Canadian intelligences agencies denied any knowledge and involvement in his ordeal. But during the Public Enquiry, reported in the news media, it turned out that they had participated and shared secret information about Maher Arar with the American authorities and probably a distinct role in his severe imprisonment. What was his fault? Why was he sent to Syria for the year-long cruel punishment? Ostensibly, he is an Arab, decent citizen of Canada with no criminal background. Was that the reason to persecute him?

Reflect on Dr. Rafil Dhafir – an internationally known reputable American medical doctor of Iraqi descent living in Syracuse, NY State, a world known humanitarian, dedicated to help the starving children, poor and destitute civilians affected by the war in Iraq. Why was he arrested and indicted politically to 22 years of imprisonment? Simply, because he was a Muslim doctor of high caliber, involved in much needed humanitarian aid work that nobody else could dare to undertake and to save the human lives while the American and British were bombing the civilian population. According to eyewitness reports, the authorities raided 89 local Muslim families at the time of Dr. Rafil’s house search. Contentious evidence was made available to prove his involvement in charity fundraising activities under the State legislation. It seems, law and justice failed miserably to consider the human affairs of the real world from a humanitarian perspective. Was that contrary to the dictum of the liberal democracy? Shocking, as it is to learn about Dr. Rafil Dhafir’s ordeal, who is a wonderful moral being – an institution of hope and human dignity, and highly respected for his humanitarian zeal in that region. Fair or foul, nobody could question the anti-terrorist laws. In public eyes, he is honorable medical doctor, doing best to his professional credibility and its criterion requirements.

Talk to Ms. Marziah Hashemi, an American Muslim widow with three kids residing in Colorado. In June 2004, the FBI agents and police raided her home during the early hours of the morning. Her kids were taken out of bed at gunpoint, house turned ups and down for suspected terrorist activities and questioned her on religious and political affiliations matters. On request, she was informed that the search warrant relate to tax issues. But she was asked about the 9/11 attacks, and if she had any contact with Al-Qaida organization. Her youngest son believed that police was going to shoot him while getting out of the bed. After months, the psychological scars remained fresh in the minds of her kids, who could not go out or attend the school. Could anybody reassure Marziah why she and her children were arrested against their will and their social lives endangered? As American citizens, were their rights, individual freedom and human dignity violated? The police was supposed to protect her and the kids, not violate their rights and victimize them.

Members of the Khawaja family in Canada were the first victims of the Anti-Terrorist Legislation in Canada. The parents worked diligently to raise educated and law-abiding children, well known for their moral and responsible upbringing and multicultural community-building work. On March 29, 2004, approximately, 60-70 military armed squad and police raided the family home, smashed the front doors, damaged the property like the US army killing pursuits in Iraq, and arrested the kids at gunpoint. The lady of the house was picked up from the grocery store, and two other kids were called out of the classrooms. While his house was under police raid, Dr. Khawaja was detained and imprisoned in Arabia at the formal request of the CSIS-RCMP, accusing him of involvement in “bomb-making and “terrorism” activities. It was all simultaneously dramatized across the globe in live media coverage arranged by the intelligence agencies. The documentary evidence clearly showed that he was arrested on the behest of the Government of Canada but the Minister responsible at the time, Ms. Anne McClellan denied any knowledge of it. The allegations were false extending cruel treatment to the family. The neighbors were outraged at the show of military force and its brutality and complained as if it was a military camp. No evidence was found at the premise to support the allegations of “bomb making” or “terrorism” activities. After almost five years in jail, Momin Khawaja, one of the captive was tried on terrorism charges but the court acquitted him of the focal charge of involvement in the UK bomb-making plot. On other charges, he was sentenced to 10.5 years and now the case is on appeal at the higher court. The Canadian news media never clarified to the public that Momin Khawaja was acquitted by the judge for lack of evidence in the UK bomb plot. The Canadian masses wonder, why the Muslims are being targeted as terrorists? Could the Canadian armed forces including the intelligence establishments, be under the direct control of the American General Petreaus-NORTHCOM and NORAD? According to Michael Ruppert (Crossing the Rubicon), if Canada does not comply with the American security agenda, could the Bush Administration seal the Canada-US borders? Some political observers suspect that Canada is making headways in its role for greater North American economic and political prosperity and to become a satellite of the Bush Administration.

In violation of civil liberties and under bogus accusations, Amnesty International regularly informs public that thousands of innocent people, mostly of Arab and Islamic origins, have been imprisoned in UK and America without legal trials. In numerous other raids and arrest of the Arabs and Muslims throughout North America and Western Europe, there appears to be a unified policy in force and collaborative action, setting a very dangerous precedent for further conflict and global disharmony, not societal reconciliation or peace-making. The police raids and arrests of innocent citizens do not bridge the civilization gaps; they instill mistrust and endanger the survivability of the human civilization. The anti-Terrorist Laws and police actions clearly formulate the anti-Muslim and anti-Islamic pattern of police behaviors, not normally applicable to other people or ethno-religious communities in the Western world. Why?

Divergent scenarios flourish to manifest lies and deception about the real aims of the “War on Terror.” When the Western leaders play with words, it is known and often acknowledged, but when the Muslim leaders offer ignorant excuses, they are masked under willful lies and deceptions without any accountability. Many Western scholars wonder, why leaders of the Muslim countries and the masses appear disinterested in the post 9/11 affairs when it had direct impacts on the entire Arab and Muslim world? Foremost reasons being that the Arabs and the Muslim countries in general, have no educated and responsible leadership to represent the masses and their interests. The West and its scheme of political subjugation institutionalized the neo-colonial authoritarianism. Arabs and Muslim societies are devoid of public institutions for thinking, change and policy development. There are various shadowy groups and organizations claiming to represent the Arab-Islamic interests in North America. In real world affairs, hardly anyone seems genuinely capable to deal with the issue of terrorism that directly confronts the Muslim living in North America and Europe. Many pretend to be the spokespersons of the Arabs and Muslims communities but they are aligned with the official establishments including the intelligence agencies, lacking credibility, often playing the role of informants rather than representing the Islamic concerns. Generally speaking, Muslims live in millions across North America and Western Europe but lack the political presence in any organized political party or interest group. In the given politics of wars, Muslims have no weight on the scale except digits and numbers. There are 57 or more, so-called Muslim countries member of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC), not one of them has genuine Muslim leadership, nor Islam as a system of life. When the Muslim Ummah (nation), looks for intellectual security, all authoritarian leaders operate under the dictates of Western masters, namely the American and British leaders. Islam is One and so should be the believing folks, but there is no unity of thought and actions across the Muslim world, a typically neo-colonial landscape governed by ignorant and intellectually bankrupt rulers, subservient to the West. For ages, the Arabs and Muslims masses continue to pray to Almighty God for change, reformation and democratically elected governments without public demonstrations. Strangely enough, they seemed eager to hold demonstrations for the symbolic “cartoon” controversy, but not for the real world problems affecting the lives and future of the common Muslims. For sure, there is no “terrorism” in thoughts and in words of the prayers and no Arabic- Islamic vocabulary exists of “extremism” or “terrorism” to reciprocate the Western accusations and mass media propaganda campaigns.

Would the American and British political leaders learn any lessons from the on-going wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? There are ample media reports that George w. Bush and Tony Blair have been identified as candidates for war crimes against humanity. Would the masses pursue the war crimes against these sadistic egoists? It remains to be seen at this a stage. John Laughland (“The Mask of Altruism Disguising a Colonial War: The Guardian: Aug 2, 2004), offers a real world perspective: “Just an old fashioned colonial war – the reality of killing and escalation of violence, disguised with the hypocritical mask of altruism. If Iraq has not taught us that, then we are incapable of ever learning anything.” Every beginning has its end. It is just that most transgressors do not know about it when they crossover the limits of the Laws of God. The Roman, Austro-Hungarian and British Empires collapsed after they violated the limits. Nazis claimed to run the world for thousands of years, but ended up in just 12 years after killing millions of human beings throughout the Western hemisphere. Fascism met resistance at its early stages. The beginning envisions the end. The USSR was defeated, the day it raided the destitute people of Afghanistan and disturbed the dead in graveyards with continuous bombing. The American and British surrendered the day international community learned about the Guatonomo Bay prisoners and photos of the Abu Ghraib Prison in Iraq. An estimated three million civilians have been killed by the American-British war in Iraq since March 2003. After the facts, the American and British apologists would put up the explanations that the soldiers had social and mental disorders. On the continuing daily massacres of the civilians and rapes of women in Iraq, Mike Whitney (“Crackdown in Ramadi”, 06/2006), shares a historical image visualized by Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar:

And let us bathe our hands in blood, up to the elbows
And besmear our words
Then we will walk forth, even to the market place.
And weaving our red weapons o’er our heads
Let us all cry “peace, freedom and liberty.”

According to Paul Craig Roberts, the neo-conservative policy claims: …evil terrorists attacked virtuous America. America is protecting itself by going to war and overthrowing regimes that sponsor or give shelter to terrorists, erecting in their place democracies loyal to America. In a rational context, the “War on Terrorism” has nothing to do with the alleged terrorists; it is a war to help Halliburton, Bectal and other corporations to capitalize their holds on the oil supplies and gas business. The then Defense Secretary Rumsfeld contracted Halliburton of Dick Cheney for 7 billion works to be done in Iraq before the invasion of March 2003. President Bush passed the Executive Order # 13303, giving complete immunity from criminal prosecution to the American oil companies dealing with the Iraqi oil management. Who is going to write the closing chapter of the history of the “War on Terrorism?” Is the history going to wait for the ceasation of the unilateral hostilities? Would the American-led war achieve its agenda priorities or meet the same destiny as it happened to the Roman, Nazis and the USSR Empires? Obviously, history will judge the nations by their actions, not by the claims of the leaders. Paul Craig Roberts (“The High Price of American Gullibility”), puts the answer in a nutshell:

“In National Socialist Germany, by the time propaganda lost its grip, Germans were in the hands of a police state. It was too late to take corrective measures. Not even the military could correct the disastrous policies of the executive. In the end, Germany was destroyed. Does a similar fate await Americans?”

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

DA'WAH (Presenting Islam to Non-Muslims):Some Useful Hints!!

DA'WAH (Presenting Islam to Non-Muslims):

Some Useful Hints

Da'wah, conveying the message of Islâm to non-Muslims, is an obligation upon Muslims. Allâh the Almighty commanded and guided us in the Qur’ân to perform da'wah (in a specific manner):

"Invite (call) to the way of your Rabb with wisdom and beautiful preaching and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious. " (Qur'an 16:125).

The 4 key words in this verse are "invite", "all", "wisdom", and "beautiful preaching". Many da'wah workers and organizations around the globe have successfully based their da'wah activities on this verse.

To them, to "invite" implies to gently pursue, attract, be polite, be friendly, be caring and understanding, amongst other things. We cannot, for example, "invite" a non-Muslim to listen to anything about Islâm, let alone study Islâm or become interested in it, by calling him Kafir, unclean, or other hurtful names. The Holy Prophet did not allow even the pagans (who, by the way, not only refused to follow the Prophet’s teaching, but dumped camel intestine on him, boycotted the Muslims for three years and killed his closest companions, amongst other things) to be lampooned in satirical poetry by, Hassan bin Thabit by saying "what about the fact that I have common descent with them?" (Bukhari, from Aisha)

We should follow the example of the Holy Prophet by not reviling others. In this way, we portray a highly civilized form of behavior, as demanded by Islâm, and therefore become the best advertisement for Islâm, which is exactly what a true da'ee should be. Muslims who give the religion a bad name and image by behaving in fanatical, violent, highly emotional, not receptive to reason, narrow minded, dogmatic and other un-Islâmic ways, do, unfortunately, make the work of the da'ee that is much more difficult. They simply reinforce the already negative image of Islâm in the world today.

Remember also the command from Allâh to the Prophets Moosa and Haroon, peace be upon them:

"Go both of you to the Pharaoh. Lo! He has sinned. Speak to him a gentle word, so that he may listen or feel fear." (The Qur'an 20:43 -44)

So even to the Pharaoh, who boiled people in cauldrons of oil, proclaimed himself God, etc., we are required to say a gentle word, let alone those less evil than him.

The next important word is "all". This means ALL, with no exceptions. Every non-Muslim is a potential Muslim how so bad or anti-Islâm he may seem to be. Remember Umar bin Khattab , Khalid bin Walid , before their conversion to Islâm, for example. Muslims should not be very choosy in who they are willing to interact with. There are at least three reasons for this:

I. It is better for us to explain Islâm to everyone, however hostile, hypocritical and cynical they may seem to be, rather than let them teach themselves and perpetuate the misconceptions, or worse, the distortions, misrepresentations, etc. By participating, we can at least make known to them the true Islâm. 'Waste of time', you say? See reason no. 2.

2. The objective of da'wah work is not to convert the non-Muslims, but simply to deliver the message of Islâm to them, in the best way we can, and that means with "wisdom and beautiful preaching". Acceptance or rejection is up to the individual concerned. The success of any da'wah activity is not in your hands. Only God has the power to give hidayah (guidance) to anybody or any people. Not even the Holy Prophet was given this power. Remember the case of his beloved uncle Abu Talib .

3. A Muslim da'ee who has tried to get the attention of non-Muslims (or for that matter, uninterested converts or born Muslims) will know how difficult it is to succeed. Certainly it is not as "easy" as carrying out da'wah only to Muslims who are already committed, e.g. those who regularly go to mosque, attend Islâmic talks, seminars, da'wah programmes etc., and whose attention are not difficult to obtain.

The next key words in verse, 16:125 are "wisdom" and "beautiful preaching". Let us consider them together, for the sake of brevity. They require that we prepare an effective strategy to make the invitation successful. One strategy that has been quite successful is reproduced here in the form of a set of guidelines:


AIM: To convey the message of Islâm, and to share one's love of Islâm.

The aim should NOT be to convert the non-Muslim, since the non-Muslim must make that decision of his own free will, with no pressure from others. Of course, if he chooses to accept Islâm, Alhamdulillah; and we will give every help he needs during and after his conversion. Our role is to help the person to discover himself, and to find a true direction or purpose in his life. Getting to know about Islâm is a spiritual journey for him, and he will receive help and guidance in it from Allâh ; our role is merely to assist him in whatever way we can in that journey.



1. Personal one to one approach is the method of choice. It brings the non-Muslim closer to Islâm. Before embarking upon conversation about Islâm, take time to get to know the person ¾ about him, his family, work etc. (but of course only as much as he seems willing to tell). Be a sincere friend to him. Be caring about his welfare. This is a practical demonstration of Islâm and to be oneself good Muslim is the best method of Da'wah. By getting to know him, you can also plan the most effective strategy and approach to tell him about Islâm. Every individual is different, and needs at approach to suit his own needs. Try to find out also how much he already knows about Islâm, and about any misconceptions, problems or doubts he has concerning Islâm. As to the problem how to begin the conversation, a sharp and dedicated da'ee will find an excuse to start the dialogue about Islâm. A suitable opening question might be: “How did you first come into contacts with Islâm?” Or "How did you hear about our Center? Or one can ask a question about some news involving Muslims and its background and turn the question around by asking if he/ she knows about Islâm and Muslims. Do this in a gentle, friendly manner ¾ don't let it seem like an interview, or ever worse, interrogation. Try to draw him out, let him do a lot of the talking, and help him to feel as relaxed as possible. Depending upon the situation, continue the discussion or promise some literature.

2. With the people you meet regularly, never spend too much time discussing Islâm. Islâm in small doses is digested better than in large doses. Never give books or the Qur'an right away. Always begin with small brochures then booklets. A copy of the Qur'an or full size books should be given only after they are requested repeatedly. Never give more than one book at a time and follow up if the person has read the book and asks questions.

3. Try to get to know something about the cultural background of the major groups of non-Muslims and converts. This will also help us to plan suitable approaches in our da'wah. Non-Muslims are not a uniform, homogenous entity. They are not similar in all places. Each is very different from the other, each may pose a very different challenge, each may require a different approach. Westerners, for instance, tend to question everything and are often quite skeptical ¾ one needs to explain things in detail, reason things out, to convince them. Asian non-Muslims are more likely to face problems with their families if/when they convert. The Chinese especially, fear losing their ethnic identity ¾ one must reassure them that, in accepting Islâm, they become Muslims and do not switch over to another ethnic group.

Be rational (not emotional), and be gentle in your approach, even if he is aggressive or emotional, or even insulting. Be respectful toward him. Allâh I has given each person a mind with which to think and a heart with which to feel, and he is entitled to his own opinions and feelings. Avoid being confrontational, and don't feel that it is a "battle" or contest which you must "win".

5. Don't be overzealous or overdo your da'wah. When you see from his face or body language that he is losing interest, stop conversation. You could ease the tension by suggesting you both have a cup of tea, or by introducing him to someone else at the Center. Remember that da'wah is a long process, and cannot be achieved in a single session, or even in a few sessions ¾ it demands consistent effort and a lot of patience.

6. Let him set the pace. For each individual, learning about Islâm is a very personal experience, and it is essential that he takes his own time to go through it. Do not set any time limits, but gently guide him step by step as he is ready. It is very important that he does not feel any pressure, as this will put him in the wrong frame of mind for learning about the joy and inner peace of Islâm.

7. Da'wah is an exchange of ideas and perceptions. Let it be a real conversation, not a monologue by the da'ee. Many non-Muslims despite having very little knowledge of Islâmic teachings, have ideas and beliefs which are very close to the Islâmic ones. They also often come with some stunning and insightful perceptions and comments, which are truly instructive for the da'ee.

8. If the target audience happens to be a group of more than five persons, the relationship may become a bit more impersonal, like giving a speech to a group. In such cases, questions should be invited after the lecture and some brochures may be distributed. Those group talks are the best which avail opportunity to the speaker of developing personal contacts with new persons.

9. In most cases debates have not been found to be suitable means of da'wah. Debates work on the principle of knocking out the opponent by exposing and attacking his perceived weaknesses. Debates could be quite entertaining to Muslims but a torture to the opponent group; torture never wins hearts. Quite often, a Muslim da'wah worker wins the debate but loses the debater, rendering the whole exercise futile.

10. Wide distribution of simple brochures and knocking, at the doors are another two methods of reaching out. The first is like throwing seeds from an airplane some will fall on rocks, some in lakes, some in desert and some in fertile lands and grow. While using this approach, it is important to ensure that brochures are simple and can be read within three to five minutes. These must carry address(es) and phone numbers of some Islâmic centers in the area. A Christian missionary organization has applied the 'knocking at the door approach with some success. In this case, every care should be taken to be very polite in seeking permission to enter the house and during the conversation. The meeting must conclude as soon you notice such an indication from the face or the body language of the hosts. The follow up visit should depend on the willingness of the hosts and at their convenience.


1. Aim to demonstrate the beauty of Islâm such as oneness of God and man's direct relationship with Him. Begin with the positive aspects.

2. As far as possible, stick to the main or central principles of Islâm. Try to avoid the less important (ikhtilafi) issues, e.g. Sunni-Shi'a issue; if the person brings up such things, give a brief answer, and then try to steer him back to the more basic principles, so that he will not see things in the wrong perspective. At the same time, if there is a particular aspect of Islâm ¾ or more likely mis-understanding of it ¾ which seriously bothers him, take time to discuss it and help clear his doubts.

3. Emphasize the universalism of Islâm (e.g., Allâh as the Universal God, the only One worthy of True Worship) ¾ the fact that Islâm is a reaffirmation and perfecting of the whole stream of Revelations from God since the time of Prophet Adam; it thus teaches many of the same values and principles that also occur in other major religions. It is not therefore, a totally different and separate religion without any relationship to existing religions. Do not criticize or insult any other religion. As far as possible, avoid comparing Islâm to other religions; just explain the teachings of Islâm itself.

4. It is often appropriate to present Islâm as a way to find the answer to contemporary social problems, which upset many people. Explain that Islâm covers all aspects of life, the social as well as individual, the material (worldly) as well as the intellectual and spiritual; its principles are broad, enabling their implementations to be flexible and dynamic and thus suitable to all times and conditions.

5. Tell the truth always. Try to equip yourself with as much knowledge as possible about Islâm. Don't ever guess; if you don't know, or are not sure, say so, and either refer him to someone who does know, or offer to find out for him (and really do so!) from a reliable source. Always have someone with better knowledge of Islâm available for referral whenever difficult questions arise. Never give video tapes of debates or those talks which appear offensive to them because such material does not open hearts and minds but the person will build defensive walls around himself rendering it impossible to penetrate.

6. Don't be apologetic about Islâm - Islâm with all its aspects, principles and practices, is a perfect religion, given to humanity by Allâh ¾ there is therefore nothing to hide, apologize for or be ashamed of. Don't be upset if anyone criticizes or rejects any aspects of Islâm. Our role is to explain Islâm as best as we can ¾ whether or not he accepts it, is not our responsibility, but is entirely in Allâh's hands.

7. Don't be afraid to accept criticisms ¾ often people judge Islâm by looking at Muslims, and of course many Muslims do not follow Islâmic teachings fully (or sometimes at all). We should admit such failings, and point out that the "fault" is due to people's own weakness, whereas Islâm itself is a perfectly suitable way of life for man and brings him the fullest satisfaction, happiness and peace if followed conscientiously. Do not attack personalities of other religions. This is very unproductive, and only invites the listener to retaliate with attacks on Muslims. For the convert, the da'ee should first build up the person's aqeedah, his acceptance for love of Islâm. Teaching of the ritual practices of Islâm should only come later.

We should aim to make every person feel a comfortable and "at home" as possible at our centers, which should be places where he can simply be himself, and enjoy the company of sincere Muslims, as well as learn about Islâm. He should not feel in any way "out of place".

Any Muslim with some elementary knowledge of Islâm can be a da'wah worker but his effectiveness will depend upon his maturity in approach. We should always be respectful and polite towards non-Muslims, however far from the path they may seem to us to be. We must remind ourselves constantly that each human being has been created by Allâh with the same potential to gain the highest level of consciousness of Him. Thus they might well eventually become far better Muslims than our selves.

Finally, Remember da'wah is a duty which each of us must discharge according to the best of our ability and to please Allâh . Don't be afraid! Although da'wah is quite a big responsibility, we must remember that we are not doing it alone. Allâh is always with us. He gives tremendous help to His servants who are sincere and humble in their wish to please Him.
