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Allah gave us as our responsibility the role of kalifah in this world. The primary role of the kalifah is to fight against the influence of shaitan. This obligation has three parts; we are to perfect ourselves according to the Will of Allah, we are to perfect all society according to the Will of Allah, and we are to perfect the physical environment according to the Will of Allah. Right now the Muslim ummah is not fulfilling this obligation.

In Islam there are obligations upon the individual and there are obligations upon the ummah. Every Muslim is responsible for fulfilling his or her own individual obligations. Responsibilities upon the ummah are usually fulfilled by only those among the ummah who specifically take on that responsibility. If those within the ummah who take on the responsibility successfully fulfill that obligation then it fulfills the requirement for all members of the ummah. If an obligation upon the whole ummah is not being fulfilled by those within the ummah who take on the responsibility then that obligation falls upon every member of the ummah until the obligation is successfully fulfilled.

You must know deeply in your heart that the influence of western secular materialism is the influence of shaitan. Western secular materialism takes us from our prayers, takes us from our Islamic culture, takes us from our Islamic economic system, takes us from our Islamic educational system, takes us from our Islamic values, turns our minds from Allah, and robs our children of an Islamic future. Western secular materialism gives us a society of crime, violence, drug abuse, alcoholism, prostitution, pornography, homosexuality, exploitation of people and resources, and reduces life to a meaningless exercise in futility. Western secular materialism creates in the minds of our children atheistic thought, disrespect for parents and elders, hopelessness, disregard for knowledge, and love of a debased animalistic lifestyle focused on only the crudest pleasures of the flesh. Do you not know this is exactly what shaitan most desires?

Friday, December 31, 2010

Differring from the Non-Muslim Celebrations!!

Differring from the Non-Muslim Celebrations

The Eids are purely religious occasions for the Muslims. Furthermore, Eids are distinctive features for every nation. Allah says:

To every people we have appointed rites (of sacrifice) that they must observe.
[Noble Quran 22:67]

As discussed above, the Muslims have been warned by Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him) against following or imitating the non-Muslims in things that are characteristic of their religions or beliefs. This is more emphasized in the case of their Eids or holidays, which always hold religious or ideological non-Islamic meanings, and on which the kuffar indulge in many evil practices. Differing from them on such occasions includes the following:

Avoiding Their Days

The Muslims should completely avoid the kuffar's celebrations. This includes places where they perform their holiday practices, and indulging with them in such practices, such as:

* Christmas and New Year parties,
* Halloween trick-or-treat,
* Thanksgiving celebration and dinner,
* Fourth of July fireworks,
* First of April lies,
* birthday parties,etc.

Avoiding Their Ways On Their Days

The Muslims should avoid copying the kuffar's practices on such occasions, such as:

* setting up Christmas trees in the Muslims' houses or offices,
* inviting friends to a Turkey dinner on Thanksgiving day,
* purchasing or wearing Halloween costumes,
* holding birthday or anniversary parties for family members, etc.

Avoiding Congratulating Them

The Muslims should avoid congratulating the kuffar on their occasions. For, how could one bring oneself to congratulate them or wish them well because of their disobedience to Allah? One must refrain from expressions such as: happy Thanksgiving, happy birthday, happy New Year, etc. The only possible happiness is in true Iman!

In this regard, Sheikh Muhammad Bin Salih al-`Uthaymin said:

"Congratulating the kuffar with Christmas or other religious holidays is unanimously prohibited. Ibnul-Qayyim reported this in his book, 'Ahkamu Ahlith-Thummah'. He said:

'Offering congratulations to the kuffar for rites pertaining to kufr is something unanimously prohibited. Examples of this is to say to them, 'Blessed holidays', 'Happy holidays', and the likes. The one who says this, if he is not to be considered a kafir, is at least committing a great prohibition. His action is equivalent to congratulating them for prostrating themselves to the cross; it is a sin more serious and more hated by Allah than to drink alcohol, kill a human soul, practice adultery, or commit other sins in which those who disregard the Deen indulge themselves - without realizing the ugliness of what they do. Thus, anyone who congratulates a person for a sin, a bid`ah, or an act of disbelief, would expose himself to Allah's abhorrence and wrath.'

Congratulating the kuffar with their religious holidays is thus prohibited, as Ibnul-Qayyim notes, because it indicates an approval and acceptance of their rites of kufr. Even if a person does not accept this kufr for himself, he is still prohibited to accept any of the rites of kufr or congratulate others for them. The reason for this is that Allah does not accept that, as He says:

This day I have perfected your religion for you, have completed My favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.
[Noble Quran 5:3]

Congratulating them on these occasions is equally prohibited, whether or not they were colleagues at work.

Furthermore, if they congratulated us on their holidays, we may not respond to that (by congratulating them back), because these holidays are not our holidays, and are not permitted by Allah. They were either innovated by them, or were previously legislated (by Allah) but were later abrogated by the Islamic religion with which Allah sent Muhammad (peace be upon him) to all people; and He says:

He who seeks a religion other than Islam, it will not be accepted from him; and he is among the losers in the Hereafter.
[Noble Quran 3:85]

Also, it is prohibited for a Muslim to answer their invitation on such occasions. This is worse than to congratulate them on them, because it involves associating with them in the celebrations.

And it is prohibited for the Muslims to imitate the kuffar on these occasions by holding parties, exchanging gifts, distributing sweets or food, taking vacation, and so on. The Messenger (peace be upon him) said:

He who imitates a people is one of them.

Sheikhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said in 'Iqtida'us-Siratil-Mustaqeem':

'Resembling them in some of their holidays brings into their hearts assurance that their falsehoods are acceptable, and would sometimes lead them to take advantage of the situation and oppress the weak.'

Whoever does any of this would be sinning, regardless of whether he did it out of flattery, kindness, shyness, or other reasons. This action involves compromising Allah's Deen, and provides a means of strengthening the spirit of the disbelievers and their pride for their religion."

Avoiding Their Ways In The Islamic Celebrations

The Muslims should avoid celebrating the Islamic Eids in a way that copies the ways of the kuffar, such as:

* mingling between men and women, and shaking each others' hands,
* indulging in drinking, dancing, and other forms of sinning,
* improper clothing, etc.

Avoiding To Innovate New Days

Muslims should avoid initiating or encouraging innovated occasions or Eids in imitation to those of the kuffar, such as

* the day of the Earth,
* the day of US Muslims, etc.

1 comment:

  1. السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته
    الساده القائمون علي هذا العمل
    قد قمت بقرائه ما وضعتم علي هذه الصفحه والحمد لله اعتبر نفسي من المسلمين الجيدين وما قرأت هنا قد اثار تحفظي علي بعض النقاط ومنها تكرار كلمه الكفار وهذه كلمه لا يخفي علي سيادتكم معناها وهي الداله علي اناس لا دين لهم وهذا لا يمت للمسيحيه لانهم اناس ذوي مله كما قال رسول الله صلي الله علي وسلم ( من اذي ذميا فقد اذاني ) صدق الؤسول الكريم
    وما جاء ايضا من انه ليس من الداعي بدعو الحرام ان نشاركهم اعيادهم فهذا ليس صحيحا لانه من الرحمه ان نشاركهم اذا اردنا ان نشارك او ندعوا
    ادعوا سيادتكم الي الدعوه بالرحمه لكل الناس والاحترام لكي يحترموننا
    هم اناس خلقهم الله وانك لاتهدي من احببت ادعوا بالموعظه الحسنه والموده والرحمه
    فكم اثار تحفظ اناس هذا المقال الاذع من الاسلام
    وشكرا لكم
