The Civilizational Role of the Muslim Ummah in Tomorrow’s World
By Dr. Abdulaziz Othman Altwaïjri
[Director General, Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization]
Among the most crystal-clear realities well established by researchers who have studied the development of human communities is the fact that the past and the present of a nation form the solid nucleus of its future. The future, in fact, stems from collective human experiences, and the accumulation of the trials and tribulations throughout a nation’s history. In the various aspects of life, the future emerges as the fruit of civilization, passed down by successive generations in a continuous chain. In essence, there is continuity in civilization. Differences, however, arise according to the various missions that human communities uphold through the ages, and the sublime aims and honorable intentions each seeks through the course of history. The basis of this course is that the future of human communities depends, as it ascends into the future, on their present movement and variables, and takes their roots from the events and vicissitudes of the past.
This does not mean that the future is nothing but a true copy of the past, with its overall traits and distinguishing features, rather that the seeds of the future lie in both the past and the present. Moreover, the actual achievement of human beings in their lifetime, the effort they exert in change and growth, in development and transitions, are the essential element and cornerstone for shaping the future.
This is more apparent in nations that have a humanistic mission, those who take it upon themselves to build a human civilization and contribute to enriching life with progress and dignity.
The Muslim Ummah is singled out among all other nations to bear a message of faith and guidance to all people. It is the eternal message of Islam, which is good for all times and all places until the Day of Judgement. It is the message of eternal enlightenment and the call for the elevation and guidance of man, to lead him onto a straight path; that combines benevolence of worldly life and the life to come. It fulfills the longing of the soul and responds to the innate purity and goodness in us all.
The message of the Muslim Ummah is not disgraced when, at times in history, it has stumbled or gone astray. Whatever the setback is and wherever the nation ends up through its crises, it must be seen as merely a temporary stage. The truth that Almighty Allah has ordained for His creatures will always remain fixed and dignified, and there can never be an alternative to the path of Allah.
The Muslim Ummah is honored by a message of culture and faith, which has helped it withstand the test of time. It is a message, which has inspired the torches of enlightenment to shine eternally, even when every horizon seemed submerged in total darkness. Amidst the darkness, light soon takes precedence, clouds dissipate, and symptoms of a crisis disappear.
In its long history, the Muslim Ummah boasts many glorious events often marked by great perils. Some periods proved extremely difficult for the entire Islamic entity. Each stage in Islamic history had its hardships, which were a challenge to the endurance of the nation. Often, during such trying times, the gate to the future seemed bolted in the face of the Islamic world. But despair was never for long.
Perhaps the most recent example we have of the crises that confronted the Islamic world are the events of the nineteenth century - a relatively recent period compared to the long history of the nation - when most of the Islamic countries fell victim to European imperialism. Imperialism strongly corrupted the body of the Islamic world, humiliated the Muslims by destroying their will-power, and imposing on them different types of control that paralyzed the movement of the Islamic entity, and hit the nation to the core. Thereupon, the Islamic nation became enclosed upon itself, could not keep up with the progress of modernization and was detained from any form of advancement. Soon, however, the nation rose from this drudgery to heartily resume its mission in life, though to a degree which does not befit the loftiness, honor, and nobility of the message nor the human need for it.
Thus, the nation which has a heavenly message turns infirm and weak but does not expire; it declines but does not go astray. It is a strong nation because of its faith and it is capable, through the Islamic message it is entrusted with, to carry out its responsibility and accomplish what Allah has decreed, even when encumbered by the harshness of times. This is because challenge is part of its nature and perseverance is one of its traits. The Muslim Ummah is capable of challenging any hardship, crisis, or hindrance. It has preserved in confronting critical dilemmas and conspiracies with pride and integrity, will power and ability.
It is absurd to ignore the difficulties and obstacles that have accumulated in the Muslim world and the many challenges whose degree of severity varies from one country to another. Rather, it is one’s duty to acknowledge that the Islamic nation at this stage in its history is going through its most challenging test at all levels : socially, economically, scientifically, technologically, as well as educationally and culturally. However, despite the apparently impossible,the Muslim world is resisting boldly, preserving, and mustering up its strength for a cultural confrontation using every means possible. It is no exaggeration to consider the joint foundation of Islamic work as occupying the foremost role amongst the means to be employed by Muslims today.
The end of the nineteenth century saw an initiative taken towards an Islamic awakening in many Muslim countries. Among such initiatives were efforts made by enlightened minds to find a way out of the snare that Muslims had fallen into. These great thinkers came together as a single voice, unifying the Islamic powers and the efforts of the Muslim citizens. This was the first step towards rising and attaining freedom, as opposed to stooping and following the footsteps of others. This very approach was one of the signs of a sound awakening, one that not only goes back to the beginning of the fifteenth century- as some scholars suggest - but to early fourteenth century when the concept of Islamic solidarity, to join Islamic work within the framework of the Organization of the Islamic Conference. This was the contemporary stage of the concept of Islamic unity that reached a degree of maturity, completeness and soundness unknown in previous periods.
The dawn of the new age of the Muslim Ummah emerged through the establishment of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, built on the basis of firm Islamic integration, and Muslim brotherhood made permanently strong by Almighty Allah.
Through the message of Islam, and on the basis of the joint Islamic action that brings men together, mobilizes energies, and amasses resources, the Islamic nation can ascend towards the future. It can resume the performance of its cultural message, and accomplish the greatest task it is entrusted with, that which has been bestowed upon it by almighty Allah, when He made this nation stand as witness to all mankind. Allah has ordained that goodness remains in this nation until the Day of Resurrection. He has declared it the best nation to appear on earth, ruling with what is benevolent. Thus goodness, peace, reconciliation, progress, prosperity, and welfare will reign until the Almighty reclaims the universe and every creature upon it. Moreover, it is the nation that has prohibited every vice, including corruption, injustice, and aggression on man’s integrity and honor.
On such a deeply rooted foundation, the cultural role of the Muslim Ummah in its present, and its future is raised to the level of a message of guidance. It is not just a role to be performed, but a trust, a historical responsibility, a pledge and a covenant. It is an integral part of the faith to be rewarded by Allah, and it leads to paradise.
The Muslim Ummah is not like other nations that seek progress for its own sake, and pursue loftiness on earth to satisfy the call of instincts and desires. it is the call for humanity at large, the faith of all, and Allah’s message to all people. This requires that the Islamic nation prepare itself to bear the responsibility of a civilizing message, based on its attitude towards faith, culture and history, its belief in Allah, its trust in His support, and its honors and response to His call. The Muslim Ummah cannot undertake its mission unless it begins with itself, by amending the conditions of Muslims in all spheres, and spreading the spirit of fraternity, solidarity, mutual responsibility, and co-operation in the whole Islamic entity. First to be organized should be the process of reformation, construction and the overall revision of systems, methods, and work plans in all fields. These tasks should be undertaken so that fresh blood is pumped into the veins of Islamic society and public work, based on strong foundations and deeply rooted principles. This should be accomplished within the framework of joint Islamic efforts using the legal channels established by the Organization of the Islamic Conference.
Indeed, the cultural role of the Muslim Ummah is a sacred mission, a great trust, and, above all, a religious task. The Muslim Ummah has to ascend in order to undertake this mission, for the good of all mankind both in the present and in the future.
Humanity’s need for the message of Islam will grow in the future. The coming generations cannot be rescued from the serious threats which face them except by compliance with religious values, adherence to ethics, and being guided towards civilizing maturity and faith in Allah.
Today’s Muslim Ummah is afflicted in various ways. It can only improve its circumstances, enhance its means and regain power by guidance from the true principles of Islam. Islam as a way of life, leads to what is best in all affairs, and promotes every useful deed for man in his religion and his world. Such deeds are lasting, and help to fill the earth with goodness, according to Allah’s Will. These deeds represent the comprehensive benefit that is woven into the fabric of communities and serves all mankind. Through them, humanity can make great strides towards genuine progress, a progress which is balanced and integrated, not fake and contrived.
A profound understanding of the nature of human history and full awareness of the true nature of the variables that touch humanity enable us to perceive some of the future’s possibilities. Through our reliance on scientific insight, through induction, comparison cause and effect and assessing what is to succeed according to what preceded, we are able to realize that the foreseeable future will not be for the strong, but for those who are strong believers. They are the truly powerful ones, who combine the strength of science and economic capacities and faith in Allah that guides us to adherence to supreme values and highest principles, as well.
In the light of such civilized awareness, we perceive that the Muslim Ummah which conveys the message of faith and guidance, peace and harmony, equality and justice,has to complement essential elements to be able to resume its civilizing role in the world of tomorrow. Among these elements are the possession of power, the science and technology from which progress is made, the economic ability that causes life to flourish, and the material, intellectual and spiritual excellence to carry out the great duties of this elevated mission.
We strongly believe that the power of the Muslim Ummah is in its solidarity, co-operation and joint responsibility. Moreover, it lies in its ability to come together to achieve the aims set out in the charter of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, and in carrying out what the collective Islamic will has agreed upon, be it the resolutions, plans, or strategies for joint efforts. These strategies cover different fields: economy, commerce, industry, agriculture, culture, education, science and technology, and mass communications, as well as different sectors of collective projects that serve the supreme interests of the Muslim Ummah. The more the countries of the Islamic world proceed along the road of joint Islamic work, according to its rules and aims, the more the doors of great opportunity will open to the Islamic nation. Paths will be paved for them to perform their entrusted role in the world of tomorrow.
The future of the Muslim Ummah starts from today’s reality. Its features are defined by the present moment. If we are able to address our present problems wisely, by co-operation, solidarity, and out of Islamic brotherhood, the conditions which enable the construction of a civilized future will be facilitated. However, if the conditions of the Islamic world remain as they are today, without any changes or renewal, our attempts will fall short of our ambition. This will be a waste of effort, something that our generation will have to account for. Unlike any other time in history, a number of opportunities for promotion and advancement are, today, made available. Therefore, there is no excuse whatsoever for continuing in negligence, and remaining backward. The opportunity provided today for Islamic countries to embark on legitimately acquiring the terms of power, pride, and glory on earth is a historic one which should by no means be wasted.
Reinforcing the Islamic presence internationally is one of the most important requirements for attaining a civilizing role in the future. There is no other means of proving Islam’s presence and significance on the international stage, except through enhancing cultural, scientific, political, and economic systems in the Muslim entity. Weak and poor nations which lack power and self-confidence to compete with stronger nations will lack a secure place in today’s world, and will not have the ability to face other nations and countries in the world of tomorrow.
Perhaps one of the strongest reasons why the Islamic world should promote the standards of living in all its communities is the work done through the collective work of the Organization of the Islamic Conference. The Organization has huge potential, allowing for an exchange of interests and benefits, the realization of economic integration, social solidarity, cultural closeness, and common goals.
This is the only means whereby the Muslim Ummah may aspire to adapt to the innovations and variables of modern times. Co-operation is a necessary means to elevate a nation’s glory, a requirement for each and every Islamic state. To attain glory and properly carry out a civilizing role in the future, depends on the extent of commitment to the principles of joint efforts at the present time. It is not possible for one state to assume such a role single-handedly in the future, since it represents an enormous responsibility. Therefore, Allah has held the entire Islamic nation responsible and has made it a witness to His truth before all mankind. By being a witness, it has the civilizing leadership that comes from the strength of faith as well as intellectual, cultural and scientific power, economic ability and political authority that serve just causes.
A nation of modest abilities, that lacks effective and positive means can never rise to the level of leadership nor the level of being a witness. In fact, it is unable to play any effective role at any level.
First : In order to assume its civilizing mission in the future, in a way that corresponds to the loftiness of the message of faith and guidance, the Islamic nation has to depend on proper scientific methods in planning for the future, on different levels. There is no room here for working by only filling gaps, taking chances, fulfilling the needs of the time, and rescuing whatever is possible. Work must be accurate and based on science and with a comprehensive vision of the present and the future at the same time.
Second : Working within an integrated framework, within boundaries of teamwork and co-ordination, seeking advice, and exchanging experience, are the most beneficial means to reach desired objectives. The age in which we live and the future that awaits us hold considerable possibilities. It is illogical to work within confined boundaries, or with limited objectives.
Third: Remaining open to human experience, making use of its positive aspects and adopting methods that are effective, reliable and beneficial are some of the keys to great accomplishments for the good of humanity at large. The world is constantly becoming a smaller place, human experiences more common to all human beings. Civilization is but the accumulation of the creativity of people and their nations. It is the essence of human output throughout the ages. Therefore, the Islamic nation is obliged to make use of civilized human output, to interact with it, add and contribute to it.
In this context and through this comprehensive vision, we can say that the Islamic nation has laid down the overall rudiments for future Islamic work. It is associated with specialized institutions, with plans and strategies, as well as the channels, vessels and means that will allow for co-operation that is benevolent, beneficial and serves the best interests of the nation.
What is deficient in the Muslim Ummah today is the support of the joint Islamic institutions, the expertise of sincere scientists, and the lack of permanent and sufficient financial means. The nation also needs to enhance the sense of trust among people, to strengthen fraternal spirit and solidarity, and to mobilize abilities and resources for construction and advancement. Such steps will prepare the nation for the twenty-first century with better abilities, greater confidence, and more means to contribute to the guidance of human civilization. The spirit of harmony and understanding among different nations and peoples will prevail, using an effective dialogue between cultures and civilizations that will foster peaceful coexistence.
The challenges that confront the Muslim Ummah are daunting, and the hardships that obstruct the way of the Islamic world are numerous. However, the Islamic nation is capable, by the grace of the Almighty, to begin a new cycle of civilization during which it will prepare for its civilizing role in tomorrow’s world. The nation must first exploit all available resources and capacities and pool them in the right direction. This must be performed within the framework of Islamic solidarity, the spirit of Islamic fraternity, and for the sake of enhancing a distinguished and effective Islamic presence on the international stage. It should be done as a fulfillment of a holy obligation, entrusted to the nation by Almighty Allah and performed out of faith and desire to achieve noble human aims.
The civilizational role that can be undertaken by the Muslim Ummah in planning for tomorrow’s world starts in the present by adhering to the unfaltering path of Islam. Moreover, using eternal Islamic values as guidance, it must apply sound scientific methodology, in addition to learning valuable lessons from the history of civilization. In this manner, the Muslim Ummah can hope to truly enrich the human civilizational role entrusted to the nation starting from the self and spreading outwards. It is the product of the culture, civilization, and conviction that distinguish this nation, created as the best of all nations by Almighty Allah.
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