Islam: The Cure for Societal Ills
Dr. Ali Al-Timimi
Purdue University
Purdue, Indiana
All praise belongs to Allah and His blessings and peace be upon His messenger. Yesterday, I discussed in brief some aspects of the Islamic faith. I mentioned that we may say that the Islamic faith is based on two major principles: (1.) belief in God, or in Arabic Allah, and that this belief entails believing that God is perfect in His being and that only He is to be worshipped. Further that the greatest sin, which is the only unpardonable sin, is to worship others with God. (2.) the second principle in the Islamic faith is belief in the prophets and messengers and that the final messenger sent to all of humanity is Muhammad. Hence all who have lived from his time onwards it is incumbent upon each and everyone of them to believe in him and obey him in order that they may receive success in the hereafter.
Sharia: the law of Islam
Tonight, I will discuss the law of the Islamic religion and in particular how it is a cure for societal ills. Before entering into the topic, it is important that we understand that the Islamic religion is not merely a faith, in the sense merely some matters of belief and some morals. But also it has a complete law. This law is known in Arabic as ash-shari‘a, or in the English form the sharia. This law extends to all spheres of life: acts of worship, behavior, business dealings, family law, inheritance, criminal law, administration of justice, and politics to name a few topics.
Muslims believe that this sharia, which is found in the Qur’an and the statements of the Prophet Muhammad, is God’s revealed will. Muslims do not have as is with other religions a religious body, a priesthood if you may, that will make laws and then impose those laws on society in the name of God. Muslims rather follow what they find in the God’s scripture and the practice of the Prophet Muhammad. Yes there are scholars who study this law and teach it. But it is not acceptable for these scholars to invent their own laws and then attribute that to God. Every scholar’s teachings is fallible and is always tested against the God’s Book and the practice of the Prophet to see how much it is in accordance with that or how much it varies from that.
The second point I would like to make is that since Muslims believe that this law or sharia has come from God; they therefore hold it to be perfect having no fault in it whatsoever. This is apparent because God is perfect and thus whatever He decrees is perfection. Moreover God has created human beings; He therefore knows what is best for them. He has created humanity in the best form and He has provided humans with an instinct to know what is best for them like the animals. When we see animals, we recognize that every animal knows what it needs to do to continue its existence.
A bird will know for example that to eat a certain berry or avoid another because it is poisonous will result in its death. Who provide this knowledge to the birds to eat from one shrub and avoid another; it is God who created this bird. Likewise with human beings as God has created their bodies and made their bodies fulfill His physical laws also He has provided them with a law that governs their behavior. But since they have a choice or a free will; it is up to them to obey or disobey this law.
For this reason, we find a verse in Qur’an that asks:
Is it a judgment of jahiliya that they are seeking? And who is better than God for judgment to a people who have certainty (in their belief)? (The Qur’an 5:50)
Jahiliya is an Arabic word that means ignorance. It is used to describe the period that proceeded the sending of the Prophet Muhammad as this was a period of ignorance or jahiliya. Hence anything that is outside of the guidance that the Prophet Muhammad brought is therefore jahiliya or ignorance. So Allah is rebuking the pagans of Mecca for seeking the judgment of jahiliya as who could be better in judgment that God for a people who have true faith, Meaning those who believe that God has created them and has provided them what is best for them and that He is more knowledgeable as to what is best for them; than therefore His judgment as to how they should regulate their affairs is best for them.
Six aims of the sharia
Knowing that the sharia comprises a large body of laws covering all aspects of human existence, it nonetheless has six major aims. It is my hope to by laying out these six major aims of the sharia we will see how it provides a remedy for some societal problems. These six major aims have been deduced by the scholars in their study of the texts of the Qur’an, the Scripture of Islam, and the statements and actions of the Prophet.
Aim one: the preservation of religion
The sharia’s first aim is the preservation of religion. This might seem odd at first. Muslims believe that their faith is the only faith that can bring guidance in this world and success in the hereafter. So it follows that from the aims of the sharia is to preserve this faith and not allow anything to harm this faith. From this come the principle of the jihad that I will touch on tomorrow and the difference between jihad and what Muslims are accused falsely of terrorism and the Islamic position towards terrorism.
The point I would like to stress at this time is that the first aim of the sharia is the preservation of the Islamic religion. For this reason the Islamic faith calls for a public observance of the rules of the religion. For those of you who were following the events during Desert Storm you might of come across for instance of how there is a public observance of Islam in Saudi Arabia and that there is no real separation of state and practice of worship in the Islamic world. So therefore there is a public observance of prayer, a public observance of a code of dress, a public observance of behavior. All this is to prevent any harm of the faith itself. The reason why as I mentioned in yesterday’s lecture, Muslims believe we are told in the Qur’an that God has created us for a purpose. This purpose is to worship Him. Therefore since the purpose of our existence here on earth is to worship Him through obedience of God and His prophet. The society then needs to preserve this fundamental. It therefore does not tolerate anything that will harm this faith for which the purpose of humanity’s existence is to worship God by that faith.
Aim two: the preservation of life
Following the preservation of religion, the second aim of the sharia is the preservation of life. For this reason, the sanctity of life is expressed in a number of passages in the Qur’an and in the statements of the prophet Muhammad – sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. The sharia in seeking to preserve life forbids the taking of life except in very few well-defined cases. It also punishes those that take life outside of those cases. Allah says in the Qur’an:
For that cause We decreed for the Children of Israel that whosoever killeth a human being for other than manslaughter or corruption in the earth, it shall be as if he had killed all mankind, and whoso saveth the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind. (The Qur’an 5:32)
In this verse, God informs us that He decreed to the recipients of the Scripture before us, and, of course this ruling, extends to us[i], that to save a single life is equal to saving all of humanity. Likewise, to take a single life is as if one has killed all of humanity.
Also we know that female infanticide was among the practices of the pagan Arabs at the time of the sending of the prophet Muhammad. They would typically do this by burying the newly born girls alive. In a number of Qur’anic passages, we find that God sternly rebukes such a hideous practice. In among the earliest revelations, God tells us that on the Day of Judgment:
And when the girl-child that was buried alive is asked for what sin she was slain? (The Qur’an 81:8-9)
Meaning by this to show that her life was taken unjustly. For this reason, we find that Islam forbids abortion for just the merely ridding oneself of an unwanted pregnancy. It does permit abortion in certain restricted cases like if the mother’s life is in danger by bringing the fetus to term or a pregnancy resulting from rape or incest.
Likewise, the Prophet Muhammad – sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam – has said that it is forbidden to kill a Muslim except in three circumstances: (1.) as punishment for murder; (2.) adultery; or (3.) apostasy. These are the only times when a life may be taken. As for the first case, taking a life; the wisdom is obvious, for he has taken a life and as a result forfeited his own life. Islam does not allow murders to go on without a severe punishment as deterrence.
God also informs us in the Qur’an that this ruling was also proscribed in the previous Scriptures.
Lo! We did reveal the Torah, wherein is guidance and a light, by which the prophets who surrendered (unto Allah) judged the Jews, and the rabbis and the priests (judged) by such of Allah's Scripture as they were bidden to observe, and thereunto were they witnesses. So fear not mankind, but fear Me. And My revelations for a little gain. Whoso judgeth not by that which Allah hath revealed: such are disbelievers. And We prescribed for them therein: The life for the life, and the eye for the eye, and the nose for the nose, and the ear for the ear, and the tooth for the tooth, and for wounds retaliation. But whoso forgoeth it (in the way of charity) it shall be expiation for him. Whoso judgeth not by that which Allah hath revealed: such are wrong-doers. (The Qur’an 5:44-45)
However, at the same time the sharia does provide for the family of the murder victim to forgive the murderer if they so choose; or they except some financial reparation instead.
For this reason, we find in those Islamic societies, like Saudi Arabia, where the laws of the sharia are applied murder is almost unheard of. When it does it occur, the murderer is publicly executed and thereby providing a deterrence for future crimes. On the other hand, where there is no such law, like my hometown of Washington D.C., we find an unbelievable murder rate. Since 1988 there have been over 1,000 murders in the streets of Washington D.C; of those 1000 murders only one-fourth have been brought to court. One cause for this rampant killing is that there is no severe punishment for murder.
Aim three: the preservation of family and the continued propagation of the human species
The third aim of the sharia is the preservation of the family and the continued propagation of the human species. For this reason, Islam is strict in its prohibitions regarding illicit and homosexual intercourse. Islam does not consider sex to be something dirty or shameful. Rather Islam sees sex as something natural, pleasurable and beautiful. It encourages marriage.
However, Islam does not allow sexual relations outside of marriage, which will result in illegitimate children and the inevitable destruction of the family.
For this reason, Islam is severe with those who engage in sexual relations outside of marriage. Islam has set a punishment of lashing and a year’s banishment for fornication and stoning to death for adultery. This ruling applies to both men and women. The difference in the ruling is due to in the case of adultery, as there being a means (marriage) by which an individual may fulfill one’s desires.
Islam seeks to strengthen the family. And thus having a boyfriend or girlfriend or two unmarried people living together which is commonplace in today’s society is considered not to be something wrong although there are some individuals who might consider that morally offensive. But in general American society does not consider this wrong. However, Islam sees this as something wrong.
Since Islam sees that it is natural for two human beings to want to have sex with one another, it has provided these punishments as deterrents for the strong natural sexual urges when the shame of sin and fear of God’s punishment is not sufficient deterrent.
Likewise in order to preserve the family, Islam strongly emphasizes the rights of the parents. Throughout the Qur’an, the rights of parents are mentioned after God’s right of worship alone. In one passage of the Qur’an, we find:
Thy Lord hath decreed, that ye worship none save Him, and (that ye show) kindness to parents. If one of them or both of them attain old age with thee, say not “Fie” unto them nor repulse them, but speak unto them a gracious word. And lower unto them the wing of submission through mercy, and say: My Lord! Have mercy on them both as they did care for me when I was little. (The Qur’an 17:23-24)
Likewise, the Prophet Muhammad also has ordered and encouraged righteousness to one’s parents. In one statement, the Prophet says:
If anyone lives to see one or both of his parents attain old age ….
The purpose behind this is to keep the family as the family is the basis of any society. That is why we find in those segments of American society where there is a prevalence of illegitimate children; we find a lot of crime. This is of course a direct result of these children not being raised in functional families. Since these families have broken down, these children neither learn right from wrong so there is no problem for a young man then to “pop” his friend down the street.
Likewise if you look at the statistics regarding AIDS, I noticed in one of the local papers a headline that number one killer of men between the ages of 25 and 44 is now AIDS. On the other hand, we find the number of cases of AIDS in Muslim countries almost negligible. And most of the cases that have been reported have resulted from blood transfusions with tainted blood. This is to be expected, as illicit sex is almost unheard of in Muslims societies.
Additionally, Islam prevents the breakdown of the family by forbidding deviant sex by which I mean homosexuality or lesbianism. The punishment for male sodomy is death.
Aim four: the preservation of one’s repute
The next aim of the sharia is the preservation of one’s repute. Islam holds that the image of a person is of great importance. Therefore anything that results in the unjustified defamation of someone’s character is forbidden. So spreading of rumors, lying about someone, backbiting is all forbidden. Strongly prohibited is false accusation of someone of having illicit sex. God says:
And those who accuse honourable women but bring not four witnesses, scourge them (with) eighty stripes and never (afterward) accept their testimony – They indeed are evil-doers – Save those who afterward repent and make amends. (For such) lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. (The Qur’an 24:4-5)
So here anyone who accuses a woman and not able to provide four witnesses to the act is to be whipped eighty lashes for such slander and that person’s testimony will never be accepted again. This ruling applies to those who accuse men as well. Thus the public accusations of people which is rampant in Democratic societies where you have people who live on scandals and live on talk shows where so and so did so and like the National Enquirer and other examples of tabloid journalism. Society that thrives on smearing the reputes of individuals and people look forward to that and want to hear such things. This is all intolerable in an Islamic society.
As for those who accuse their wives but have no witnesses except themselves; let the testimony of one of them be four testimonies, (swearing) by Allah that he is of those who speak the truth; and yet a fifth, invoking the curse of Allah on him if he is of those who lie. And it shall avert the punishment from her if she bear witness before Allah four times that the thing he saith is indeed false, and a fifth (time) that the wrath of Allah be upon her if he speaketh truth. (The Qur’an 24:4-9)
Aim five: the preservation of one’s mind
The next aim of the sharia is the preservation of one’s mind. By mind, we mean a person’s ability and faculty to think and reason. For this reason, we find that the sharia forbids any intoxicant. In an Islamic society, both alcoholic drinks and drug use would be forbidden.
We believe that the greatest gift which God has bestowed on human beings and which distinguishes human beings from animals is the mind an the ability to think. It therefore does not permit anything that will damage the mind, like alcoholic drinks and drugs. The punishment for drunkenness is a lashing of forty stripes.
The punishment for drug selling and distribution is execution as it is considered to be part of the spread of corruption on earth. That is why in Saudi Arabia, as an example, they had a few years ago had drug problem. When the application of the drug distribution was introduced and some drug dealers were executed; this problem cam to an end as no one would gamble with his life for this trade.
As you can see in certain segments of society all the problems that come about from drinking alcohol. All the legislation that has been introduced against drunk drivers, establishment of organizations like MADD (Mothers against drunk drivers), designated drivers at events like the prom; alcoholic anonymous, drug rehabilitation programs, all these societal efforts to prevent people from destroying their mind. Islam cuts the problem from its root. There is no reason to establish any of this as there can be no consumption of alcohol or drugs in society initially.
As the mind is a gift from God, it is therefore impermissible to do anything which will damage or impair this gift; in the same way. It is forbidden for us to take our own lives in suicide.
Aim sixth: the preservation of one’s wealth
The final aim of the sharia is preservation of wealth. The preservation of wealth in that Islam forbids certain practices: gambling, usury (the taking and giving or interest), and extravagant spending. It is consider in a non-Muslim society, like the United States, that extravagance is something praiseworthy; we have the TV program called the lifestyles of the rich and famous. Showing how much money they can spend in building opulent homes. This type of lifestyle is presented as the ideal, which everyone should seek to emulate. This type of extravagance in Islam is forbidden. However, Islam at the same time encourages people to enjoy life. Allah tells us in the Qur’an:
And neglect not thy portion of the world. (28:77)
Islam makes a distinction between extravagance and opulence of lifestyle and between enjoying the pleasures of this world.
Likewise Islam shows a kindness to the poor. It is one of the five pillars of Islam, that every person must give two and one-half percent of his yearly savings (not yearly intake as some people understand) to the poor. This is to help alleviate the problems resulting from poverty in society. Likewise, Islam encourages in general the giving of voluntary charity outside of this required charity that is required upon every Muslim.
These are the six major aims of the sharia: (1.) preservation of religion; (2.) preservation of the sanctity of life; (3.) preservation of the family; (4.) preservation of a person’s character; (5.) preservation of mind; and (6.) preservation of wealth. All the various rulings of the sharia seek to fulfill these six aims.
Sharia in society
Obviously the value of the sharia in curing social ills only comes if people really believe it to be a Divine law coming from God. For those who do not believe it is a Divine law, do not believe that Muhammad was sent to mankind; for those who do not believe Islam is a true religion, but believe it to be a false religion. Hence anything that comes from it is of no value.
Likewise with regards to the application of the sharia is itself only useful when people desire to apply it. To force the sharia upon people through a “religious” police state would not have great worth. Unfortunately now in the Islamic world, for those of you who might of traveled or met someone from there; sharia law is no longer applied in most of the Islamic world as a result of the effects of colonialism by non-Muslim countries and apply secular law. They therefore suffer from the same problems, perhaps not to the same degree, as Western countries. These societies are plagued with one social problem following the other. No matter, how much government resources are spent to solve any social problem; we still do not find any success in solving any problem in the United States. All the problems seem to only worsen. And all the plans for instance in the 60’s or before that no plan has solved any problem.
This is because the foundation of the society is not based upon a basis that Allah has created them for. Even though the United States is probably in terms of non-Muslim societies the best society known to humanity in terms of its justice. Since the time of the Roman Emperors, Constantine who first adopted Christianity until now; there probably has not been a society in the West that has had the justice and the freedom and care for its citizens like the United States. But at the same time, the problems that plague the United States are insurmountable in my opinion because of the lack of the application of the sharia. Every good that is found in the United States comes from what they took from their Scriptures: the moral code that is found in the Bible this is the basis for that good. Once people disregard these teachings in their moral behavior because there is no public observance of a religious law. For this reason you can begin to see the collapse of society in the major cities.
[i] Al-Hasan al-Basri, a scholar of the second generation, was asked does this aya apply to us as did the children of Israel? He responded, “Yes by Him whom there is no god but He.” See ash-Shawkani, Fath al-Qadir, Vol. 2, p. 37.
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